Movie black technology

Chapter 596 Do I really live on the same planet as them (3K first)

15 billion?

The Grand Commander chanted this number, and shook his head after a while.

No, this number is not enough!

15 billion is too little. We have already made such a big sacrifice. If we can only save this little money in the end, it will not be worth it.

In this disaster, we need to save at least 35 billion in capital space. At the same time, there are follow-up...

As he spoke, the commander asked the secretary to approach him and whispered something into his ear.

The secretary's breathing became more and more rapid, and she nodded from time to time...


After the international meeting, Chen Shen still did not leave the prevention and control bureau, and continued to pay attention to Hawaii here.

The domestic space reconnaissance system has been fully mobilized at this time, staring at every move on the ground from space.

Of course, it was dark in Hawaii, and the satellites couldn't get a particularly clear picture, especially when most of the lights on the island were extinguished at this time.

However, the horror of the dance scene in the refugee camp can still be seen, because there are still dance lights left here.

Seeing the hellish scene of blood stains, the director standing in front of the big screen couldn't bear it for two seconds, and ran to the side to find the trash can.

Chen Shen also saw his stomach churn, and quickly blocked his eyes.

Most of the people at the scene were from the Prevention and Control Bureau, and their reactions were similar to theirs.

We are all just ordinary people, where have we come into contact with such a cruel scene?

This is much more exciting than when the monsters invaded the casino before. The refugees were all gathered together. The scene was like putting people into a medicine pot, and let the monsters keep pounding until they turned into pieces of meat and bones until the slag.

Such a tragic situation can only be seen by those in charge of the military situation and the control system.

After vomiting, Director Qin relieved a bit, thinking of the leaders on the other side.

I really don't know if the person on the opposite side will vomit when they see the summary of these pictures...

At this moment, the screen had turned away, and Chen Shen also exhaled, suppressing the discomfort in his stomach: They should use drones or helicopters, and the images they see are much clearer than ours.

That's really hard for them... Director Qin said with emotion.

By the way, have they said what to do now? The monster has landed for several hours, and our international meeting is over, so they are still in the meeting, right?

Chen Shen turned to Director Qin and asked.

In the press conference held by the opposite commander before, he said that he would wait for the weapon system still in place at sea before starting to take action against the monsters.

But now that the island is in such a miserable state, the other party can't continue to remain indifferent, right?

Maybe the other side is already considering using a nuclear bomb to stop the loss?

Director Qin also turned to look at his colleagues in other bureaus.

The two of them just came out of the conference room, so they didn't know much about the situation outside.

The staff of the Prevention and Control Bureau have been paying attention to the situation on the other side.

Seeing the director look over, someone immediately answered:

Since the first press conference was held on the opposite side, no information has been released to the public, so they should still be waiting for the monster capture system at sea to be in place.

Chen Shen and Director Qin frowned.

The two looked at each other in surprise:

Is this a joke on the other side?

This way of coping is simply confusing.

But soon, something even more confusing happened.

International organizations have decided to use deep-sea probes equipped with instant communication technology to monitor the Pacific Ocean. This news was made public shortly after the emergency meeting to calm the hearts of all countries.

The people who paid attention at the first time were all in favor of this measure without exception.

Although Hawaii has now interrupted all communications, the information that was sent out at the first time has already aroused people's vigilance and even fear.

With the current panic atmosphere in the outside world, let alone dropping detectors into the deep sea, even if it is dropping nuclear bombs into the deep sea, as long as it can deal with monsters, a large number of people will agree.

Oddly enough though.

At this time, the commander on the opposite side not only did not deal with the monsters in Hawaii, nor did he go to sleep. Instead, through the official media, he publicly expressed his views on the plan of the deep-sea probe to find the monsters.

I think it's going to be a futile project because it's been rife with deceit and falsehoods from the start. Go out and ask any physicist and he'll tell you that instant communication doesn't exist.

From the very beginning, they have been deceiving us, they have another purpose...

Chen Shen was watching this video in his office, and the commander sat behind his desk and spoke.

He suddenly had a doubt whether he was still alive on the earth.

Why are there so many strange people recently?

Do you really live on the same planet as them?

At this time, the lives of hundreds of thousands of people on the island are ignored, but there is still time to record a video condemning the bad intentions in the country...

He wouldn't still think that the hydrological data in his country are very important, right?

According to the current situation, if there is a real fight, how can the country give up space positions and use submarines instead?

Is there something wrong with this person's brain circuit?

Not only Chen Shen was scratching his head and couldn't figure it out, even the people in the opposite country couldn't figure it out.

I really don't know why our commander can still post videos on the Internet as if nothing happened, and there is no sadness in his eyes!

My family dog ​​died, and I was more sad than him!

There are still at least half a million refugees on the island where the monster landed. We should use tactical nuclear bombs to kill the monster again!

No, after the nuclear bomb is used, the people on the island may also be killed by nuclear radiation...

Then we should at least open another travel agency in Hawaii? I can't see any official action at all now!

Regarding how to deal with the monsters, both the government and the people on the opposite side are quite consistent at this time, and everyone seems to have no way to do it.


Some members of Congress suggested that we immediately use small-scale tactical nuclear bombs to attack the monsters.

Holding a pile of documents, the secretary quickly walked into the commander's office, and only began to speak after closing the door.

The commander who was paying attention to the scene in Hawaii shook his head. He ignored the documents and proposals brought by the secretary and said, Don't care about them, behind them are the forces in Hawaii!

This time we are going to clean them!

And after the use of nuclear bombs, nuclear radiation and monster pollution will cause irreversible damage to Hawaii, which will increase our losses.

Now all the assets on the island are basically lost, and it doesn't cost much to let the monster clean up all the people and things on the island.

It will just need to be rebuilt later, and maybe the Roosevelt model can be reproduced once.

When it is completed, Hawaii, which has added a disaster memorial hall with monster attractions, is still a world tourist destination.

But if the monster is killed on it, it will cause permanent damage to the land. Even if it is rebuilt in the future, it will be impossible for people to come to travel for a long time.

Although the commander-in-chief seemed to have lost his mind, he still had an account in his heart.

Tell everyone, just wait another 25 hours, we will use our most advanced technology to control the monsters, and we will not use nuclear bombs in a hurry and ruin the future of Hawaii.

Remember, the tone should be more tactful.



Hawaii base.

The soldiers selected to participate in the monster capture plan have arrived ahead of schedule.

Tanks and armored vehicles driven by them are still on the road.

They are waiting.

At the same time, pay attention to every move of the monsters on the island.

Drones all over the island fly over the monsters, sending images of the monsters back to the base and the mainland at all times.

In addition to tracking drones, there are also some drones responsible for fire coverage, firing a missile at the monster from time to time.

This is purely mean.

After the missile exploded, the monster's surface skin absorbed all the impact immediately, without even breaking the skin.

It is true that a small monster can be killed by the fire coverage, but it does not mean that it will be killed by a dozen or twenty missiles.

This level of firepower is not a firepower coverage for monsters at all.

The officers at the base knew this would happen.

The reason why they are so mean is because the higher-ups want them to mean it, otherwise, after the disaster, the survivors find that the base has no intention of resisting the monsters, how embarrassing it will be then?

Are we just going to drive a tank to fight this monster?

In the lobby, the soldiers involved in the plan gathered to watch the drone-tracked monster wreak havoc on the island.

Although its size is less than twenty meters, there is nothing on the island that can stop this monster.

Houses, cars, buildings, missiles...

Monsters on land are like no one in the land.

Buildings were passed through by it, and a car was kicked away by its big feet.

This impact was fully conveyed to the hearts of all the soldiers watching the battle.

We will definitely be trampled to death by it...

Is it too late to quit the plan now?

In front of this kind of monster, the tank we drive will only become our iron coffin!

The soldiers in the hall whispered to each other, and everyone panicked to the extreme.

The non-commissioned officer in front looked very helpless.

These soldiers are in contact with monsters for the first time, and it is normal to feel fear.

Even this level of fear is good enough.

You must know that most of the soldiers who have come into contact with monsters face-to-face have now suffered from special phobias. Once they walk in the middle of tall buildings, they can't help but worry that a monster will suddenly rush from behind the building...

Such soldiers basically bid farewell to the city.

This is also the reason why those veterans were not recruited in this plan.

Those veterans couldn't even watch the scene live, and their mental illness was about to break out.

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