Movie black technology

Chapter 590 Boss, the paper you care about has been uploaded


Who the other party is referring to, there is no need to explain at this time.

Abel replied quickly: No, haven't you received their submissions?

Could they have submitted to other journals?

Have you asked anyone else?

Before the editor of Science could reply, Abel had already sent out several sentences.

It's a pity that his speculation didn't last for a minute, and the other side quickly replied to him:

No, I asked immediately after waking up today, and all the journals in the industry that they might submit to have not received their manuscripts.

They probably don't intend to submit papers to us anymore!

I'm worried that this thing will become normal in the future...

Abel looked at the words sent by the other party, and was also a little worried.

That's not a good sign.

Abel's colleagues, other editors within the journal, also saw what was on the screen behind him.

In the past, no matter which country or organization made any major scientific discovery, they would submit papers to authoritative journals in the industry as soon as possible.

Because only in this way can you radiate your scientific discoveries to the entire academic community.

At the same time, their publication is also a certification of the results. Otherwise, tens of thousands of people who overthrow the theory of relativity will appear in the world every day. How can there be so many people in the academic world to distinguish whether what they say is true or false?

The number of papers published by the opposite side is quite large, and many new achievements have the participation of the opposite side. If they decide to abandon us, it may deal a big blow to us.

What are they most afraid of, journals that rely on authority for food?

The most fearful thing is that the authority will decline.

If the number of academic papers from China decreases, will there be any major problems for a while.

However, with the development of domestic scientific undertakings, more and more important achievements have emerged, but the papers have nothing to do with them...

At that time, their authority will inevitably be hit, and at the same time, the authority of domestic journals will be reversed.

We must be vigilant against the emergence of this situation, especially now that the relationship between countries is so tense, they are likely to have this idea...

Abel waved his hand and interrupted his colleague.

Maybe this is just a special case. This is Chen's project. He has never submitted a manuscript to us. It has always been a special case. Don't worry too much.

Among all the scientists in the whole world, Chen Shen is probably the only one who has never officially published a paper in a journal.

Other editors also expressed relief: It is also possible that this is because they are worried that there are loopholes in their papers, so they dare not submit them to us for publication...

It's fine.

In a few words, the vaguely tense atmosphere in the office was relaxed.

It's just that layer of worry that can't be eliminated.

Now we'll just have to wait a little longer and see.

However, don't wait too long.

The day after the domestic announcement of a press conference.

A piece of news that integrates domestic academic resources and builds an international authoritative academic exchange platform quietly appeared.

This news did not cause much disturbance among the public, but it caused a huge repercussion in the academic circle.

Because according to this news, China will establish an academic exchange platform in charge of many scientific institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences based on the principle of fairness, openness, mutual benefit and reciprocity. Under the name of Zhixing, it will be responsible for the review and publication of high-quality academic papers in China. .

To put it simply, this is an official paper review and publication platform.

Followed by a series of reward and punishment measures, closely linked with the academic career of most people in China.

Zhixing platform has been deeply involved in everything from graduation thesis to rating assessment.

And the first paper to be published on this platform is the research on the composition of extraterrestrial materials that will be made public soon.

In addition, a message was announced.

That is, in the future, domestic related research on monsters, wormholes, superluminal physics, instant communication and other advanced fields will be published in Chinese on the relevant sections of the Zhixing platform.

The platform will be connected to Bai Ze Translation to provide translations in the world's mainstream languages ​​for all papers.

This newly built platform has attracted the attention of countless people both at home and abroad.

Domestic scholars and students pay attention to it because it will be closely related to them in the future.

Foreign scholars pay attention to it purely for the achievements mentioned in the news.

If the projects mentioned in the news have real materials, with so many breakthrough results, even an African platform can be praised as a world-class academic platform.

When the news reached the ears of editor Abel, he turned on the computer and watched the news translated by Bai Ze for a long time.

Although he already had an ominous premonition in his heart, when this feeling came true, he still felt uncomfortable, and even had a vague panic.

The establishment of Zhixing platform is not only a matter of academic circles, but officials of various countries are paying close attention to it.

It’s just that unlike others who feel caught off guard, mainstream countries have long been psychologically prepared for the arrival of this day.

With the current situation in the country, although it is not without weaknesses, it is definitely no problem to say that it is in full swing.

Even if it is the opposite side, you have to stay away.

In this case, of course start making your own rules.

From politics, finance, industry, culture to academics and other aspects, there will be huge changes in the future, and competition and replacement will become the main theme in the future.

Now this situation is just the first move.

For this situation, most countries can only choose to lie flat and struggle, and there are only a few English-speaking countries.

However, the commander-in-chief doesn't care about this matter at all now, and even the opposite media doesn't pay enough attention to this matter.

It's a big deal in academia, but it doesn't seem to catch the eye at all in the eyes of the officials on the other side.

The eldest brother didn't take the lead in charging, and the other younger brothers looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them dared to charge.

An eerie calm was thus achieved.

Under the watchful eyes of all the scholars, on the first day of launch, the first batch of papers was officially uploaded according to the domestic dinner time on the Zhixing platform...

This situation was immediately noticed by graduate students at home and abroad:

Boss, the paper you care about has been uploaded!

In the first minute after the thesis went online, the number of global downloads exceeded 50,000, and it rose to 400,000 in a minute.

An hour later, it easily broke through the three million mark.

Behind the three million, there are several times the number of people.

Countless offices, countless scholars and students, yawning and sitting in front of computers and large screens, are studying the data released in these papers together.

The remaining 2,000 will be made up tomorrow

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