"Where is that Kunlun??" Zhou Ye asked softly as he sat in front of the bonfire.

"Isn't the **** from the middle and lower realms of Kunlun?" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the tribe's patriarch asked in surprise.

You must know that the power Zhou Ye showed just now was definitely a sign that the **** didn't run away... But why didn't this **** remember where Kunlun was? ?

"I've been fighting against all the monsters, and I have suffered some brain injuries, so... I can't remember the way back!!" Zhou Ye said lightly... At this time, he just had to use the amnesia stalk decisively.

It should be said, is it worthy of being the first human? That simple character is simply - more than Xu Sanduo...

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the patriarch named Yan knelt on the ground and said loudly, "Thank you, God, for removing those demons for me, thank you, thank God... woo woo..."

While talking, she actually cried.

"Cough cough... Okay, those are trivial matters, tell me... in which direction Kunlun is!!" Zhou Ye asked a little embarrassedly.

"Yes, God... Kunlun is on the coast of the East China Sea, where there is a giant pillar connecting the earth and Kunlun..." Yan wiped his tears, and then began to say everything he knew.

Don't ask why he would know.

As a clan created by God, their ancestral land is on the coast of the East China Sea, where there is a huge clan named Jiuli.

It is the hometown of all the original people...

It was only because there were more and more primitive people that they had to disperse into various small tribes and go to the land for food and life.

You know, the food in an area is always limited... If all the original people lived there, waiting for their result - only to starve to death.

However, they never forgot their hometown one day. When the war drum of the Jiuli tribe sounded, it was time for them to go home.

"Oh? The coast of the East China Sea??" Zhou Ye smiled... "Okay, then we'll leave!!"

"God...Does the **** dislike our clan's poor hospitality??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the patriarch paled in shock.

"No... It's not that I dislike your poor hospitality!!" Zhou Ye silently looked at the food placed in front of him... It can be said that it was very, very rich, the roasted black meat of unknown animals, and those who completely looked at the food. I can't figure out what kind of fruit it is...

These are nothing, and the most important thing is that Zhou Ye no longer has any appetite when he sees those **** hands that are serving things.

Just kidding...why do you have to aggrieve yourself to eat these things? ?

"It's just that I wait for the gods to not eat the fireworks of the world..." Zhou Ye said, stood up... and pulled Azshara's hand, "Then—we will leave now!!"

As Zhou Ye said that, he took Azshara directly, and left the place with a flash.

Don't blame Zhou Ye... Zhou Ye doesn't really have a habit of cleanliness, but... if you saw that **** hand, you probably wouldn't want to eat what they served.

"Honey, where are we going now??" Azshara asked curiously, blinking her big amber eyes.

"Haha... Let's start the most primitive wilderness journey!!" Zhou Ye said, directly holding Azshara and landing on a grassland about 100 kilometers away from the tribe.

Where is the best bit of the original world? ?

Of course I ate...

There is no such thing as wild protected animals here. You can eat what you want, as long as you have seasonings.

And Zhou Ye just doesn't lack anything...

beast? ?

What kind of beast can terrify a great magus and a super-thinking man with the heart of the universe? ?

Such beasts do not exist.

Zhou Ye simply took out a tent, found a place with excellent scenery, and settled down... It was getting late, and it was time to prepare dinner.

And what about Azshara? Of course she wasn't idle either...

Although it is said that as a queen, she is not very good at handling housework, but——she can help her man to do what she can do.

for example--

"Honey, are these ice cubes enough!!" Azshara came over with a wooden bucket full of ice cubes...

Zhou Ye smiled and looked at the ice cubes in the wooden bucket, "Enough!!"

While speaking, Zhou Ye took out a bottle of fine wine from the wristband, opened it, and put it into the ice bucket. "Wait a minute, after roasting the meat, you can drink it!!"

"Yeah!!" Azshara nodded with a smile, then sat beside his man, leaning against his man, watching him grill the prepared skewers on the bonfire.

Chapter 1708

Chapter 1708

Zhou Ye and Azshara's journey has stopped and gone...

Along the way, Azshara felt as if she had returned to the moment she first met her teacher.

What the two of them do every day is to hurry, play, taste all kinds of food, and then camp...

Neither of the two mentioned how the time was...

Instead, they dawdled one by one, as if wishing to dawdle on the road all the time.

Whether it's Zhou Ye's flight, teleportation or teleportation... all of them don't work.

And Azshara also completely forgot about his great magician's rushing magic.

Tired of walking, Zhou Ye let go of his Alt Karman and drove Azshara along the prairie.

I don't want to drive anymore, so I just found a place with beautiful scenery and settled down directly.

When they came across a place with a pleasant view, the two delayed for a while.

It only takes three months to walk normally, but Zhou Ye and Azshara have walked for nearly half a year.


After half a year————

"Is that the Pillar of Heaven??" Zhou Ye saw a giant pillar that stretched straight into the sky from a distance...

"It looks spectacular!!" Looking at this giant pillar, Azshara's eyes lit up... "My dear, when we go back, do you want to be on Kalimdor Continent? How about building a pillar like this??"

"Cough cough... I think it's better!!" Zhou Ye said while looking into the distance... "It's time for us to put on makeup!!"

"Yeah!!" Azshara didn't care what Zhou Ye said, she took out a piece of clothing made of animal skins directly from her storage space. "Come on, dear, I'll help you put it on!!"

"Yeah!!" Zhou Ye nodded, then waved his hand and took off his robe...

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