Movie black technology

Chapter 607 This is a Good Opportunity

Moses Moses? Are you still there?

After realizing that the opposite side fell into silence again, the prime minister had no choice but to ask.

He didn't have as much time to wait as yesterday.

It has been half an hour since the monster data was received for the first time, and every minute of response now has the potential to change the future situation.

The commander-in-chief on the other side was completely confused by this shocking news.

After hearing the prime minister's call, he came back to his soul: I know about the monster, what plan do you have to deal with it now?

We want the support of the large mecha, especially the support of the heroic guardian! The Prime Minister was not polite, and asked the first large mecha opposite to leave.

Ordinary people don't know about Monster Paradise and the ordering of large mechas in China, but they can't hide it from other Pacific countries.

The commander-in-chief didn't think how surprised the prime minister knew about this mech.

He thought for a moment and said, Okay, we will make this request to the other party. Apart from the mecha, do you have any other requirements?

We also need some evacuation support, we have a large number of people who need to be evacuated, and we also need to deal with possible social disturbances...

Riots are not likely to happen.

Rather it will happen.

After the Hawaii incident, the public is well aware of how miserable an island will be after being attacked by monsters.

So what if they were an island nation?

Isn't it still an island?

Nothing more than a bigger Hawaii.

Being stuck on the island by monsters is still a death.

The commander-in-chief agreed to this very reasonable request, saying that the East Asian base would do its best to help them evacuate the people.

What support do you need? The commander continued to ask very intimately.

What else do you need?

The Prime Minister really couldn't figure out why the Grand Commander kept asking himself this question.

Can you still give me money directly?

When he was whimsical, the commander asked again: It's just a mecha, do you have the confidence to fight against monsters?

oh oh!

A flash of inspiration flashed from the prime minister's heart.

We also hope that you can help us fight against monsters. You fought very... heroically in Hawaii, and we hope to have the same equipment as you.

They are already asking for mechas, how can they not use the monster capture system developed by their father?

If he doesn't know how to be a human being like this, then he won't have to be a human being tomorrow.

The call ended with the prime minister in a bitter and troubled mood.

The commander-in-chief hung up the phone, first cleared his mind, and then remembered one thing.

Operation White Chrysanthemum!

Notify the team of Operation Baiju immediately, send them the monster's action route we got, and let them pay attention to avoiding it. This might be our good opportunity!

A big monster lands in East Asia, which can absorb most of the attention of the opponent, making it easier for us to move!

on the ocean.

Here in East Asia, it is already morning.

Benjamin was still in the back room of the cabin, just to stare at the monster inside.

The sweat and filth discharged by the monster's metabolism every day polluted the secret room into an unsightly smell, and everyone regarded it as a hard job to be on duty in the secret room.

Only Benjamin was alone, wearing a mask and staring at the monster quietly in the cabin every day, and even sleeping, he just put a bed in a place outside the door that didn't smell so bad to deal with it.

no way.

Benjamin is also for his own life.

He was very worried that after the monster's anesthesia standard was lowered, there would be a tragedy of the monster fleeing.

If he remembered correctly, the first monster accident was for a similar reason.

At that time, the staff in the monster base failed to discover that Pandora's anesthesia effect was getting worse and worse, so that the monster launched a surprise attack.

Fortunately, although the monster has been a little noisy in the past few days, it has not been able to break through the restrictions of the anesthetic, and at most it only moves its body.

It was a little scary at first, but it happened a lot and Benjamin got used to it.

Even the staff on the ship were used to the shaking of the ship from time to time, knowing that the monster was making trouble again.

Holding the latest document, Franklin walked in quickly to find Benjamin, and saw that he was directing the working group to draw blood for the monster.

Only when the blood test results prove that the anesthetic is still working on the monster can Benjamin really feel at ease.

Hey, come here! Franklin pulled Benjamin aside anxiously.

Benjamin asked strangely: What's wrong?

Not long ago, a major event happened. Franklin spoke quickly, panting, obviously very excited.

He stuffed the document in Benjamin's hand, Look, don't let it out.

I just got news that a big monster is heading towards our target country, quite close to us.

Benjamin was about to scream, but Franklin covered his mouth.

After finally calming down, Benjamin looked at the monster road map printed out in his hand, and found that this big monster was almost following him, and the direction of the two was almost the same.

Why did monsters appear in East Asia? Benjamin was surprised.

Benjamin felt that his premonition had come true, and every adjustment to the monster would bring misfortune.

No, a big monster has appeared behind them!

Franklin shook his head, I don't know, but what is certain now is that we have a little trouble, because the monster moves faster than us in the sea.

Benjamin thought for a while, Let's change the course a little bit, and avoid that monster first.

Benjamin thought about it carefully, and felt that this should be just a coincidence. It is normal and logical for monsters to appear in East Asia along the ocean current.

They needn't be too alarmed.

What's more, there is still a distance between the big monster and them. As long as they change their course, there is a high probability that they will not collide with that big monster.

Franklin also had thoughts of changing course.

Now both of them agreed, and soon the course of the freighter was adjusted, and the bow of the ship was greatly shifted to the south.

I plan to cross the Tropic of Cancer first, bypassing the exercise area and routes where monsters may appear, and then continue westward.

at the same time.

The country has received an application submitted by the other side, requesting that their heroic guardian be used to fight against the monster heading towards East Asia.

What should we do? Could it be that we really want to send the heroic defenders over there to prepare them in advance?

Now there are only two large mechas that can form combat power, if one is sent out to garrison, there will be only one left in the country.

In case the monster changes direction and rushes towards the country at that time, it will be very hasty to transfer the mech back.

Chen Shen understood Director Qin's concerns, but he was not so entangled, and said directly: I think we should send the scarlet storm over, because the possibility of monsters landing in our country is unlikely.

Deploying the crimson storm can guarantee that the monster will be killed in the shortest time after it lands, and the loss will be minimized. This is something that the hero cannot do.

Besides, even if the monster does land in our country, at most we only need the Hero to entangle the monster for a while, and we can quickly bring the Crimson Storm back.

Chen Shen didn't care too much about where the big monster would land.

There are two mechas in preparation, as long as the big monster shows up, it will not be able to cause any trouble.

What he cared more about was where the little monster that was transported to China was.

The knife in the dark is the deadliest.

However, when I asked Director Qin, the other party also said that he could not determine which monster transport ship it was.

Even if they checked all the ships in front of the monster as soon as they discovered it.

However, due to the exercise announcement issued earlier, a large number of ships were diverted.

In front of the big monster, there are thirty ships that may transport small monsters.

In this operation, the other side also put in real effort, and they did their calculations mentally and unintentionally. It is very difficult to catch their tails.

Director Qin shook his head, knowing that it was already very difficult to find the most critical transport ship.

Chen Shen suggested: Then let's deal with the big monster first. As long as we keep an eye on the big monster, we will naturally know where the small one is.

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