And at this moment - Evelyn and Mila are snuggling tightly in their man's arms, telling him about their dreams...

"The other day... I dreamed that I went back to ancient Egypt..."

"I am Ansunam, the maid of the palace... Eve is the daughter of Seti I, Nefidiri..."

Following the two girls, you told me one sentence at a time, Zhou Ye almost understood their dreams.

It can be said that in the dream of the two, it was almost the same as the previous life, but the difference is that in the dream of the two, whether it is Evelyn or Mira, they are full of contempt for the dead bald head. mood…

Even if Zhou Ye pressed Mila, in her dream, what kind of emotion Ansunamu had towards the bald head, Mila replied - it was a feeling of disgust and disgust...

Some unbelieving Zhou Ye even used his spiritual stand to search Mira's memory, and the answer he got was exactly the same. This made Zhou Ye a little confused...

Just as Zhou Ye was thinking about what happened in the middle, Evelyn suddenly said, "My dear... I want to go to Thebes..."

"Go to Thebes? Besides the broken walls, what else is there?" Zhou Ye asked strangely.

You know, after more than 3,000 years of wind and rain, it was once hailed as the capital of a hundred gates by the ancient Greek poet Homer. Even such a majestic ancient city could not resist the invasion of time and natural disasters. In an earthquake, it completely disappeared and became a paradise for tomb robbers.

Moreover, in recent years, tomb robbers are not willing to go there, because there is no more oil and water to excavate.

So Zhou Ye wondered why Evelyn suddenly wanted to go to the ruins of the ancient city of Thebes.

"I feel that something is calling me there..." Evelyn said while drawing a circle on Zhou Ye's body, "Just let me go, let me go... I can protect myself well now. , and I can bring Mila with me... You should rest assured, right?"

"..." When Mira heard Evelyn's words, she couldn't help but glared at her fiercely. She didn't want to go to the ancient city of Thebes. Wouldn't it be better to spend more time with her man if she had time? Why do you have to run around...

However, because of the fight, the two people were subjected to the family law for one day and one night by their own man. Mila really dared not say no more... What if my man said that he did not have a heart of friendship, how would he continue to apply the family law to himself? manage?

Although the taste is very good, and it makes people feel like they can't stop... But—a day and a night or something, it's really unbearable... Even if she survived by relying on the super regeneration ability, she still feels very uncomfortable there. ...that was no longer a physical injury, it was almost a psychic imprint.

Just when Mira was hesitating...

Zhou Ye spoke...

"Okay, let's just go with you this time, don't bring anyone, how about we take our honeymoon again?"

"That's great..." Evelyn was really happy to hear her man's words. In fact, she originally wanted to go with her own man, but—because she was afraid of her sisters' condemnation, she didn't dare to bring it up. Now - now that my man has brought it up, that's great.

"This must be a beautiful journey..." Mila also smiled happily. Since her man is going with her, then it's not impossible to go around with this nasty bastard... For the sake of her man, this time I will take it as my own. Give her a favor.

"Go get ready... We'll set off tomorrow!" Zhou Ye smiled and patted the two girls' dolphins. This time, the two girls felt numb and almost collapsed to the ground...

"Then... we're going to pack our things..." Evelyn forcibly endured the weird feeling in her body and reluctantly stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait for me..." Mila also stood up and chased after... She is now in a calm period, it's better not to wander around her own man or not to wander around her own man, so as not to be pushed to the ground again...

Looking at the embarrassed figures of the two girls, Zhou Ye smiled slightly... "Looks like this month's big party will be brought forward again..."

After all, it's a long trip, so it's better to feed all the women in your family before you go out.

That night--

The once-a-monthly big party was held again, and it was less than four days away from the last big party. Although the girls felt a little strange, but—obviously, this was because of the rhythm of their men going out to pick up girls again, because they also Didn't say anything... party just party.

It's just pity that the five people in New York were completely sunk in this gathering... After all, they were punished.

A quiet morning after a noisy night...

"Honey, let's go..."

"Ye, I'm ready too..."

At this moment, Evelyn and Mira were each in a set of hunting suits, standing in front of her man in a valiant manner, waiting for her man's order.

"Ah... It's so early..." Zhou Ye looked at the girls who were killed in battle in his gym-sized bedroom, rubbed his eyes, and said, "Isn't it too early..."

"It's late…"

Seeing her man's sleepy eyes, Evelyn sighed, took out a black hunting outfit from her space bracelet, and threw one of them to Mira: "Help... "

"Well..." Mila was also looking forward to going to Thebes with her man, so she didn't care about Evelyn's tone, she took the clothes and started to help her man put it on.

There are more people and more power, this sentence is still very reasonable.

At least with the help of the two women, after fifteen minutes - Zhou Ye can finally set off...

"Is it the ancient city of Thebes?" Zhou Ye yawned slightly in front of him. A golden portal opened in front of everyone. Through the portal, one could vaguely see the majestic Thebes The ruins of the ancient city.

"Let's go..." Evelyn shouted happily, hugged her man's left arm, and walked towards the portal.

And Mira held her man's right arm without showing weakness, and stepped into the portal at the same time as Evelyn.

As the two women and one man walked into the portal - the golden portal flashed slightly and disappeared.

On the other side of Egypt, on the ruins of Hamna Tower, the city of the dead, which has been sunk into the sand sea, tens of thousands of migrant workers are working hard to find something...

Chapter 1412

Chapter 1412

Hamna Tower - the ruins of the city of the dead...

"Hurry up, you guys... hurry up..." Hafez urged several Egyptian migrant workers in the excavation pit to dig hard, while turning to look at his men, Lochner wearing a red Arab dress said: "Are you sure that what those M-Munis say is true? Both the Black Sutra of the Dead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun were left in the ruined Hamna Tower?"

"I think those American guys shouldn't dare to lie to me..." The tall black man, Lochner said, "They said that when they saw the man and woman come out, they didn't bring anything on them... I think they should be I left the scriptures here..."

"That's right..." Hafez said confidently: "If there is no Black Book of Undead, they will not be able to resurrect Lord Immorton, but if there is no Golden Book of Sun, they will not be able to kill people who possess undead Lord Immorton in his body... So, the two books must still be here..."

"I hope you're right..." Lochner said, skimming his face.

"It must be right..." Hafez glared at Lochner fiercely, and said, "If it is wrong, we are doomed. This year is the year of the scorpion in Egypt, and it is also once every 5,000 years by the Scorpion Emperor. The resurrection time, so... if we can't resurrect Lord Immorton and help him defeat the Scorpion Emperor, then we will all die!"

"..." Facing Hafez's words, Lochner nodded with a sinking face. He knew about these things, otherwise, he would not betray the Pharaoh Guardian family...

However, being able to do this probably has something to do with his desire to become a human being. After all, being a Pharaoh guardian like an ascetic is far better than being a dog who can rule the world.

This is the man is not as good as a dog series...

And Hafiz, who was opposite him, looked at the excavation site that still had nothing to do with it, and said to himself: "It's a pity... If it wasn't for those two people, they would have completely disappeared as soon as they arrived in Egypt. Maybe We have already achieved something..."

"Didn't we already send someone to catch Evelyn's brother, Jonathan?" Lochner asked strangely.

"If Jonathan knew about Evelyn's whereabouts, it would be fine, but if he doesn't know... who can threaten him if he catches him??" Hafez said with some frustration.

"I think he'd better know..." Lochner looked at the excavation site, patted the knife handle on his waist, and said fiercely: "Even if he doesn't know, I will let him know..."

"I hope so..." Hafez is not very confident about this.

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