Movie black technology

Chapter 603: The Monster Departs (No Eunuch, No Eunuch, No Eunuch)

Noon, Hawaii.

The commander's special plane arrives.

From the moment he stepped off the plane, the world's attention has been focused on this leader who took office at a critical moment.

Reporters gathered in the filming area, watching the big man from a distance.

Although the reporters at the scene were all screened, and the security personnel had particularly emphasized the need to be quiet and not to ask questions.

But there are still reporters who risked shouting at the scene:

Sir, do you think you are largely responsible for what Hawaii is like?

The army and rescue came too slowly. Most of the people on the island are already dead. They come as slow as your walking speed. There must be something inside!

The two provocative reporters were immediately dragged down, but they made a good start.

The other reporters present all looked at the Grand Commander, expecting him to give some answers to the two questions just now.

However, the commander-in-chief didn't give any answer, just smiled formulaically and waved to everyone to take pictures, and then got into the special car.

The special car is a specially selected non-convertible model.

How is Operation Baiju going? As soon as he got in the car, the commander immediately asked about the business.

He came to Hawaii on the surface to condolences to the people, but in fact it was to provide cover for Operation Baiju, which was transporting monsters to the East Asian base.

The secretary next to him immediately replied: It's ready, the camouflage ship can set sail in half an hour.

In the external publicity, the captured monsters were carried on the camouflage ship.

The commander immediately let go of half of his heart, but there was still half of his heart.

Have the scapegoats on the pretend ship been arranged?

According to the plan, this camouflage ship heading to the mainland will be found to be switched halfway, and the people on it are all terrorists who have hijacked the monster.

The secretary leaned into the commander's ear, No problem, those who drive the camouflaged boat are all gangs of robbers who robbed Hawaii some time ago.

They thought they had bribed the Navy so that they could take the looted wealth away.

When the secretary said this, he smiled mysteriously.

it is more than words.

Halfway through, the bandits would find themselves a terror gang of swap monsters, the Navy cleaning them up and receiving the ship's gold, silver, jewels and art.

Then before they could find out where the monster was, the monster would be released through their East Asian base...



The official news I just got is that the other party has decided to urgently transport the monsters back to the park, and they also urged us to send the undelivered mechs to the park as soon as possible.

Chief Qin took a document and rushed over to find Chen Shen.

Chen Shen received the document and found that it was exactly the notice sent by the other side, and the content was very different from what Director Qin said.

Emergency transport to the Paradise? Chen Shen looked at the wording above and asked, How urgent is it? Did the other side say when it will be transported back, and by what method?

Director Qin found a chair and sat down, and replied: Sea shipping, and it has just set sail.

You are the person who knows the best about monsters. Do you think the opposite side's statement is reliable?

Chen Shen smiled, opened the webpage and searched casually, and it appeared that the Grand Commander had arrived in Hawaii.

Haven't we already discussed it before? As long as they transport monsters at this point in time, it's probably unreliable.

Besides, their commander just arrived in Hawaii, and the transport ship set sail. Why don't they let their leader take a look at such a great political achievement?

What a fool!

Director Qin also agreed with this opinion.

Chen Shen casually threw the document on the table, What about the matter of putting the mecha into combat readiness and activating the delivery chain across East Asia as I said earlier?

Director Qin said: It's already being carried out in an orderly manner. We can send monsters to any place in East Asia and Southeast Asia at any time in four days at the latest.

As he spoke, he took out another list from his body.

The above is the combat readiness of each mecha, from parts preparation, to the logistics team, to the driving team, all have made detailed notes.

What Chen Shen focused on was an unfamiliar mecha.

Heroic Guardian

This is a mecha funded and built by the opposite side, so the name is also very meaningless.

This mecha looks like a two-armed version of the crimson storm, but it looks thicker and bulkier, and the paint is also painted blue.

It adds a retractable protective steel plate at the waist, the horsepower of the arms and legs has also been strengthened, and a set of high-energy lasers is installed at the waist and abdomen.

This allows it to directly establish a communication bridge with the other party when entangled with monsters.

Of course, this also turned the Bravery into a melee mech.

Because of this, instead of being lighter than the Crimson Storm, the Hero without an arm was even heavier.

The heroic number is a full 1985 tons.

It almost broke the 2,000-ton mark.

This is also the heaviest mecha ever built.

The modification of the mechs ordered by several other companies is not as thorough as that of the hero.

This is training fighters with the template of a sniper.

Chen Shen didn't know whether this kind of mecha that had been modified by domestic demons was good or not.

But there shouldn't be any problem with using them to deal with the current monsters. Anyway, this is also based on the fourth generation of mechas.

After talking with Director Qin about the heroic ship for a while, and confirming that the mecha had performed very well during the test period, Chen Shen felt relieved.

Now those monsters in the sea only account for a huge body, and they don't have any special abilities at all.

If it is changed to a movie, it will be at the first or second level.

As long as the mecha can move normally, this kind of monster can be smashed to death with just a pair of iron fists.

Compared with the mech, Chen Shen is more concerned about the movement of the monster, and the real victory is to stop the monster in the middle:

Although we don't know the specific plan of the opponent now, we know that the ultimate strategic goal of the opponent must be to send the monster to our country.

Director Qin added: There is a high probability that it will be sent in by sea. A 20-meter-long monster cannot be pulled by an airplane.

Chen Shen nodded, Then they can only enter our country disguised as cargo ships. If we can think of a way to temporarily block the route...

Director Qin fell into deep thought.


Two days later.

Westport, Hawaii.

Commander Franklin, who was in charge of Operation White Chrysanthemum, hastily boarded a large cargo ship. After finding the scientific advisor Benjamin, he immediately conveyed the latest order to him:

The white chrysanthemum is about to bloom. In order to ensure adequate nutrition, you need to add some fertilizer to the flower mud.

Benjamin understood immediately.

Immediately walked to the interior of the cabin, and entered a secret room through a secret passage that still smelled of iron welding.

Inside is the anesthetized monster.

After watching the staff inject all five hundred kilograms of anesthetic into the monster, Benjamin went out to report to Franklin again.

Then half an hour later.

The freighter sailed from San Francisco to Yokohama in Hawaii.

As soon as I logged into the Writer's Assistant, I saw someone saying that I was a eunuch in the comments. The overnight code words proved that I don't have a eunuch! ! !

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