Movie black technology

Chapter 605 The big one is coming!

the next day.

Under the eyes of Franklin and Benjamin, the anesthesia team began to inject anesthetics into the monster.

The anesthetic that was originally scheduled to be close to one ton per day has now been reduced to less than 500 kilograms.

Watching the huge special syringe plunge into the monster's body, injecting a huge amount of anesthetic into it smoothly.

Benjamin was always worried.

He still wanted to ask if other methods could be used in the country to replenish some anesthetics on board.

Can the Navy send us some narcotics?

It's best to use different types of anesthetics, so as to combat the monster's drug resistance.

Facing Benjamin's nagging sentence after sentence, Franklin's reply was decisive:

There will be no other support, we are conducting covert operations, not camping.

He walked up to the monster's cage, and in front of everyone, patted the monster's head on the ground: Also, you see, the effect of using less anesthesia is the same. What a difference.

Franklin shrugged his shoulders, looking very relaxed.

However, the atmosphere suddenly changed at this time.

The expressions of the staff members who watched him changed.

my God!

Everyone covered their mouths and looked behind Franklin.

What... what's wrong? Franklin had a bad feeling and turned around with a stiff smile.

I saw a huge black shadow quietly rising from the backlight, completely occupying his field of vision like a curtain.


The onlookers all screamed.

The monster in the cage looked up.

The huge eyeballs opened, and the ferocious whites and blood-red eyeballs locked onto the small figure that was staring at it.


The person in charge of anesthesia couldn't hold on at first, turned around and ran away.

Some people wanted to press the electric shock switch and activate the electric shock device on the monster to subdue the monster. As a result, the monster just spit out a muffled sound, and these people were so frightened that they knelt down with a shovel.

Only Benjamin was shaking like a sieve, but he remained calm and observed the monster carefully.

Don't be afraid, the anesthetic is still working, the monster won't last long!

Sure enough, after Benjamin said this, less than half a minute later, the monster fell down again with a bang, and the whole freighter was shaken endlessly by this blow.

At this time, the flustered staff members gradually regained their composure.

At this time, Benjamin noticed that Commander Franklin, who had just faced the monster, had not moved.

Even though the monster was staring at him, Commander Franklin remained motionless.

This is very strange.

Benjamin stepped forward.

Franklin clenched his hands into fists, his muscles tensed, like a stiff statue.


Benjamin tried to ask a question.

Franklin didn't respond, still clenched his fists.

Hey? Are you okay? Benjamin continued to ask.

Franklin blinked twice, indicating that he was fine, but remained motionless.

There was a stalemate for another half a minute.

Franklin took a long breath and relaxed.


Hold back.

I'm fine. Facing Benjamin's probing eyes, Franklin quickly replied, then turned and left.

Benjamin quickly chased after him, chattering and saying: As you have just seen, reducing the anesthesia has allowed the monster to regain consciousness, coupled with its drug resistance, it is very likely that something out of our control will happen next!

Franklin ignored it. He walked into the toilet and quickly sat down on the toilet.

Benjamin leaned against the door.

Franklin, I have studied monsters in depth, and I am quite sure that we are now on the verge of some kind of danger...

Benjamin's inner anxiety is beyond the comprehension of others.

The people on this ship are all lower than Benjamin.

Only Benjamin has seen the domestic files of the United States on monsters, especially the accident files inside.

In almost all accidents about monsters, there are large and small omissions, and it is these omissions that caused the accident to happen, or magnified the accident...

Because of this, Benjamin was sure that he was also at such a critical point now.

He didn't want to be turned into an accident file.

However, the only response to him was a long bang from the toilet.

Then there was a pervasive stench.

What neither of them knew was that at the same time that the consciousness of the monster on the freighter was restored.

Deep in the ocean, a pair of huge eyes slowly opened.


In the blink of an eye, it was already five days later.

In response to the anti-monster activities that are becoming more and more popular among the people, a piece of news that had been prepared was announced by the opposite official.

The terrorists conspired with the ghost to transfer the monster, and they don't know where they transported the monster?

Seeing the news that instantly became the most popular news in the world, everyone was dumbfounded.

This... the brain hole on the other side is too big.

In the conference room, Chen Shen was also dumbfounded when he saw the news projected by Director Qin.

This is so ruthless that he even slaps himself in the face!

For such an important matter as transporting monsters, the other party dared to reveal that terrorists interfered and dropped the package.

It's clear that you don't even want your reputation.

Director Qin sighed: Now the other party is determined to give us the monster, and they are not afraid that we will find out, and they are now trying to get rid of the relationship.

The list of freighters sent out before, everyone who has doubts should submit it...

Director Qin was assigning work, while Chen Shen was sitting by the side, but suddenly remembered something.

Have the routes of these freighters been changed now? Didn't they insist on breaking into the exercise area?

Everyone replied: No, we have the right to stop those who board the ship for inspection if they break into it by force. The ship transporting monsters will definitely not be so reckless.

Director Qin quietly approached, What's wrong?

Chen Shen thought for a while, and whispered: Monsters are resistant to anesthetics. The more they absorb, the worse the anesthesia effect will be. , they must choose to reduce the amount of anesthesia.

In this way, there is a high probability that the monster will leave the state of complete anesthesia, and the monster's population sensing will resume its function...

Director Qin seemed to have been shocked, and said, You mean, the big monster may sense the position of the little monster, and then go find that ship?

Chen Shen nodded.

Focus on the sonar in the Western Pacific, there is a high probability that you will find traces of big monsters.

Director Qin wiped the cold sweat that suddenly broke out on his forehead: Understood.

Director Qin seemed absent-minded in the following meeting, and left as soon as the meeting ended.

Then in the entire western Pacific Ocean, the offshore surveillance systems of all countries received an emergency notification——

Highest alert!

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