With Azshara's voice...

A beam of light shone down from the bright moon hanging high in the sky, enveloping Azshara in the beam of light.

"Elune is above... This is the blessing of the Moon God!!"

"Praise the moon god, is she as great as she also recognizes our new queen??"

Countless exclamations sounded in the crowd...

This beam of light allowed the entire palace, and even the entire city... to see Azshara on the high platform of the palace.


They saw that a golden and gorgeous crown, under the brilliance of the moon, slowly, little by little, appeared on the forehead of their queen from scratch. The center of the golden crown was exactly the moon. Silvermoon emblem of the **** Elune.

"This is Elune's miracle..."

"The moon **** is above... may you bless our light of light..."

The goddess of the moon, originally belonged to the belief of the entire night elves, and now—the new king they love, has been blessed by the goddess of the moon.

It's so exciting and happy for them.

It was as if they themselves had been recognized by the Moon Goddess.

At this time, Azshara, who was in the beam of light, was chatting with his sister, the goddess of the moon, through some unknown means.

"Little Azshara, are you really going to do this??" Elune's voice sounded directly in Azshara's mind.

"Yeah!!" Azshara still respects the beliefs of her own family... Of course, except when she was on the couch... She also helped her man to bully this great goddess together... "I have decided……!!"

"However, you should know that announcing this news is not good for your rule!!"

"It's nothing, it's better to expose more problems early than to let them accumulate together and eventually brew into an irresistible explosion!!"

"Okay...hope you're right!!"

While Azshara and Elune were communicating something...

The night elf people in the audience suddenly discovered something that terrified them.

I saw-

In the distant sky, a group of huge creatures flew over the entire bright starry sky.

They are huge, they have fangs and sharp teeth that can make people palpitate... They represent the most powerful creatures known to the entire night elves - dragons.

These giant dragons don't care at all about the riots on the ground caused by them...

Still waving his wings gracefully... flying towards their destination.

"Protect the Queen..."

"Protect the Queen!!"

"Everyone...raise their weapons..."

The guards of the palace raised their weapons without hesitation. Although they were a little afraid to face such a powerful creature, they still used their own flesh and blood to block the front of their queen.

"Let's all stand back, they are not enemies!!"

As Azshara's voice sounded, all the night elves in the royal city heard her voice.

Although facing these incomparably huge creatures, the night elf guards still had some precautions, but——they obeyed the words of their queen and put away their weapons.

at this time--

The two giant dragons, one red and one green, led by the dragon group, have already flown down...

As a dazzling magical light flashed, the night elves found that the two big dragons that made the elves desperate had disappeared, and in their place were two slender figures.

It was none other than the red dragon queen, Alexstrasza, and her younger sister, Ysera, the green dragon queen.

The two women smiled and walked towards Azshara.

And Azshara greeted her with a smile...

He hugged his two dragon elder sisters hard... "I'm so glad you can come to my enthronement ceremony!!"

Alexstrasza said with a smile: "You're welcome, who called us sisters??"

"Yes, we are sisters!!" Ysera also nodded.

"thank you all……"

All Azshara can do is thank you...

However, my sisters don't have to be too polite... Moreover, as the youngest sister in the family, Azshara can be said to be doted on by all the sisters.

At this point, even Zhou Ye was a little bit vinegary.

But... since it's my own woman, it doesn't matter.

And those night elves widened their eyes and stared at their Majesty the Queen chatting and laughing with the two giant dragons who looked like the leaders of the dragon clan.

They couldn't help pinching themselves hard, wanting to see if they were dreaming.

But——the severe pain that came from let them know...all of this is real, not an illusory dream.

Chapter 1638

Chapter 1638

In fact, it's no wonder they were so horrified.

You must know that the emergence of the giant dragon family has been recorded as early as when they were still dark trolls.

The troll family living at the foot of Mount Hyjal recorded every move of these terrifying creatures that they had observed in the most primitive troll writing.

you could put it that way--

Once, in the records of the Kaldorei clan, the giant dragon clan was the terrifying creature closest to God in this world.

They are noble - ignoring the existence of the troll clan.

They are powerful - in the eyes of the trolls, full of dangerous creatures, to them - like lambs to be slaughtered, allowing them to take whatever they want.

They are mysterious - they rarely appear in front of them, and only when they want to approach the holy mountain Hyjal will they come forward to stop them. At other times, you can hardly see them...

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