Standing on the spot with her arms around her, she looked majestic, especially her protruding upper circumference was enough to make many women ashamed. On her delicate little face, she was full of contempt. That look - it will definitely make those boys with different hobbies faint on the spot...

Seeing this girl standing up, the students below were all silent, and no one dared to say a word - obviously, this girl is very prestigious among the students.

Penello, on the other hand, carefully whispered the girl's message to Zhou Ye. "My dear, her name is Margaret Simmons, she's the seventh-grade prefect of Ravenclaw, and she's also the current president of the student council... Her magical talent is very good, she is said to have been in sixth grade. Passed the NEWTs exam with O in all subjects - Outstanding!"

Hearing Margaret Simmons' words, Dumbledore did not rise, but a childlike smile of successful mischief appeared on his face, and then—he looked at Zhou Ye, "I think Simmons' problem is the best It's better to leave it to Professor Ye Zhou to answer..."

Hehe... this - Dumbledore.

Zhou Ye understood the old man's meaning in seconds. Dumbledore just wanted to see his own jokes... After all, when he was at school, he often caused Dumbledore trouble, such as letting Dumbledore face the two major schools of magic. The dean's accusation or something like that...

"Okay, let me answer this question!" Zhou Ye smiled and took a step forward——

With the exclamations of everyone, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Margaret. "Then—this fellow Simmons, how do you want to verify that I am not me??"

"..." Margaret was also taken aback by Zhou Ye's sudden action. As a seventh-grade student, she knew it.

In this academy, because of the magic circle, Apparition could not be performed at all—and Zhou Ye's movement just now didn't look like an Apparition.

No matter how pure the display of Apparition is, it will give people a sense of visual distortion at the beginning, but Zhou Ye's actions have no fireworks at all, as if he is only one step away from himself, but He opened his legs, took a step, and arrived in front of him...

Such a strange visual effect makes people feel extremely uncomfortable... However, Margaret still resisted that feeling, raised her head and stared into Zhou Ye's eyes without hesitation, and said, "Then I need you. Come and prove to everyone that you are Zhou Ye who killed the Dark Lord..."

"..." Hearing this, Zhou Ye felt speechless for a while... "Okay, no problem... However, you have to prove that you are yourself before I can prove to you that I am me!"

"..." When Margaret heard Zhou Ye's words, she felt that her IQ had been lowered... She angrily said, "Why should I prove to you that I am me?"

"Similarly——then why do I have to prove that I am me??" Zhou Ye spread his hands and looked helpless.


A snickering sound rang out, attracting everyone's attention... Everyone couldn't help but look around. It was none other than the latest little loli who was assigned to Ravenclaw, Fleur Zhou Petri. gram……

At this time, Furong couldn't help but snickered when she saw her father's rogue appearance. Seeing everyone's eyes gathered, she hurriedly covered her little girl.

"You..." At this time, Margaret didn't notice Little Loli at all, because she was almost **** off by Zhou Ye's appearance.

But fortunately, the anger did not go to her head. Margaret resisted the anger, and after taking a few deep breaths, calmed herself down...

"Okay, I apologize to you about this!" Margaret, who had regained her composure, became more capable again, she bowed her head and apologized to Zhou Ye without hesitation, "I'm sorry, I didn't think it through clearly, so I questioned it. your identity!"

"I'm still very satisfied with your modesty... Well, I accept your apology, but there's no next time!" Zhou Ye was about to turn around and leave.

However, Margaret still did not intend to give up on this. For her—the great wizard Ye Zhou was her idol from childhood to adulthood, and it was definitely not someone who could pretend to be... For those who pretended to be wizard Ye Zhou, She will see one tear down the other, and she will never tolerate it.

Temporary retreat is for better offense, just as fists are retracted for better smashing.

Thinking of this, Margaret said without hesitation: "Sorry, Professor - I still have some questions, I want to ask you... Can you please answer me?"

Margaret looked at Zhou Ye with a slightly smug look, her eyes seemed to be saying - if you don't dare to face my question, you are definitely a fake - let's get out of your way, fake. goods.

"Of course there is no problem..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

What is he afraid of? ? Is he afraid that he is a fake? ? Do not make jokes……

"Okay, my first question is—!" Margaret said with a convincing smile: "According to the famous journalist Rita Skeeter in her nonfiction [Battle of the Triwizard Tournament] ], Master Ye Zhou has black and bright hair...but you have silver hair...I think, please give me an answer to this question??"

"Ah? You said this!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, his hair color instantly turned golden, snapped his fingers again, and his hair instantly turned fiery red... and then in turn It's black, blue, orange, purple... and finally back to silver. "I have the habit of changing my hair color with my clothes every day. I don't know if you are satisfied with this explanation??"

"..." An unprecedented powerful enemy——Margaret's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Whether it's the movement spell without firework smell just now, or the magic that changes hair color, the guy in front of him didn't recite a spell, and secondly, he didn't wave his wand... Casting without a wand without a spell - there is no doubt that this is a Powerful sorcerer.

But - no matter how powerful a wizard is, Margaret agrees that his magic skills can become her own teacher, but she definitely doesn't agree with him pretending to be Ye Zhou's name - it's time to show her trump card... This guy's biggest flaw...

Thinking of this, Margaret said with a smile: "I agree with your explanation very much, but - can you please answer a question for me at the end...?"

"Let's talk..." Zhou Ye said lazily - Zhou Ye was still very patient with his fangirl.

"According to records, Master Ye Zhou was born in 1960... and this year is 1988, which means that the real Master Ye Zhou should be twenty-eight years old this year..." Having said this, Margaret glanced at Zhou Ye, and then said: "And your appearance, obviously - does not look like a twenty-eight-year-old youth... Could you please tell me, how old are you? Fake Professor Ye Zhou??"

Chapter 1470

Chapter 1470

"Me? I'm - um - of course twenty-eight this year." Zhou Ye had a feeling of grinning after hearing Margaret Simmons' words.

"It's impossible..." Margaret exclaimed, "Unless you used potions, it's impossible to have such a face at twenty-eight!"

"Is it because of time??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and gently picked up the crystal cup placed on the dining table in front of Margaret...then put it in front of her, "Time—this kind of thing, It may be an unsurpassable limit for you, but for me - it's just a little toy!"

Speaking——Zhou Ye let go of his hand holding the crystal cup...

With a bang, the crystal cup fell to the ground and shattered. This crisp sound was so harsh in the otherwise silent hall.

"It's really an unlucky cup, but it's okay..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "We can save it a little bit, now—let's turn the time back..."

With the sound of his words, the shattered crystal cup was like a slow-motion rewind of the film frame by frame. The trajectory - it returned to Zhou Ye's hands again.

"Okay, here it is for you... I wish you a good mood!"

After forcing the glass in his hand into Margaret's hand, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, took another step, and returned to his seat.

It was only at this time—in the silent hall, there was a warm applause.

"God, I feel like I saw a miracle..."

"As expected of Professor Ye Zhou... It's really amazing..."

Such conversations kept ringing among the students of Hogwarts' various colleges.

On the other hand, Margaret was holding a crystal cup in her hand... She stayed where she was, until her friend pulled her down and her eyes recovered a little.

The feeling of going back in time, no one present felt more incredible and shocking than her... Because, she was by Zhou Ye's side, and from the clearest perspective and the closest distance, she witnessed this mysterious scene with her own eyes. trace.

And at this time - in the dining room of Hogwarts, the unfailing applause has lasted for a full five minutes.

In desperation, Dumbledore could only stand up and signal everyone to pause first...

After a while, the applause finally stopped. Dumbledore said jokingly: "I can understand everyone's admiration for a powerful wizard, but - at least let us fill our stomachs first??"

"Hahaha..." XN

The Hogwarts students laughed when they heard Dumbledore's words.

"I announce that the dinner will begin..." Following Dumbledore's words, in an instant, the table was filled with sumptuous food.

And the students also began to feast on themselves. For many students, today's event may be a scene that they will never forget for the rest of their lives. For the first time, they know that magic can achieve this step... and that's why , There are many people who spend their whole lives studying magic, just to reproduce the brilliance of Zhou Ye's scene.

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