"Hey, what are you looking for... I'm here..."

"Look at me... I'm here..."

Nafidiri finally found out that no matter how much she yelled, the guards ignored her at all... As if she was not in front of them at all, she couldn't help being a little terrified by such a strange thing...

However, at this moment - she heard Zhou Ye's voice coming from her ear. "Guess if I get you in front of them, can they see it??"

"...You..." Nafidili realized at this time that, at some point, the **** thief had already circled behind her and put her hand on her stomach, making the two of them fit together completely. Together...Especially when he spoke in her ear, the air he was driving gave her a feeling of exuberance.

However, soon—she broke free from this unfamiliar feeling, and asked directly: "It's you... right, it's the spell you used that made them invisible to me, right... you too... Using such a spell to sneak in, right?"

"Don't make trouble, now is not the time to talk about this... Answer my question!" Zhou Ye said, easily restraining Nafidiri's wiggly arms, and asked in a low voice, "Guess what if I was in They have you in front of them, can they see what you look like?"

Chapter 1417

Chapter 1417

It was only at this time that Nafidiri suddenly realized what she was facing...

Although she wanted to say that you were dreaming...and wanted to say that the guards would come to save me...

But—the scene in front of her told her that the guards would neither come to save her nor save her.

And——the feeling from behind made her understand... Zhou Ye was not just talking, he really got his plan in front of these people...

How can this be...? ?

who is she?

She is Nefidiri - she is the Egyptian pharaoh, the eldest daughter of Seti I, the most honorable princess in this dynasty...

How could she be so humiliated in front of others like those female slaves? ?

At this moment... Nefidiri finally softened, "Don't...don't be here..."

"But, I can't take it anymore, what should I do?" Hearing Nafidili's plea, Zhou Ye suppressed his smile and continued to tease the noble princess.

"At least... at least go back to my bedroom... After returning to my palace, I will serve you wholeheartedly..." Nafidiri pleaded.

"That's what you said!" Zhou Ye said, not waiting for Nafidili to back out, then he held her hand and tightened it a little.

Nefidiri only felt the scenery in front of her sway, and then——she appeared in the room of her palace.

This—what the **** is going on here? ? Although Karnak Temple is not far from the palace, it is definitely not reachable in the blink of an eye, and why didn't the guards on the road see it?

However, at this time, she had no time to think too much, because someone had thrown her on the big couch in her bedroom.

With a "thorn" sound, the tube skirt that Nafidili was wearing was torn off by Zhou Ye.

"No..." Nafidili got up and wanted to run away, but then, will Zhou Ye let the fleshy meat who came to the edge run away?

The answer is not to ask, it is impossible...

"Respected Princess, please honor your promise!" Following Zhou Ye's words, Nafidili found that she had lost control over her body, and she was like the most despicable female slave, in front of Zhou Ye, leaked his...

Soon - with a cry of pain, the eldest daughter of Seti I, the eldest princess of the ancient Egyptian dynasty, Nafidiri bid farewell to her girlhood and became a woman.

Three days later—

In Nefidiri's palace, a circular golden portal opened, and then—Nefidiri, who was a little embarrassed, walked out of the portal as if she had escaped.

She looked at the old decorations in her palace, and said hatefully to someone she couldn't see, "Bastard, I was almost ruined by you..."

[No way, who called my princess too charming? 】

Feeling the information coming from her mind, Nafidiri couldn't help but let out a sweet smile...

three days...

For three days...

That bad guy used all sorts of tricks to do whatever he wanted...

Seriously, Nafidiri had already fallen deeply in love with that villain at this time, and she was convinced of what he said that he really came for himself. Beside his own man, She has seen too many incredible things, he is not only her man, but also her god...

"Someone!" Nafidiri shouted loudly with the sweet memories of those three days in her heart.

Following her cry, a dozen maids filed in, kneeling on the ground cautiously, and replied without daring to lift her head, "Princess..."

"What time is it now?"

"It's seven o'clock in the morning...Princess!" Facing Nefidiri's question, the elder maids in the lead said, "You just came back from the temple, do you need a meal now?"

"Well - no need! Go get me a set of clothes!" Nefidiri ordered.

"Yes, princess!" The maid didn't dare to say anything, she got up and stepped back...

In fact, their minds were full of questions, when did Princess Nefidiri come back? Why didn't they see it when they were guarding the door? And why does the princess look so embarrassed and her clothes are in a mess, as if after a fight with someone...

Of course, even if there are doubts, they dare not ask.

Their lives and deaths are all in the mind of Nafidiri. If they say they are maids, they can actually be regarded as high-level female slaves.

Soon... the slave girls came back again and brought Nefidiri's clothes and put them on for her.

"Okay, you can retire!" Nafidili, who had changed her clothes, waved her hand and said unceremoniously: "Okay, you can go down, I won't call you, you are not allowed to come in..."

"Yes, princess!"

The maids didn't dare to ask any more questions, they walked out of the room obediently, and closed the heavy door of the room.

Seeing that she was alone in her own bedroom again, Nafidili whispered excitedly, "Ye, my love... Come out, I miss you..."

"Since you miss me, why did you run so fast just now??" As Zhou Ye's voice sounded, his figure appeared beside Nafidili out of thin air.

Seeing Zhou Ye's figure, Nafidili rushed over with a smile on her face, and threw him on the couch at once.

After snuggling her body into her man's arms as much as possible, Nafidiri complained a little: "Who told you not to let me rest for three consecutive days... I feel like I was almost ruined by you... "

"I can't help it..." Zhou Ye said helplessly. He really didn't realize that he was still cute with the attribute of being black and straight. When he saw Nafidili, who was black and long, he was so interested... He actually changed the flow of time. In the mirror world, he played with her for three times. The game of day and night...

Of course, if it's not three days and three nights at a time, it will kill people.

Zhou Ye was just—cough cough, play for a while, rest for a while... This cycle goes on and on, Zhou Ye still cherishes his woman very much.

But even so cherished, Nafidiri couldn't take it anymore...

"Otherwise, take all my female slaves!" Nafidiri suddenly thought of a good idea, which seems to be a good idea... In this way, I will have my comrades in arms, and I will not be ruined again and again. escaped.

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