Back then, when the news of Zhou Ye's early graduation came out, Narcissa could no longer find Zhou Ye. She frantically sent emails to her sister, but Bella never got back to her once. .

In Bella's view, although she betrayed the Black family because of Zhou Ye, it would be too unreasonable to bring her sister back.

Therefore, she informed all the sisters, and was not allowed to pay attention to her own sister's inquiry, and she was not allowed to tell her sister where Ye was.

In this way, Narcissa lost all contact with her sister and her favorite.

In addition, over the years, Zhou Ye had deliberately downplayed his presence in the magic world... Narcissa couldn't find Zhou Ye.

She tried to find a wizard specializing in prophecy to help her predict where her brother-in-law Zhou Ye was... However, in the end, no one could predict the trajectory of Zhou Ye's life...

This almost made her completely desperate.

Fortunately, with the determination to succeed if it fails, Narcissa finally found a wizard specializing in prophecy. This time, she became smarter and no longer asked her to predict Zhou Ye's life trajectory, but asked her to predict herself. -When can I meet the person I love the most... So, the wizard predicted [Lions, Snakes, Badgers and Eagles].

This revived the almost desperate Narcissa in an instant. She understood the meaning of these four animals. Isn't that the symbol of the four branches of Hogwarts?

To this end, she returned to the college where she graduated and begged Professor Dumbledore to give her a job.

Dumbledore was very tolerant of students who graduated from his own school, so Narcissa started as a teaching assistant. For more than ten years, she became the dean of Slytherin and a potions teacher...

"This time, I will never let you out of my sight again, Ye!" Narcissa said, the royal sister Fan Dian pulled Zhou Ye firmly and sat down...

For such Narcissa, what could Zhou Ye blame her for? The debt is hard to pay...

Chapter 1467

Chapter 1467

Zhou Ye was pulled by Narcissa and sat beside her...

Among the students under the stage, a moan suddenly sounded.

After all, in the eyes of many boys, it can be said that Narcissa is simply a clear stream of Hogwarts...

Besides Narcissa, you're looking at other academy teachers, either old men and old ladies, or grotesque dwarfs like Filius Flitwick, the former Charms professor... that looks like a— Cough, don't say it, you'll know when you see it.

Against the background of these people, the beautiful Narcissa can be called the conscience of Hogwarts.

But - now Hogwarts' conscience has to add Zhou Ye.

At least, among the girls at Hogwarts, Zhou Ye, a handsome boy, was very welcome.

With the old students returning to school, gradually returning...

Zhou Ye suddenly saw three voices and shadows.

Two big and one small, the same yellow hair, the only difference is their age - none other than the three Weasley brothers.

At this moment - Percy is being supported by his two brothers, walking to the dining table of Gryffindor Academy...

Percy's limping appearance made people laugh... Even, with his extraordinary five senses, Zhou Ye could still hear their voices.

Percy's classmate looked at Percy and said hello, "Hi, Percy...Have you had a good holiday? Uh—what's wrong with your legs??"

"'s nothing..." Percy's face blushed when he heard the question from his classmate. After saying that sentence in embarrassment, he seemed to feel that his answer was a little unnatural, and hurriedly remedied: "I just Accidentally fell on the train, so..."

"Then you're really unlucky!" Percy's classmate said regretfully, "I think you'll need to go to Madam Pomfrey soon, she'll make you feel better soon!"

"No need..." Before Percy could speak, Bill, who was supporting him by his side, spoke up. "I think Percy will be fine soon, right? Percy??"

"Yes... Right!" Percy looked at his eldest brother with some fear, he couldn't believe it... He was actually done such a thing by his eldest brother and second brother... Moreover, he was threatened, if he dared to tell his parents and the college If so, let him look good.

To put it bluntly, Percy is now a twelve-year-old child. Facing the sudden change of his two brothers, he is both startled and scared... In the face of his brother's threat, how could he dare to say a word? ?

"Then Joey, Percy will ask you to help us take care of it. We will pick him up later!" Compared to his elder brother's attitude, Charlie seemed more polite. He smiled directly and said to his brother's friend. .

"Ah—it's okay, I'll take good care of Percy..." Although Joey felt that Percy's two brothers looked a little different today, he didn't think much about it, after all—that kind of thing was still too much for him It was early, and, in his opinion, being cleaned up by his own brother was nothing, and he was often bullied by his own brother at home, even though his brother was a Muggle.

"Thank you, Joey..." Bill smiled at Joey, then bent down and said in the ear of his brother who was sitting on the stool: "Don't talk nonsense, I'll stare at you... Okay, let's Go, Percy, and have a nice dinner!"

Bill said, pulling up Charlie and walking towards their senior position.

After all—Percy is only in the second grade, and he and Charlie are in the sixth and seventh grades, although—Hogwarts doesn’t restrict sitting together in the same grade, but—each has its own circle of friends, so it’s still It's good to be separated, and - Bill and Charlie still have some things to discuss, how to better love his brother...

This kind of thing is still very addicting to people who taste it for the first time...

Percy looked at the back of his two brothers leaving with some fear... At this moment, he couldn't even shed tears.

After all—the tears or something, have already dried up in the carriage...

It's almost impossible to resemble him - his two brothers were actually in the carriage, OOXXing him for nearly three hours...

And Joey, Percy's friend, apparently didn't notice the change in his friend. He was still telling himself about his experiences during the vacation.

Moments later - Joey's voice changed, "Hey, Percy, you missed a good show..."

"Oh? Really??" Percy doesn't have time to talk to his friends now, he's full of what happened in the car at noon... His two brothers each did it to him at least three times... God , three times... He felt that there was still a peculiar smell in his mouth, and his belly was very bloated, and he didn't want to eat anything.

"Hey, Percy, are you listening??" Joey asked with some dissatisfaction, feeling that his words were not taken seriously by his friends. "If you don't want to hear it, I won't say it!"

"No no...I've been listening!" All Percy wanted to do now was try to hide his differences—if things got out, maybe his brother would be out of luck, but—he's definitely not much better...

Maybe then he'll get the nickname of a **** guy.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Percy, who has a good face - so, before thinking of a way, it is better to keep as good as possible.

Thinking of this, Percy hurriedly regained his energy, looked at his friend Joey and said, "Hey, what interesting things happened before I came?? Come and tell me, my friend..."

"Hey, this is the Percy I know!" Seeing his friend regained his firepower, Joey smiled: "Just now you were like a sentimental little girl, I almost thought something was wrong with you. …”

"Uh—" Hearing his friend's words, Percy was startled, his whole body tightened, and an unbearable pain came up from below, making him almost silent. "I'm fine... What's going on, don't give a shit!"

"Have you seen the boy sitting next to Mr. Black??" Joey approached Percy's ear mysteriously and said, "As soon as he came, Mr. Black rushed over and kept his mouth shut. …God, is he the man Mr. Black has been waiting for? Shouldn’t he be? That guy looks so young…”

While talking, Joey pointed to Zhou Ye with his finger...

"Ah!" Percy followed his friend's instructions, and when he saw Zhou Ye, he almost screamed. "Why is he??"

"You know him??" Joey asked curiously, "Who is he?? What is his relationship with Teacher Black??"

"No... I don't know him!" Percy suddenly saw Zhou Ye give him a mysterious smile, which made Joey's whole body chill... "I just—just saw him on the train when I came here. That's it...that's all!"

"Hey... I thought you had some exclusive news!" Joey said dejectedly when he heard his friend's words.

"Hehe... how is that possible!" Percy smiled awkwardly, and secretly looked at Zhou Ye again. He was almost certain that he would have such an encounter, and it must be this guy's ghost... But—what about him? Have a face to say it?

say what? ? What kind of black magic did you give my brother to make them OOXX me? ?

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