In the Act, it is expressly stipulated that the word Quel'dorei will become the glory of the Empire.

Not all nobles are qualified to call themselves Quel'dorei. They must have made outstanding contributions to the empire in order to obtain the title of Quel'dorei.

As for what kind of contribution is an outstanding contribution? ?

This point, in the Quel'dore Act, also has a clear distinction.

Aspects of the Dorei Empire at stake...

For example, to solve the problem of people's livelihood? Plant improvements that solve the problem of feeding the people of the Kaldorei Empire are marked with very high contribution points.

Also, in a certain battle, winning the war or fighting the enemy bravely, even if it is the contribution points of killing an enemy, there are clear markings.

In short, this Quel'dorei Act covers all aspects of the Kaldorei Empire.

Whether it's art, war, people's livelihood or talents from all walks of life, the Quel'dorei Act can be said to have wiped out the elites of the entire Kaldorei Empire.

Of course, it doesn't mean that your contribution points are enough. If you become Quel'dorei, you will be Quel'dorei all your life.

Quel'Dore also has a strict review method, with a small review every five years and a major review every ten years.

To prevent some guys from lying on the credit book and eating their whole life.

Of course, being a Quel'dorei is not just an obligation without a corresponding benefit.

The Quel'dorei Act expressly stipulates that being a Quel'dorei has a variety of priorities, such as the right to study the Well of Eternity at close range, and the resources to enjoy certain research projects are skewed, such as being equal to a noble. , such as blah blah blah... and so on.

When this [Quel'dorei Act] was announced to the public, the entire Kaldorei Empire was shaken.

Some applauded for the Queen's wiseness, and some said sour words.

But in general, the applause is still the mainstream voice.

After all, anyone can see that this bill is a good policy for the benefit of the country and the people, and it also opens up channels for civilians to step into the upper echelons of the empire.

And those magic Quel'dorei, who thought they were superior, naturally disintegrated.

The self-proclaimed Quel'dorei is far less valuable than the Quel'dorei recognized by the Empire, and... these guys are all very proud. They believe that with their own abilities, they will definitely be able to win the title of Quel'dorei. ...

It's a pity that when they really act, they will know-how difficult it is to get this title.

A class struggle that has not yet begun and ended, has just vanished into nothingness.

While the entire Kaldorei Empire is arguing about this bill, what is the person who proposed this bill doing? ?

This guy is adjusting a certain little loli who came back to the royal city with him.

"Little Maiev, are you still used to being here??" Zhou Ye was sitting in the Elune Garden of the Moon Temple in Wangcheng, smiling at the cute little loli in front of him.

"Very good, the priests here are very good to me!!" Little Maiev said happily: "Thank you, my lord..."

"You're welcome, it should be me thanking you..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Thank me?? Why??" Little Maiev asked curiously.

"Thank you for letting me taste such a delicious stew!!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, little Maiev couldn't help laughing... She knew what the Highness in front of her meant... When entertaining this Highness, her mother was too excited, so she misplaced it. After trying a few seasonings, the stew that day was so bad that her mother was still annoyed by it. "My mother said, I invite you to come to my house next time when you are free, and you will never put the wrong seasoning again!!"

"Haha, if I have a chance, I'll go!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "How's your homework done recently??"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, little Maiev Shadowsong suddenly became a little nervous...

Compared with the Sisterhood of Elune in Suramar, the Moon Temple here is obviously more systematic and strict.

After all—Surama’s side has not yet been on the right track. The priestesses led by Dijana have to appease the believers and complete a certain task of Zhou Ye, and there is a serious shortage of manpower.

Moreover, Dijana also oversees the construction of the Elune Temple there, and almost her feet are not touching the ground.

That's why when Zhou Ye met Maiev for the first time, she would copy the scriptures there alone.

But the Moon Temple here in Wangcheng is different. The manpower here is more abundant, and—hundreds of years have passed, a complete set of processes for cultivating goddess priests has also been formed here.

Therefore, compared to Surama where the learning environment is more relaxed, the learning here is a little nervous...

Little Maiev, who just arrived, has not fully adapted to such a learning environment, so it is normal for some to fail to keep up.

"I-I think I'm a little stupid!!" Little Maiev said naively, "Obviously, the priests are teaching us very carefully, but I don't understand a little!!"

Speaking of this, little Maiev was about to cry...

She really felt that she was a little stupid, a simple mantra spell, she actually had to fail many times before she could cast it, and the effect was quite bad, far less powerful than the girls of the same period as her cast...

Looking at the frustrated face of Little Maiev, Zhou Ye smiled.

He gently picked up the little Loli and put it on his lap... Whispered and persuaded: "It doesn't matter, I believe that my little Maiev is the best, a momentary failure is nothing, then Just because little Maiev has not received such training before, you can definitely catch up with those little guys soon!"

"Really??" Little Maiev could no longer care about the distance between two people that was far beyond an ordinary elder and a child.

What's the most important thing for a little loli far away from home? ?

Having someone by her side, encouraging her, admiring her, accompanying her - that's what matters.

"Of course!!" Zhou Ye smiled and said to Maiev's little loli: "Because Maiev is the most potential priest candidate I have ever seen... I believe in you, you will definitely become a powerful Ailu in the future. Thanks to the high priest!!"

"Really??" Little Maiev heard Zhou Ye's words, and the frustration on her face was swept away... For her, Zhou Ye's approval was so important... It was he who brought her to Wangcheng Yes, she thinks she'll be upset if she lets him down.

Fortunately, he was not disappointed...

"Of course it's true!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "I'm still waiting for the day when my little Maiev can stand behind me and bless me in various states!!"

"Definitely!!" Maiev's little Loli smiled happily... Little Loli, who was in a happy mood again, began to tell Zhou Ye about her various encounters in the Moon Temple, and unknowingly, She told Zhou Ye everything she had said, even if it was the first time she came and couldn't find the toilet, she told Zhou Ye what happened to her...

And what about Zhou Ye? He also patiently listened to Maiev's little Lolita's words, and encouraged or ridiculed her from time to time, so that Maiev's little Lolita, who was not yet deeply involved in the world, was like a spring breeze.

In fact - according to Maiev's progress, she should enter a lower-level training center, but, under Zhou Ye's intention, she entered a higher-level training center. There are both reasons for Zhou Ye's belief in her potential, as well as Zhou Ye's intention to let her suffer some setbacks... After all—if there were no setbacks, how could he want to talk about it? Without talking, how could Zhou Ye become someone so special to her?

These methods, Zhou Ye had already used them for a long time...

Chapter 1655

Chapter 1655

The Kaldorei Empire, with the promulgation of the Quel'dorei Decree, grew stronger and stronger.

Whether it is people's livelihood or military, the Kaldorei Empire has developed by leaps and bounds.

Because of this, the mighty Kaldorei Empire has grown in size.

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