She had imagined countless times in the middle of the night—what her Prince Charming would look like... As far as appearance is concerned, Zhou Ye had already surpassed her fantasy, but—he would never like this. macho guy's...

Not to mention, there is a beautiful looking woman next to Zhou Ye who seems to have a close relationship with him... She doesn't want such a playboy...

She couldn't beat herself, so she could only run first and then talk about it -- thinking of this, Tina directly used the shapeshifting technique, and the whole person disappeared in front of Zhou Ye...

"Master, do you want me to help you?" Although Melty was a little dissatisfied that her master had herself, she even teased an extremely old-fashioned teacher, but as Zhou Ye's slave, she didn't want to lose her master pet, love...

"No, she can't run away..." Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hand lightly. He had not used a golden exclusive magic wand in his hand for a long time. "The game is about to start... Let's play this together. Fun game..."

"As you wish, master!" Since her master deliberately let go of the righteous master, Melti said no more... She stepped forward to her master's side, and then hugged her attachment again. Zhou Ye's arm...

"I found it..." The entire mirror world is under Zhou Ye's control, looking for a guy who is like a headless fly in it, scurrying back and forth, it's not too simple... "Okay, let's go catch that guy. …”

As Zhou Ye's words fell, the figures of the two disappeared in place...

On the other side, Tina, who appeared in a deserted alley, was looking left and right with a frightened expression on her face. After confirming that she had indeed escaped from the clutches of that terrifying fellow, she patted her Hungarian. He breathed a sigh of relief... He said to himself, "It's okay... it's okay... that monster won't interfere with the Phantom Shifting Spell spell..."

From Tina's point of view, Zhou Ye is a monster... In this magical world, there is basically no wizard who dares to say that he can resist the attacking spell of the next wizard by relying on his body and without any magical protection, but—today she saw To a monster that can resist its own petrification spell with its body alone.

Why did Tina know that Zhou Ye didn't use any magic weapon? Because the magic weapon's method of protecting the magic spell is to cancel it, obviously - just now she saw her petrification curse hit Zhou Ye's body, and there was no magical light that appeared because of the magic weapon's offset magic.

"It seems... I'm going to report back... If such a monster is allowed to make trouble in the United States, I'm afraid... it is no less than the second Grindelwald!" Tina said, and planned to use Phantom again. Displacement magic, returning to the headquarters of the Magic Congress... However, at this moment... a voice like a nightmare came from behind her: "I got you..."

" is it possible..." Hearing this voice, Tina's whole body froze...

Chapter 1392

Chapter 1392

"How is that possible??" Zhou Ye asked with a slight smile, looking at Tina who was standing in front of him, who was completely stiff.

"How could you have found me so quickly??" Tina turned around and stared at Zhou Ye... Her expression was broken...

Because Zhou Ye completely subverted her cognition of magic.

You know, Apparition is called the most untraceable magic for a reason... Roughly speaking, Apparition has a three-D principle, which is - Destination, Determination ), Deliberation…

Step 1: To clarify your goal, it is best to have been there before, and the clearer the cognition of that position, the better.

Step 2: Make up your mind that you have to move there...

Step 3: Turn around in place, feel your body disappear, then move calmly...

In other words, even if a wizard Apparates in front of you, if you don't know where he's going, it's absolutely impossible to catch up, and -- even if you know where he's going, you don't. That place, even without seeing the scenery of that place, is impossible to catch up.

No one is stupid enough to call out their destination when they use Apparition... So, the destination of a wizard's apparition is absolutely impossible to track...

But——the monster in front of me caught me so know, she is five kilometers away from where she was just could Tina not collapse? ? "'re a monster..."

"Cough cough..." Zhou Ye coughed dryly and speechlessly, and was called a monster. This was the first time he was called, especially by a girl... Since that's the case... "Now—the monster wants to play a fun little game with you. Game over...Miss Tina Goldstein..."

"What, what game..." Tina took two steps back uncomfortably... No wonder Tina was like this, because at this moment Zhou Ye was forced to come over again, and the distance between the faces of the two was less than ten centimeters away. ...As a woman who is still not enlightened so far, she is really a bit of a bad show...

"Let's play a game—how about the master scratching the kitten?"

Zhou Ye's breath was close at hand, and Tina felt that her ears were full of air when she was blowing it... That foreign feeling seemed to be spreading to her heart along her ears, which made her little face almost red... "Why? ,How to play……"

"I... of course I'm playing the role of the master..." Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously and whispered: "And you... Tina, will play the role of a kitten who wants to escape the master's capture... Of course, as a Generous master, I will give you N chances..."

"N times of chance?? What do you mean? How many times?" Tina seemed to be slightly interested in the game Zhou Ye said.

"How many chances there are depends many clothes you have on your body..." Zhou Ye's evil smile made Tina shudder, but she still held back and asked, "Why...why How many chances depend on how many clothes I have on me..."

"Because...the master's tolerance is also conditional...every time I catch you, I will destroy one of your clothes as punishment...until all your clothes are completely destroyed by me..."

"What if...if I lose, opportunities...what?" Tina couldn't say the word "clothes", so she could only use the word "opportunity" instead...

"Of course—the game is over..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "The kitten that escaped from home has returned to its owner's arms again, congratulations, congratulations..."

"I...I don't...don't play..." Tina was just a little naive, she wasn't stupid...

Up to now, she hadn't figured out how Zhou Ye caught up with her. How could she play some game of master catching kittens with Zhou Ye? That's obviously a sheep's mouth... Besides, why do I play such a serious game... It really challenges her moral values.

"Because—you don't have a choice..." Zhou Ye said, smiled slightly, grabbed Tina's arm, and took the little slave girl Merty beside him, the three figures disappeared in place in an instant... …

On the other side—at the highest point of the Magic Capitol of the United States... three figures instantly appeared on the edge of the rooftop.

"This...this is..." As a member of the Magic Congress, Tina can be said to be too familiar with this place... Although she was the first time to come to the rooftop of the Magic Congress, the surrounding scenery had already made her Tell me where you are now.

"It's your headquarters..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then said, "How is it now? Are you confident to play this game with me?"

"Don't play..." Facing Zhou Ye's words, although Tina admitted that she did have a momentary heartbeat, she still refused, because - since she could think of going to the headquarters for help, why couldn't Zhou Ye think of it?

Moreover, as the Magic Congress, this place is also protected by spells, and Apparition cannot be used here, but—they are standing here now... Such a strange thing makes Tina fight against winning again. The game lost confidence.

"Hey - there's no way..." Zhou Ye's next words made Tina fall into an ice cave... "It seems that I can only use some people's lives to kidnap you..."

As Zhou Ye's words fell, Tina only felt that the building under her feet was shaking slightly, "What the **** did you do... stop..."

"Then will you play this game with me?" Zhou Ye asked again.

"Don't play..."

"Then there's no way..." Zhou Ye sighed, and then, facing the distance, he spread out his hand a little...

"No... gosh... no..."

Tina couldn't believe her eyes. She saw Zhou Ye's arm was pointing in the direction of the sea on the edge of Manhattan Island. There was a big gap on the edge of Manhattan Island, and in an instant, the land swept away by the waves disappeared from Tina's eyes.

Standing on the 264-meter-high Magical Capitol, Tina was dumbfounded...

She witnessed the whole process... the fragmented land, the huge waves hundreds of meters high... the building sinking to the bottom of the sea...

"Have you changed your mind yet?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and stretched out his arm again... "It seems that we have to work harder... Fortunately, even if the whole of Manhattan sank, we still have the whole New York City to do. play……"

"I...I...I play..." Tina, who was kneeling on the ground, whispered like a puppet without a soul.

Paying for her refusal with hundreds of thousands of lives... I am really a woman who will bring bad luck to others... Tina is a little broken... "W-why me?? Why... But it is I……?"

"Because... I just like the way you hate me to death, but you can't get rid of me..." Zhou Ye's answer to the wrong question made Tina's hatred grow...

"If I win this game...what should I do??" Tina glared at Zhou Ye coldly, "Besides, you only said what would happen if you caught me, but you didn't set a time frame, don't you plan to live forever Are you spending time with me in New York?"

"Do you think I will lose??" Zhou Ye looked at Tina in disbelief. Who gave her such strong confidence? ?

"..." Tina didn't speak, just looked at Zhou Ye coldly...

"Okay, it's limited to one hour, if I lose... I can grant you any request..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

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