
Zhou Ye chanted a spell with some disgust, and a pure water ball appeared in front of Zhou Ye. Without hesitation, he put his hands in the water ball and rubbed it desperately, even from the space bracelet. , took out a bottle of hand sanitizer and washed it.

At this moment, two white things suddenly fell from the bracelet of death that Zhou Ye was wearing... and fell to the ground, making a very small crisp sound.

The crisp sound startled Zhou Ye... He stopped washing his hands, then squatted down...

Looking at the two little white things on the ground...


What to say? ?

How can this little thing look like two teeth...

Nima's, someone was gnawing on his hand just now...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye felt even more upset...

After summoning three water **** again and washing his hands three times, Zhou Ye felt a little better now...

"It's best not to let me know who gnawed on my hand, if it's a woman - um, forgive me, if it's a man, I want him to die without a place to be buried..." Zhou Ye's vicious words provoked a lot of people. The girl smiles...

"Hahaha... The charm of my dear can't even be resisted by men!"

"I always think that guy is using your hands as food, honey...hahaha!"

Listening to the teasing of the girls, Zhou Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes helplessly... Well, these little girls, this is under-tuned and taught, and they dare to laugh at myself... After the things here are completed, I will clean up well. They do it.

"Okay, let's move on..." Zhou Ye said, without waiting for the girls to answer, he walked inside...

The girls also hurriedly followed up... Just joking, not watching their men win, they were always uneasy in their hearts.

Just like the women who sent their husbands to the battlefield in ancient times, if they had a choice, they would rather accompany their husbands to the battlefield, rather than stay in a safe place like that, but wait for news about their husbands uneasy. .

You know—sometimes, waiting is the most torturous thing.

When Zhou Ye walked into a hall with the girls, and looked at the statues of Anubis standing on both sides under the stairs, Zhou Ye had a subtle sense of anticipation.

In the original book, the unfortunate high priest was here. All the mana was taken away by Anubis, the **** of death, and he became a mortal... I just don't know if he will take away his mana after he goes down. Woolen cloth? ?

Uh-by the way, now the mummy of the hapless Immorton has been sent to the British Museum... It is said that there are still many people who visit, after all, it is the only mummy in history that was devoured by insects...

Not to mention the hapless high priest.

At this time, Zhou Ye, with a look of anticipation on his face, walked down the stairs and waited for the black mist that spewed from the statue of Anubis...


A second has passed...

Ten seconds have passed...

A minute has passed...

Mao Duo didn't show one...Fuck, the movies are full of tricks...why didn't Anubis come out? ?

Chapter 1431

Chapter 1431

"Dear... What are you doing there in a daze??" The girls had already passed Zhou Ye at this time and walked in front of him.

Nafidiri turned her head curiously to look at Zhou Ye who was standing in the middle of the statue, and asked strangely, "Did you find anything? Ye!"

"Uh-!" Zhou Ye touched his nose in embarrassment... "It's nothing... I'm just a little tired!"

He can't say that he is waiting for Anubis to spray him, can he?

Saying this, doesn't it seem that you are too cheap...like to be sprayed? ?

"Otherwise, dear, let's take a break??" Evelyn said with some distress.

"No need..." Zhou Ye shook his head and walked directly inside... "Let's rest at the place later!"


The girls agreed and followed... What Zhou Ye didn't notice was that as he left, the two statues of Anubis opened their eyes as if they had come to life. There was a trace of fear and happiness... After a while, the eyes of the **** statue closed again, as if it had never opened its eyes.

Of course, Zhou Ye didn't know about these things. He didn't value Anubis as a god, so he didn't use his full power. He just played it as a small game on the road.

—— After passing through the hall and a long corridor, everyone finally came to the final challenge.

It was a small hall with several statues holding weapons in the hall.

Next to the statue is a passage about ten meters long. On both sides of the passage, pillars of fire are constantly spewing out... It seems... ahem, it's a good place for barbecue.

"Let's go in!" Zhou Ye looked at the passage, smiled slightly, and walked inside with his women as if they were shopping...

The girls glanced at each other, Evelyn and the other four women followed without hesitation, while the other dozen female slaves also gritted their silver teeth and followed - after all, they have little power and will hesitate. It was normal, but—in the end, they didn't care about their own lives to follow, which was enough to show that they were willing to live and die with Zhou Ye, which—it was very rare.

Zhou Ye saw the performance of the female slaves in his eyes and kept it in his heart... He was very satisfied with the performance of the female slaves.

Just as the female slaves followed Zhou Ye tremblingly and walked into the passage of the pillar of fire, they found that the pillars of fire on both sides of the passage were directly blocked by Zhou Ye with his telekinetic power. Just like walking in the courtyard, he passed through the passage of the pillar of fire like this.

Walking through the passage, you suddenly see a stepped arena that looks like a convex character. On the top of the stepped arena, there is a golden gong carved with a scorpion. carve.

Obviously, this is telling the challenger that if they want to gain command of the army of death, they must ring this golden gong.

On the edge of the ring, there was a crack that was two meters wide.

This crack leads directly to the underworld. On both sides of the crack, there are countless pairs of arms reaching out and scratching...

"Yeah!" The youngest Basma just glanced at the passage curiously, and was so frightened that she lay down in her master's arms, not daring to move at all. "Master, it's so scary..."

"What's so scary about me..." Zhou Ye laughed and joked with his little slave girl, "I dare to say that the master is terrible, believe it or not, the master will punish you at night!"

"They didn't say that the master was terrible...they said it was terrible..." Basma was so anxious that she almost cried, which made Zhou Ye burst into laughter again.

"What do we do now? Honey??" Evelyn asked.

"Of course it's time to take a break and fight against the Scorpion King in the best state!" Zhou Ye said, and took out the sofa from his wristband...

And the other girls also followed suit and took out all kinds of things.

Some people took the coffee table, some people took snacks, and some people directly took out the red wine...

The worst thing was Zhou Ye. This guy took out another grill, took out some charcoal, clamped it with a long clip, lit it on the fire column in the passage, and put it into the grill...

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