When the declarant spoke, he said angrily: "Come here, take down this couple for me, **** them back to Xianyang, and obey the first emperor!!"

The king humiliates his ministers to death...

Zhou Ye's behavior of cuckolding the First Emperor in public has deeply touched this guy's heart.

Hearing the order of the decree official... Hundreds of Daqin cavalrymen rushed towards the escorting team where Princess Yu Shu was.

At this time, the Koryo soldiers who escorted the pro-team were also dumbfounded...

Should they stop Qin Jun? ?

From a psychological point of view, of course they wanted to stop Qin Jun.


The fact that a strange man appeared in Princess Yushu's carriage was too much...

At this moment, they were stunned on the spot.


Just at this moment... Suddenly I heard a Goryeo shouting: "Release the arrow!!"

With the sound of...

From the mountain ridge diagonally opposite the Qin army, a group of Koryo soldiers suddenly appeared...

Thousands of arrows were shot at the Qin cavalry who followed the orders of the emissary and went to capture Princess Yushu...

Just in the blink of an eye-

These more than a hundred cavalry died under the rain of arrows.

Chapter 1754

Chapter 1754


Meng Yi also reacted at this time.

Regardless of why Zhou Ye was in Princess Yushu's frame, the most important thing was to push back those Goryeo soldiers.

Following Meng Yi's order, the sergeants of Daqin - Li Shield, Heng Ge... looked like they were about to go to war.

And the Goryeo soldiers over there immediately responded with color...with a rain of arrows...

At this time, the team of sending relatives that was caught in front of the two armies was completely chaotic...

For a time, escape for life, escape for life...

Even the coachman in Princess Yushu's carriage jumped out of the car and fled.

On the contrary, Princess Yu Shu, who was nestled in Zhou Ye's arms, did not panic at all...

For her, who has long put her life and death aside, as long as she is with her lover, it is the same everywhere.

The chaos of the soldiers outside could not make her move at all...

And what about Zhou Ye?

It's more laid back...

While holding Yu Shu in his arms, he watched the battle between the Gaoli army and the Qin army...

To be honest, seeing the battle between the two sides, Zhou Ye had the urge to scold MMP.

The Qin army started out with the Qin crossbow, but there are no soldiers in the welcoming team with bows and crossbows? ? Instead, he was suppressed by the arrows of the Goryeo soldiers and couldn't raise his head? Is this Nima kidding me? ?

Are you sure this is the Qin army who killed the six kingdoms with bows and crossbows? ? You didn't come across from Europe to pit me, did you? ?

And the Goryeo army over there...

Where's your flint?

What about the burning boulders covered with unknown chemicals on top of the round boulders? Why is it gone? ?


Well, this may be because Meng Yi arrived at the border ahead of time, so these guys were afraid of being found by the Qin army, so it was too late to prepare! !


Since you were able to reach the border of Qin State ahead of time, why didn't you cut off the pro-going team on the way? ?


In fact, that General Goryeo and Meng Yi are the true love? ? Actually, that General Goryeo deliberately chose to cut Princess Yushu at this time in order to meet his lover General Meng Yi? ?

The more Zhou Ye looked at the scene outside, the more he wanted to complain...

His spit energy is almost full...

Just at this time……

What made Zhou Ye want to complain even more happened.

I saw—Meng Yi was riding alone, rushing towards Zhou Ye... and Gaoli also rushed out and rushed here.

The soldiers behind the two, the Ministry of Shield Formation, the Ministry of Shield Formation, then shot arrows and then shot arrows.

There is no sense that the boss of his own family has stepped forward, and they should also rush forward...


Zhou Ye can't help it anymore... "Damn, are you making trouble?? Do you really know how to fight?? Two idiots!!"

"Ye Lang? What's the matter??" Hearing her man's sudden words, Princess Yu Shu couldn't help sticking her little head out of Zhou Ye's arms... She asked curiously, "What makes you so angry? ?"

"I'm **** off by two guys with broken brains!!" Zhou Ye said, gently exerting force, making Yu Shu face out and sitting on his lap.

Then start sentence by sentence, explaining the things that make you want to complain.

Although Zhou Ye's words, many Yu Shu didn't know what was going on... But it didn't delay her, and it was interesting to hear her, and she burst into laughter.

Seeing Yu Shu's situation...

The Koryo General was dissatisfied at first... As soon as he used force, he pushed aside Meng Yi's long sword and rushed towards the carriage... While rushing, he shouted: "thief, quickly let go of Princess Yushu! !!"

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