However, just when the figure of Little Loli had not completely disappeared on the platform, a large hand came over from behind her... grabbed her neck and collar.

Just like carrying a poor puppy, he picked her up...

Little Loli saw that her plan to run away went bankrupt... She sighed helplessly, then looked at the handsome young man in front of her and said, "Ye, you know..."

"What do you know??... Thousands of years ago, I let you go... It was because you were still young... So, I gave you time to think about it...!!" Zhou Ye said calmly, "Now What else do you want to say? Are you still young??"

"No...Actually you know...we are not suitable!!" Such old-fashioned words, uttered from the mouth of a little loli, seemed so ridiculous.

"Oh? Give me an inappropriate reason!!" Zhou Ye was not irritated by Little Lolita's words, but sat down with his legs cross-legged and placed Yu Long across from him by the way.

"Different races, how to fall in love!!" Little Loli said with a look of seeing through the world: "Even if you force me... In the end, it will only end in a tragedy!!"

"Different races??" Zhou Ye asked rhetorically...

"That's right!!" Little Loli blinked her big eyes and said cutely: "Look, I'm a pandaren now, and I know you don't like pandaren's bucket waists the most... So..."

"So you became a pandaren??" Zhou Ye smiled brighter.

"Uh—" Little Loli shrank her neck timidly, "Well..."

"Are you okay?? Give me back my original cute little loli..." Zhou Ye grabbed the little loli and put her in his arms, and then——Xiaoxin's mother's Profound Truth - Temple Drill Punch - Launched.

"Stop drilling... It hurts... I know I'm wrong... I know I'm wrong... Can't I change back??" Yu Long's little loli finally succumbed to Zhou Ye's profound meaning.

A burst of blue light flashed... A cute little loli from the human race appeared in front of Zhou Ye...

The heads of the two buns were tied behind her head, and they were dressed in a small green palace dress, which made the little loli's face that belonged to the beauty blank, which made it even more cute.

"You're very good... In order to avoid me, you actually went to Pandaria and became a **** of the four gods... Why don't you go to the troll's territory??" Zhou Ye's drill punched again.

"Ahhh...because trolls are so stinky..." Little Loli was whimpered by Zhou Ye... "It's still cute pandaren..."

"Why do you keep looking like a loli?? Huh??" Zhou Ye asked, but his hand kept...

"I...I don't want to be pursued by other pandaren...and...I hate bucket waists..."

"'ve passed the test at this point!!" Zhou Ye said, and put down his hand...Loli Yulong looked at Zhou Ye accusingly...with a look, "You're a big badass." , I don't want to talk to you].

"Come on, little Yulong, let me see how you grew up..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"do not want……"

"Good, if you let me see it, I'll give you your favorite jade crystal!"

"do not want……"

"If you don't show me...then I'll continue to drill and punch!!"

Under Zhou Ye's coercion and temptation... Yulong's little loli stood up helplessly... "I knew you were a big villain... that's why you came to me!!"

With a flash of brilliance... A slender girl with a beautiful face appeared in front of Zhou Ye...

Yulong, who grew up, is indeed a great beauty...

"My Yulong has grown up!!" Zhou Ye sighed and stood up... Gently rubbing Yulong's little loli's cheek with his hand, uh no, now it's time to say girl...

"Yeah, I've grown up!!" Yu Long couldn't help but sigh...

As if the day I met Zhou Ye was just yesterday...

That is - she is still a little green serpent baby, she doesn't know who her parents are, why she was born in this world, and she doesn't know how to survive in this world...

Just when she was facing this strange world and felt uneasy... He appeared in front of her, smiled and extended his big hand to her. "Little guy... do you want to go back with me and be my mount??"

Chapter 1699

Chapter 1699

Since that day...there is another person by her side...

That bad guy named Zhou Ye...

He would often play some very unscrupulous jokes with her.

However, he really hurts her...

He cooked food for her, described his world for her...

And she likes this life too.

Stay by his side... listen to his stories, eat the food he cooks...

Even when she changed shape for the first time, with his help, she transformed into a little loli of the same race as him.

That day, she saw him laughing and dancing crazily... She said that she succeeded, and finally made Qinglong, one of the four gods, transformed into a human appearance or something...

Although I don't quite understand what he means...

However, since he was happy, then she felt happy too.

However - happy days are always short.

Finally one day, he asked himself if he wanted to go home with him...

She agreed...

So, she was taken by him to a very high mountain.

On that mountain...she saw three very beautiful women, and a black panther...

That black panther is very powerful, at least more powerful than her... The three women are also very powerful... However, they are all very kind to her.

until one day--

She saw him bullying them... bullying them with her own stick, and bullying them to tears...

He still didn't let them go...

This made her a little scared... He who bullied women, she had never seen...

Even, one day, he told her that he would bully her like this in the future... and she would like him to bully her like this.

This scares her even more...

So—she ran away.

She fled the high mountain far away... to Pandaria.

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