However - at this time -

A golden light circle appeared out of thin air under Celine's feet...

"What is this??" Celine looked at the aperture under her feet with a stunned expression. She had never seen this kind of magic before, let alone what kind of magic it was-she didn't know what the magic did... But, Instinctively, she felt a hint of danger.

Just when she was about to jump out of this aperture—with her feet empty—suddenly, Celine felt like she had fallen into a never-ending dark passage…

That feeling made her scream...

Just when Celine felt hopeless—there was a sudden light in front of her eyes... Then, Celine felt like she fell on a soft object... and bounced twice.

"This..." The dizzy Celine shook her head...and found out that this is a bedroom, and the place where she fell is a big couch, none of this matters...

The important thing is—she saw three familiar figures on the couch.

One man and two women—

The man is Zhou Ye, and the woman? One is her friend, Nymphadora Tonks... and the other is Professor Narcissa Black... The most important thing is that the three of them don't seem to have anything to cover their bodies...

"Then, I'm sorry...I, I may have accidentally walked into the wrong door..." Celine wanted to get up, turned around and left...No way, ask - when a student sees his two teachers What kind of reaction does she have when she seems to be doing something...

It was absolutely embarrassing and wanted to leave immediately... Even if there was still a friend of hers, but— her friend Little Tonks was obviously in a situation where she didn't know her personnel... So—Celine decided to Get out of here first...

She didn't think that with her three-legged cat-like magic, she could defeat two teachers...especially one, who also had the title of a legendary wizard.

"It's not that you went through the wrong door... but I dragged you here!" Zhou Ye looked at the little girl in front of him with a half-smiling smile. High.

"Hehe... You must be joking with me..." Celine moved cautiously to the edge of the couch, "I'm sorry... It's too late, I have to go back to rest..."

As she spoke, Celine used the fastest speed she had ever had in her life... she jumped to the bed and ran towards the door...

However - when she just walked off the bed, she couldn't move a finger at all... Because, she was restrained by Zhou Ye's telekinesis.

"I'm not joking with you...Little cutie..." Zhou Ye smiled and pointed his finger at Celine. Celine felt like her body had a mind of her own, and she actually crawled over to the couch... ...and... the most important thing is—she still disarmed herself while crawling...

" can't do this..."

"Why not??"

"I... I have always admired you very much... You are my idol... In my heart, you have always been a person of noble character!"

"Well—that's right, but—I can tell you that your perception is wrong...I never thought I was a good person!"


"So—feel it well, and then tell me how you feel about me!"

At this time - Celine had been disarmed by Zhou Ye's control, and she took the initiative to sit up... The arrow was already on the line, and she had to send it. "Please...Professor...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

For the rest, she was completely speechless...because—she didn't have time to say anything else.

Another blood-colored flower blooming on the list... It's really gratifying, gratifying.

Days go by...

And the girls of Ravenclaw fell into the hands of their dean one by one...

Of course—Zhou Ye hasn't started with the first-year freshmen yet... After all, eleven years old is still a little too young... Twelve years old is almost the same... Ahem, I seem to have exposed something incredible. message.

With Zhou Ye in charge of Ravenclaw, no matter in every aspect, it has made great achievements again...

Ravenclaw's Quidditch team, after a lapse of more than ten years, once again undisputedly took home the Hogwarts trophy...

That night, the girls of the Quidditch team gave their coach and man a great gift with their thoughtful service...

This is also something that can't be helped... Zhou Ye has always liked not only to have **** with himself, but also to have **** with his own woman...

Let me ask you, how could a group of girls with telekinesis be able to cheat, how could they lose to a group of silly wizards who only ride brooms in a Quidditch match? ?

In the end of the first school year, Zhou Ye completed his Ravenclaw collection achievement...cough, of course. The two loli in the first grade don't count...

At the seventh grade graduation ceremony...

Almost every seventh-grade Ravenclaw girl who was about to graduate went up generously and gave their men a word of mouth...

Seriously—this sudden attack really caught Zhou Ye off guard...

The scene at that time was a sensation... It was a hot mouth... It wasn't like a face kiss... But a serious French-style long mouth...

Even—— there are seventh grade girls from other colleges and universities, all of them staring at Zhou Ye eagerly, with the intention of coming up to give it a try...

Fortunately, it was stopped by Professor Albus Dumbledore...

Of course... stop is to stop, but - when they graduated, the activity of Ravenclaw girls saying no to their own dean actually became a reserved program and continued...

Have to say - this is so much fun...  

There are even girls who desperately want to get into Ravenclaw because they want to get Zhou Ye's excuse. Unfortunately, the mechanism of the Sorting Hat is rigid, at least in terms of Ravenclaw. , is rigid...

Ugly no one can succeed...

And of course, the girls have already settled where they will go after graduation, either to work in Rita's Magic Media Group, or to work in the Ministry of Magic.

These two places can be said to be Zhou Ye's private plots...

By the way, the Minister of Magic at this time—— is Lily Evans...

Politics is not a thing these days, see who is more capable of blowing up... In this regard - Rita can point to the noses of those candidates and scold [in front of my big magic media group, you are all **** ...]

Are you highly respected? Who hasn't felt bad about it yet? Find out and're nothing.

Are you magical? Is there any Lily Evans great? That was specially adjusted by Zhou Ye... and strengthened by various means.

Are you fair? No bad records... Fishing law enforcement, taking out of context and splashing dirty water are for such saints... Learn about the horror of controlling public opinion...

So - Lily Evans became Minister of Magic - well, no way, there's...

Chapter 1491

Chapter 1491

July 26 - For many people, this date has no particular significance.

No, maybe it's a good day off for a lot of kids who are going to school...

But for Zhou Ye's daughters - this is a big day, it's the birthday of their eldest princess - Furong Zhou Petrick.

On this day, the Leeds Castle, which should have been full of joy, was the same as before, without any difference.

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