Thinking of this, Percy glared at Zhou Ye viciously, then hopped out of the carriage like that...

"Big brother...His eyes are so vicious..." Little Penello had seen Percy's eyes just now, and asked a little scared: "Will he take revenge on us??"

"Don't worry, soon - he won't have time to take revenge on us!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and naturally took Little Loli's hand and walked towards his carriage.

To be honest, Zhou Ye still hated the entire Weasley family.

No matter where I look at it, I feel that the Weasley family is the biggest winner in the whole movie... The most beautiful little loli are married to them, fuck, how can such a family not find something for them?

Although it is said that when he was in school, Zhou Ye also met the Weasley brothers' parents, but——his mother could be regarded as Zhou Ye's fan girl at the time, but she was too ugly, so Zhou Ye did not attack his mother. ...

However, looking at it now, it really is—even if he didn't start, he should have ligated Arthur Weasley, which is indeed a scourge.

But—perhaps their brothers can add some different fun to their academy careers—ah, sure enough, after so many years, Cupid Ye is about to reappear...

Just as Zhou Ye took Little Loli back to his carriage, in another carriage, Percy Weasley also came to the carriage where his brothers were.

"Percy? What's the matter with you??" The boss, who was sitting in the carriage, was reading, Bill Weasley asked in surprise when he saw his brother's strangeness.

"Hey, Percy, have you tried magic with others again??" Percy Weasley's second brother, Charlie Weasley, was dissatisfied. In his opinion, his third brother , likes to be brave, but refuses to admit defeat, sooner or later one will be unlucky.

"Don't talk so much, help me unravel the spell first!" Percy said with a depressed expression.

"Okay, I hope this experience will make you smarter!" Bill said, picked up his wand, and used a spell to eliminate his third brother...

And yet oozing...

This spell was of no use at all... Percy's legs still couldn't move... only hopping, walking like a zombie.

"Huh??" Charlie also became interested. He also took out his wand and cast a spell on Percy.

Still useless...

In this situation, the three brothers couldn't help but look at each other...

In the end, the eldest Bill couldn't help but ask: "Who are you fighting magic with? You can't solve it like this??"

"A man who looks about your age!" Percy said a little depressedly: "And it wasn't me who was causing trouble, he was the one who cleaned me up first..."

"You must have done something that made others unhappy, that's why they will clean up you!" Charlie still knew something about his third brother's character.

"No, I just wanted to strike up a conversation with a girl..." Percy explained.

"That means you're talking to the wrong person!" Charlie said with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay okay, can you guys break this **** leg-stiff spell... Are you going to let me jump into the school and be laughed at by everyone??" Percy finally couldn't help it and started shouting stand up……

In his opinion, he is not wrong, the only fault is Zhou Ye...

"Come - let me see your legs!" Bill sighed, after all, he is his third brother, so he can't leave it alone... And as a seventh-grade senior, he is indeed the most likely to untie himself. The man who cursed the third brother...

While talking, Bill squatted down... As soon as his hand touched Percy, he suddenly felt a surge of electricity coming from his third brother's body—"Hiss..."

"What's wrong? Big brother...Is there any way to save my leg??" Hearing his big brother's gasping sound, Percy was startled, thinking that his leg would not be able to be saved.

"No, it's fine... This **** static electricity!" Bill said, but suddenly he felt that something was wrong with his third brother today? ?

Why—why did I see my third brother so handsome today? And——even Percy's shouting made him feel uncontrollable...

On the other side, Charlie saw that his eldest brother suddenly froze there, thinking that his third brother might be under some kind of vicious curse... He hurriedly leaned over and wanted to take a look, and the result— He also felt the power of static electricity... "Hi..."

"Are you, are you all right??" Percy, with some intuition, suddenly felt that his two brothers looked a little wrong...

"It's alright... Percy!" Bill said, hugging his brother's shoulders and sitting on the chair... "I suddenly felt that I was too strict with you before... But you also need to understand big brother After all—I'm the eldest son of the Weasley family..."

"That's right, Percy...I think so too. In fact, eldest brother and I love you very much..." Charlie said, turning to close the door of the carriage, and gently cast a color-changing spell on the glass, making the The whole space will not be peeped by outsiders...

"Wait, wait...what do you want to..."

"Big brother has decided to compensate you well!"

"That's right, Percy I think so too, feel the friendship between brothers..."

"No, don't take pants...ah!!!!!!"

Chapter 1463

Chapter 1464

Chapter 1464

Just when the three boys of the Weasley family were having a terrible family ethics tragedy——

In Zhou Ye's carriage, little loli Penello and Furong were chatting about which college to go to.

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, sat on the bench opposite them, watching the scenery outside the car window, while listening to the discussions of the two little loli from time to time.

"Furong, which college are you going to??" Penello couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Me?" Fleur was stunned when she heard Penello's words, and then said without hesitation, "Of course I am going to the Ravenclaw branch!"

"Are you going to Ravenclaw too?" Penello shouted with surprise: "Great, we are a branch!"

"I chose Ravenclaw because that guy was also in Ravenclaw, but why did you choose Ravenclaw??" Fleur asked strangely.

"Of course it's because of this!" Little Penello said, and took out a beautifully packaged book from the box, with the words "Battle of the Triwizard Tournament" written on the gorgeous cover.

After reading this book, Furong felt like she wanted to help her forehead. Isn't this what her mother Rita wrote about the Triwizard Tournament for her father? It is said that because this book involved how Zhou Ye hanged Voldemort at that time, it was sold out as soon as it was published.

The entire Triwizard Tournament was described by Rita, just like a blockbuster fantasy, with love, friendship, conspiracy, and passion...

Especially the unlucky guy Delacour - because of this incident, his family was nailed to the pillar of shame in the European magic world forever.

When wizards describe someone trying to steal a chicken and not lose money, they say "Look, this unlucky **** is just like the Delacour guy"

This is the power of the literati, who can nail a person to the pillar of shame in history forever and let future generations whip him.

Of course, Rita also followed Zhou Ye's intention. There was no photo of Zhou Ye and his woman in the book, which made the newspapers published by Rita during the Triwizard Tournament become witches. A sought-after collectible.

It is said that - on the black market, those newspaper clippings about Zhou Ye have been sold for more than 300 gold Galleons - of course, there are also photos that have been reproduced with cameras, but such photos will not appear in the It's on the black market, and -- a true true lover wouldn't buy these photos.

In a word, Zhou Ye has become popular in the magic world—but—more than ten years have passed. Although many new wizards know Zhou Ye's name, they don't know what he looks like.

That's why Zhou Ye dared to show up at King's Cross in an open and honest way.

"Because the wizard Ye Zhou, who defeated the Dark Lord, was born in Ravenclaw Academy..." Saying this, little Penello's eyes showed admiration, "I want to be like the great Ye Zhou. Becoming a Ravenclaw like Wizard Zhou..."

"..." Furong looked at her new partner speechlessly, and suddenly—she rolled her eyes and said to little Penello: "You know—what's that guy's name??"

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