Thinking of this, the man in black robe... uh, no, it should be Xavius.

Xavius ​​walked to the center of his magic circle... He said a spell in his mouth.

The troll ancestor spirit, who was bound in the center, felt that the entire magic circle seemed to draw his power... "No, what is this!!"

"For the advent of the great existence, give everything you have!!"

With the roar of Xavies, a portal with a height of dozens of meters opened...

At the other end of the portal, you can faintly see that it is a very desolate world.

Green fel energy flames are everywhere, and in the volcanoes that erupt from time to time, green fel energy magma is also spewed out...

"Very good, you did it!!"

An eredar demon with red skin and a height of dozens of meters said loudly from the other end of the portal: "Brutalus, take your demon soldiers, go through the portal, for our great Lord Sargeras, the leader, conquer that world!!"

"As you wish, my lord!!" As the voice sounded, an abyss lord with a ferocious face, a centaur shape, and four hooves walked towards this huge portal.

Chapter 1674

Chapter 1674

Xavius ​​looked excitedly at the creatures that appeared in the huge portal in front of him.

He is extremely ferocious, but he is also extremely powerful.

Brutalus struggled to move his huge body slowly through the portal...

No way, although the portal is dozens of meters high, it is still too small for him.

His body is a little too large.

However, just as Xavius ​​looked at Brutalus' body with excitement, he passed through the portal little by little.

The troll ancestor spirit, who had been bound in the magic circle and acted as the portal battery, suddenly became violent at this moment.

In his heart, a very strange emotion appeared inexplicably...

[For the sake of Azeroth, this evil creature must not be allowed to pass through the portal! 】

As this sentiment grows stronger...

The energy in the body of the troll ancestors has also become more and more violent...


"Trolls - never slaves!!"

With the roar of the troll ancestor spirit——

With a bang, the troll ancestor spirit exploded.

This great change - made Xavius ​​stunned.

When did trolls become so spineless?

A guy who makes his own people worship him after his death and makes himself an almost immortal existence like an ancestral spirit should be very afraid of death...isn't it? ?

Why, such a guy who is so afraid of death actually blew himself up? ?

You know, if it explodes, the troll ancestors will no longer have the possibility of resurrection.

Just when Xavius ​​was stunned...

Brutalus, who had just crossed halfway through the portal, was tragic.

A very inappropriate analogy...

If, when Sadako got out of the TV, it was a coincidence that the TV went out of power...

So what will happen to Sadako? ?

Ahem, the current situation of the abyss lord Brutalus is similar to that of Sadako when the TV is cut off.

The troll ancestral spirit, which exists as the battery of the entire teleportation array, suddenly blew itself up... Then the teleportation gate array will naturally have no energy source, no energy source... Then, the teleportation gate will naturally be closed.

Brutalus, who had just crossed halfway through the portal, saw this situation and hurriedly struggled towards the portal.



With the self-destruction of the troll ancestor spirit, the portal magic circle was closed...

Abyss Lord Brutalus, although his strength is very strong, but... he can't compete with space.


His body was completely cut off by the space.

Have you ever seen someone who was cut in half—

The person who was cut in half wouldn't be dead for a while, but—the wailing that resounded in his ears was enough to make everyone feel his pain.

At this time, the abyss lord Brutalus, just like the person who was cut in half, was only half-length, lying on the ground, making a painful wailing sound... That sound, really...

- harsh and unpleasant.

This piece of Xavius ​​has been stupid...

He looked at the abyss lord with only half of his body left in front of him, and at the green blood that kept coming out of his body... The whole person was sluggish.

He has a sense of frustration that the whole world has deserted him from time to time...

The queen she liked got married, and her application to go to the Well of Eternity was rejected, and now - after four or five years of planning, it was in vain...

This deep sense of frustration gave Xavius ​​the feeling that the whole world was against him...

While Xavius ​​was in a daze there...

What he didn't notice was-

Above his head, at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters...a figure was standing there, happily watching his failure.

"It's too early, this time is too early... The Burning Legion shouldn't come at this time, so-I feel sorry, Bu Fat, I can only aggrieve you!!" Although he said so, but his There was no sense of self-blame in his tone, but rather a feeling of schadenfreude.

Other than Zhou Ye, who knows a lot about World of Warcraft, who can call the abyss lord Brutalus chubby? ?

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