Movie black technology

Chapter 587 My Lord, Times Have Changed (4K asks for a monthly pass)

Under the pressure of the monster, the high-level meeting requested by the Grand Commander only took fifteen minutes to gather the number of people.

Everyone gathered in the confidential conference hall and sat down around a long table.

How is this going?

The first thing the commander called out was the black chief:

I need to know more details!

The black director was a little nervous, swallowed, and repeated what he had just reported to the commander in front of everyone.

Now we have basically confirmed the authenticity of the detection data.

An old woman in a women's black suit on the long table asked, Where is that monster now?

The black director said: After the little monster entered our sonar range, it turned around and left shortly after. Less than seven minutes later, it touched our alert range again.

What is it doing? The old woman was puzzled.

The black director is not clear either. This question may only be answered by the scientific consultant Director Benjamin, but he has been transferred away recently, and there is no time to attend this meeting.

But it's impossible not to give an answer now, he scratched his face unconsciously, Maybe it sensed the presence of our equipment in the sea, so it was probing out of animal instinct?

Maybe, how do we humans know the minds of those monsters?

The old woman wanted to ask more questions, but the commander interrupted, and after saying this, he directly signaled the black chief to leave.

The people in the meeting room are all top-level people. The black director just came here temporarily to explain the situation, and he can leave naturally after finishing the situation.

When the conference room became quiet again, the Grand Commander sighed, leaned back on the chair, and managed to squeeze out a little energy.

Let's discuss how to deal with this monster crisis now.

He first looked at the minister in charge of national defense, Minister Ball, how is the progress of our weapon research and development against monsters?

The bald Minister Bauer looked at him, Which weapon are you referring to?

The weapon system I asked you to develop two months ago.

After the Hawaii crisis, they didn't do nothing.

In order to avoid a similar situation from happening again, they have allocated funds to research a weapon system for small monsters. The idea is to use high-voltage electricity as a weapon, just like the Boxer.

Minister Bauer touched his chin, which was as smooth as his forehead, It has already taken shape, but there are still many problems to be solved. It may be difficult to put it into actual combat now.

The commander showed some dissatisfaction, I want you to explain, what are the difficulties? I don't think the system I requested has a very high technical content.

Sir, the idea of ​​our defense system is to use tanks and armored vehicles to launch many thick conductive steel cables at the same time, and then shock the monsters through the connection of the steel cables. The biggest problem now is to solve the problem of power storage.

Minister Bauer patiently explained, In this regard, the only thing we can rely on is the plasma battery on the opposite side, but this thing is currently a commodity that we prohibit from importing, and we can't manufacture it right away, so...

Minister Bauer spread his hands, everything was revealed in his helpless expression.

No matter how many there are now, let's ship them to Hawaii first, and this system will be permanently stationed in Hawaii in the future!

Minister Power stood up and saluted: Understood!

Now we have refitted 70 tanks and 80 armored vehicles, and we are expected to set off tomorrow!

The Grand Commander nodded in satisfaction.

My own country has not been rotten to the root, and the army can still do something now, unlike the administrative system, which can no longer accomplish great things.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Because the next thing the commander has to face is the administrative system.

He looked at the other people on the scene and asked: If we launch another Hawaii evacuation now, how long will it take to evacuate the people on the island to the safety line? How many people are expected to be able to evacuate the island? How many people need to stay behind?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the meeting was embarrassed.

The secretary posted over and whispered: The account of the last major evacuation from Hawaii has not yet begun to be settled, and the shipping and air freight companies probably will not undertake the work of this evacuation.

In the last big evacuation in Hawaii, every evacuated seat was paid for in real money.

After all, those undertaking these businesses are all private enterprises, so how could they not charge money?

The commander turned to the secretary and whispered, What's going on? Why are they in arrears for so long? Start the settlement process immediately and let them continue to undertake this evacuation task.

More than three months have passed, and the settlement has not yet begun, which is indeed a bit too much.

The secretary coughed twice: An air ticket is 40,000 dollars, and a boat ticket is 20,000 dollars. In the end, we evacuated a total of 300,000 people. The ticket price alone is nearly 10 billion...

Moreover, the relocation of Hawaii residents is also carried out by private enterprises, and the ticket price here also reached 6.7 billion.

16.7 billion!

When he heard this number, the Grand Commander almost went into cardiac arrest.

How come there are so many?! Why don't I know?

Just take a boat and an airplane, and more than 10 billion will be thrown into the water like this?

It's too much to fish for oil and water!

The secretary rolled his eyes, of course you don't know, what do you know?

The secretary continued, In addition, there are post-disaster subsidies for Hawaii residents. This expenditure also needs to be close to 10 billion...

Not to mention that the funds needed for the second major evacuation will only be more or less than the first time. Calculated in this way, the money we have spent on Hawaii in the past three months will definitely exceed 50 billion, or even close to One hundred billion!

We simply can't afford that much money now!

The commander-in-chief couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at Dai Le, the minister in charge of finance, Aren't we unable to get tens of billions of funds out now?

Minister Dai Le with blonde curly hair was a little taken aback, then showed a standard stiff smile and nodded like a zombie, It's indeed a bit difficult.

We lost so much in Las Vegas and Los Angeles that they nearly took our emergency funding for the next three decades.

On average, we spend more than 3 billion in these two cities every day, disaster relief, logistics, resettlement, subsidies for millions of people...

These all cost money.

And all it takes is big money.

It doesn't take Minister Dai Le to continue, the commander-in-chief knows what she's going to say next.

The current situation is so severe, can't we issue more currency? The commander recalled the tricks his old predecessors often used.

Minister Dale still had the standard smile without any fluctuations, Sir, if we hadn't issued excessive currency and issued national debt before, we would have gone bankrupt.

The implication is that this trick was played three months ago, and it may be a bit difficult to continue to use this trick now.

However, the commander-in-chief still didn't give up, Isn't it okay to send it again?

He stared fixedly at Minister Deller.

Minister Dai Le shook his head directly this time: Now the international financial situation does not allow us to be as capricious as before. The opposite currency is now also the main currency in international circulation. If we crazy over-issue currency, we will indirectly push the opposite currency to replace it. Our status...

Minister Dai Le's face was very serious.

In the current situation, the great commander in front of her and his predecessor took a lot of credit.

It is precisely because the two of them continue to make concessions to each other, cut a little here today, and cut a little there tomorrow, which has led to the sudden emergence of the opposite currency in the international market and has become one of the main settlement currencies.

Their currency hegemony has been sold crumbling unknowingly!

Why did they have currency hegemony before, and they could issue more currency at will, and let the whole world pay for themselves?

It is because their dollar is almost the only settlement currency in international settlement!

No matter what you buy, how much you buy, whether it is a formal international trade or not, you can use their dollars to settle the settlement.

Therefore, no matter how much money they issued in the past, they didn’t have to worry that there was no place to spend the money. The accumulation of money in the country led to more and more money in the hands of the people, which eventually pushed up the price of goods and caused inflation.

Because these super-issued currencies can finally be circulated in foreign markets by virtue of their transcendent status, and they can buy back a large number of physical or virtual goods from countries all over the world.

This is a red fruit harvest.

This harvesting relationship can be roughly understood by building a simple model.

In the international market, each country produces a certain amount of physical or virtual goods or services available for purchase every year, from minerals to bread to foot massage services, nothing more.

These goods and services can be regarded as special resources within a country regardless of their type. The money in the hands of the people is actually the right to control these resources.

On the other hand, when over-issuing currency, they can rely on the detached status of their own currency, that is, the special power to buy anything, and directly plunder the special resources in these countries in the form of imports.

There are only so many things that a country can produce. If the other side buys a little more, the people in the country can buy less.

In this way, it seems that the number of goods in the country is small, and the price of rare goods will naturally increase, and the money in the hands of the people will be worthless.

On the other hand, over-issued currency turned out to be inflation in other countries, and such a phenomenon happened naturally.

The fruits of the hard work of the people of other countries only need to print some new beautiful knives on the other side, and they can plunder these things from thousands of miles away.

And the opposite side is like a glutton. The more money it issues, the more goods it will plunder around the world. In this way, there will be fewer goods available for purchase in other countries, and the money in the hands of the people will be worth less. The more the price goes up...

In addition, after the super issuance of US knives, countries around the world will have more US knives, which will also cause the depreciation of US knives, and their purchasing power in the international market will also decline.

Commodities worth 100 billion dollars are exchanged for 100 billion U.S. dollars. After the transaction is completed, they may only be able to buy back goods worth only 90 billion U.S. dollars in the international market.

Because of this logical chain, every super-issue of the US knife is a harvest for people and countries all over the world.

However, this splendor is a thing of the past.

Times have changed.

Minister Delle sighed.

With the support of strong national power, the opposite currency has sprung up in recent years, breaking through several of their blockades in a row, and becoming the mainstream settlement currency in the world.

Although it has not yet reached the point where it can replace Mei Dao, but with the help of the two commanders, the prospects are bright.

Many countries no longer use their US dollars for international trade settlements, and have switched to the opposite currency.

In this case, if they issue currency again, it is simply driving the countries of the world to the opposite side.

Maybe some country will directly rise up and announce that it will switch to the opposite currency...

The main reason why their currency can become an international currency is the credit guarantee supported by national power.

This point is no worse than them now.

Their only advantage is actually a little historical inertia left, that is, everyone is too lazy to change, and they can change at any time if they want.

Because of this, they have now lost the ability to over-issue currency at will and let the whole world pay for themselves.

Minister Dai Le's words were like a warning bell, forcing the commander-in-chief to give up his plan to issue extra currency.

He really didn't expect that the country is now so poor that tens of billions can't be spent...

This money is not much for a country, but it is very likely to be the last straw. If it is insisted on, it may be the beginning of the complete collapse of the country's finances.

This crisis is not like before when a kind-hearted person came to help them through it. If they fell to the ground, the previous kind-hearted person would just walk over their backs and directly take their place.

The commander-in-chief sat in his seat, like a wooden chicken that could not move, and waved his hand after a long time, indicating that everyone can end the meeting first.

After everyone was gone, the commander-in-chief looked at his secretary, Is it possible for us to rent another mecha from the other side? Just launch it with a rocket.

Now this method seems to be the only way.

The secretary groaned, and did not speak for a long time.

What's wrong?

the Grand Commander asked.

This is not a good idea. The secretary shook his head, and finally expressed his thoughts, Frequently asking for help from hostile forces will destroy your public opinion base.

There was a fig leaf covering it last time, so everyone pretended they couldn't see it. Now that they want to do it again, do you really think everyone is a fool, can't see through the tricks inside?

The secretary really didn't know what his boss was thinking.

In the past few years, the country has been fighting tit-for-tat with the opposite side, and when it comes to an end, they still want to be a capitulator and ask the opposite side for help.

The secretary sighed inwardly, The most important thing is that the mecha can only solve this crisis, it cannot solve our real crisis, and it will even make our burden even heavier.

Our real crisis is a financial crisis!

Those Hawaiians, that's one of the reasons we have a crisis...

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