Half of the Ancestral Aman Empire fell into the hands of the Kaldorei Empire...

The head of the Amani tribe who escaped death, Gorner fled to the holy land of the Zul'Aman Empire, Zul'Aman.

Here, he denounced the Burning Branch clan's betrayal to the chiefs of all the tribes, and called on all the trolls to unite...to resist the long-eared invasion.

The trolls, of course, swore to agree.


When it came time to fight again, they dragged one by one and refused to send troops to aid the Amani tribe.

This is actually no wonder, it's all because the Amani tribe bullied other tribes a lot when they were strong... What kind of things like robbing hunting areas, they didn't do much.

Now—you're out of luck, you said we'd unite if we wanted to unite? ?

you think too much……

In this situation, the Kaldorei Empire drove all the way... and directly took down Zul'Aman, the holy land of the entire Zul'Aman Empire.

This time, it's like stabbing a hole...

All the troll races that were standing idly by, began to gather...

What is Zul'Aman to them? ? It is the place where the ancestors slept, the holy land of the troll empire, and the place that all trolls always yearn for.

It was occupied by the Kaldorei Empire, just as their ancestral graves were dug up by the Kaldorei Empire.

The Fire Tree Tribe, the Rotten Moss Tribe, the Evil Tooth Tribe, the Evil Branch Tribe, the Dead Wood Tribe... and so on, these originally ambiguous tribes were organized together.

They gathered hundreds of thousands of troll soldiers and surrounded the entire Zul Aman outside Zul Aman...

They clamored for the Kaldorei Empire to get out of their sanctuary...

However, the Kaldorei Empire army who occupied Zul'Aman didn't care at all.

Because—they firmly believe that under the leadership of the undefeated prince, they will win another victory.

Why is it called the Undefeated Prince? ?

Because—every time, their Highness Prince can always surprise them...

Who has seen the state magic of blessing the whole army? ?

Their prince can do it...

Every time, those stinking trolls sneak attack, who would have expected? ?

Their prince could have anticipated it, and prepared in advance to take a bite.

At this stage of the war, there should be a lot of casualties in the Kaldorei Empire, but in fact - the entire Kaldorei Empire suffered less than ten casualties in this war...

These less than ten casualties were still casualties caused by disobedience and how Zhou Ye let them do what they did.

It's just a miracle...

Be obedient, do what you do, and win...

These three simple phrases have almost become the motto of the entire Kaldorei army.

Even though the strength of the trolls outside is more than three times theirs, but... the soldiers who have absolute confidence in their own commanders don't care at all.

The kaldorei soldiers who were standing guard on the head of Zul'Aman City laughed while watching the troll tribal coalition in the distance.

"This time, a lot of meritorious deeds have come to the door!!"

"Yeah, I just hope they can hold on for a longer time, don't be like the Amani tribe, they were defeated as soon as they took on the battle!"

"Hehe... Who said no!!"

In fact, it's no wonder these kaldorei soldiers take their enemies so lightly.

After possessing magic, the big killer on the battlefield... the situation of war has long changed.

If it was said that in the past... the trolls could still drive the Aqirs back to the ground by relying on the large number of people, then now, they have encountered the Kaldorei Empire with magical abilities... The large number of people sometimes turns out to be the opposite. became a burden.

Just like before the artillery appeared—

Group charge is the constant tone on the battlefield...

But after the appearance of artillery and machine guns, the group charge became the group's death...

The pattern of war has changed dramatically at this moment.

Obviously, the trolls did not realize this change, they are still used to the previous combat mode...

And this time-

In Zul'Aman's palace...

Zhou Ye was looking at the pure gold masks on the walls of the palace with interest.

Zhou Ye had long lost interest in gold. What he was interested in was—the magic power attached to these masks...

Apparently, these masks are enshrined here...the masks used to be worn by the leaders of the troll generation.

"Dear...The Magician Legion is ready!!"

A tall figure walked behind Zhou Ye and said softly.

"Oh?" Zhou Ye smiled and turned his head to look. The person who came here to report back to him was none other than Elisande, Her Majesty's Magical Advisor, the Great Magister.

"How was the training result??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"Now they can adjust their magic frequency to match the others!!" The affection in Elisande's eyes almost drowned Zhou Ye.

In her opinion, someone who can come up with this kind of magic that gathers all the magicians and casts that kind of super-large magic that destroys the world is simply crazy...

Most importantly, he succeeded...

In fact, as one of the higher-ups of this army, Elisande was far less optimistic than the kaldorei soldiers standing on the walls...

Because, she knows what those soldiers don't know...

To retake their holy land—

Those trolls have awakened more than a dozen Loa gods by means of blood sacrifices...

That huge beast with a height of hundreds of meters is definitely a weapon of war...

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