Why did this attitude suddenly take a 360-degree turn? ? Are you actually taking the initiative to say no to yourself? ?

In fact…………

What to say?

There are both the effect of Zhou Ye's spiritual position, and the reason why Yu Shu's repression is too ruthless...

Let's just say...

A young girl, dressed in brocade and food, she has been spoiled since she was a child...

When she grew up, she originally thought that she would have a desirable marriage, but—in the end, she was used as a bargaining chip for a marriage and gave it to a man several decades older than her? ?

Even if this man is powerful in the world, even if this man is Emperor Qin...

For Yu Shu, it is by no means a good match...

Since she was a child, she didn't have much of a fishing net for power... On the contrary - what she longed for was freedom...

However, the thing that is most desired and out of reach of being born in an imperial family is freedom...

Especially when she was used as a bargaining chip for marriage and was married to Xianyang... The resentment in her heart had already accumulated to the limit.

At this time... Zhou Ye's arrival was like a flame of resistance ignited in her repressed heart... At this time, she couldn't care less...

What national justice...

what peace between the two countries...

She doesn't want to be suppressed any more at this time... This is why she is so crazy all of a sudden...

Don't die in silence, just explode in silence...

Zhou Ye, this spark, completely ignited the silent Princess Yushu...

Whoops—too far...

Zhou Ye was only confused for a moment, and then he understood Yu Shu's mind... This guy has never been a decent gentleman...

Although, he really wanted to tease this little girl little by little... watching her fall into his big hole little by little.

But——not eating when he was sent to the side...that's not his character.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye turned passive into active... Facing up to the challenge, he taught Yu Shu, a novice girl, how to better communicate with each other...

Under the leadership of the old driver Zhou Ye, Yu Shu could no longer hold back...

If it was said that she just wanted to give herself the last madness at the beginning... if she kept a little bit of bottom line, at this time... she could not help herself...

It's like a fire, it's easy to light... but when the flame burns, it's hard to put it out...

I don't know when, Yu Shu has already straddled Zhou Ye... Although the clothes are still intact, the two have entered a state of seamless connection...

At this moment, Yu Shu, like a swan with an arrow, stretched her jade neck straight, and with the only trace of clarity in her mind, she opened her little scorpion and bit her sleeve... to prevent her pain. Scream, summon soldiers from outside...

When the tearing pain gradually dissipated... Yu Shu's heart was full of mixed feelings - she didn't expect that she would actually do such a thing... But... Soon, she didn't have time to sigh... …

Because Zhou Ye started to exert his strength...

And the other side——

Meng Qiniang and Xiao Wei, who were in the all-terrain off-road vehicle at the top of the mountain, had already jumped to the front seat of the car...

No matter how interesting the dog blood series is, how can it be as interesting as their men picking up girls? ?

They were sitting in the off-road vehicle with the optical stealth device turned on, watching the welcoming team, slowly passing through the valley under their feet...

"Hey?? Didn't Ye Lang bow to that Princess Yushu, Bawang Shi??" Xiao Wei looked at the most luxurious carriage in the family, and said angrily, "I thought Ye Lang would It's more direct!!"

"Silly girl, who said Ye Lang didn't...??" Meng Qiniang smiled slightly, and gently slid her jade finger on Xiao Wei's eyelids...

Following Meng Qiniang's movements, a strange light flashed in Xiao Wei's eyes, and the scene in front of her was completely different from the previous one.

I saw-

The carriage carrying Princess Yu Shu was undulating regularly... And the driver who was sitting in the front of the carriage, driving the carriage, his eyes were sluggish... With a silly appearance, he had obviously lost his mind...

This is obviously because his man used some kind of blindfold... The whole carriage was covered, so that the team sending the relatives did not notice...

"Haha...Interesting and interesting..." Xiao Wei laughed instead of getting angry...

For her, she insisted on it for seven days before she was taken away by her own Ye Lang... And this Princess Yu Shu was taken away as soon as she met...

An indescribable sense of pride arises spontaneously...

Meng Qiniang looked at Xiao Wei's giggling look, and sighed silently... In her opinion, Xiao Wei was just laughing at a hundred paces... There was no difference at all...

However, if she is willing to be an ostrich, let her be an ostrich...

"Okay, we have to follow up!!" Meng Qiniang said, ordering: "Diaochan... Follow up!! Just hang behind them far away... Don't let them find our traces... "

"Just like you, mistress!!" Diaochan, the intelligent brain in the doomsday mecha, agreed, and turned on the autopilot mode... The team that sent relatives to the country of Goryeo chased after him.

Chapter 1753

Chapter 1753

There is always an end to the landscape...

Happy time is always short...

At least for Yushu...

These three days were the happiest three days in her life.

During these three days...

She and her lover spend the whole day in the carriage for the wedding, like glue... kiss me...

Every day, Yu Shu's favorite thing to do is to listen to his lover, Zhou Ye, talk about the places he has been to and the beautiful scenery he has seen...

In Zhou Ye's description, she seemed to have witnessed the magnificent scene above the sea, and saw the sea of ​​flowers blooming all over Manzhushahua for eight hundred miles...

Occasionally, she will also tell her lover about interesting things about her childhood...

The two often talked and talked, and couldn't help but... they rolled back together again.

In three days————

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