Monster Minotaur

Chapter 95 What kind of PLAY is this?

Matthew was lying on the car loaded with several large wooden boxes, his body swaying randomly due to the bumps of the road, biting a vine he didn't know where he got it from in boredom. Except for the faceless subordinates, there were horned demons and tauren with strong body odor. As the biggest harvest this time, these wooden carts filled with wooden boxes were placed in the center of the team, and many guards were arranged to protect them closely.

I thought I would be more relaxed when I came to this little place. Matthew complained as he looked at the white clouds floating in the sky: In the end, I still have to do these dark jobs. It's really boring. Matthew and Lei, who originally belonged to the shadows, Gorr, tired of the war, chose to stay in Thunder Bluff. At the beginning, they thought they would only be doing security work, or gathering information, but after capturing the Parliament City this time, they had to do something they didn't want to do.

I thought you had already awakened. Reger, who was driving the car, smiled and said, What else do you think you will do? Those are the things we are best at. If you were asked to do other things, you would Is that so? Compared with the cities in the Central Plains, this place is already much better. At least the gray dwarves and Thrall people in Thunder Bluff are not too narrow-minded.

It's a bit more relaxed, and the city lord is also very strong. Matthew stood up, looked around and lowered his voice and said: I still can't believe it, a tauren can be so strong. We have all seen that battle. It is a power that no one can match. None of the five God-chosen warriors can be his opponent. He definitely has the power of the Demon King!

Keep your voice down. Regel stiffened, glared at Matthew fiercely and whispered, Don't think that no one is watching us. It's better not to talk about these things. You just need to do your own thing. , you don’t need to worry about anything else, I will arrange it naturally.” It’s not that Reger didn’t see the battle that day, sometimes it’s better to lie.

That day, after Regel arranged for his men to do what Mo Yan told him, he and Matthew went to the city wall to see if Mo Yan was still alive. After all, as the core of Thunder Bluff, everything in the city is led by Mo Yan. Although both the Sartes and Maro people have the right to command monsters, in fact this right comes from Mo Yan.

Once Mo Yan dies, his orders will be invalid. After the monsters in Thunder Bluff lose their restraints, they can't control their desire to eat people, and those Firth marks will disappear. And it was precisely because of this consideration that the two of them saw that shocking and terrifying battle. After the tauren killed the strongest man, the remaining two divinely chosen warriors could be said to be absolutely unstoppable. Those who worked hard were tortured and killed.

In addition to the corpses of the Salt people on the ground, and the magic weapons scattered on the ground. Regel and Matthew were both afraid and curious about the strength of the tauren as the city lord. How did a tauren become so powerful?

That's true. Matthew lay back and said, You have always been the one making the decisions. Anyway, even if you ask me to think about it, I can't come up with any good ideas, so why bother wasting this brain. Alas, I really don't know. Why do we have to go in such a big circle? It would be great to go back to Thunder Bluff as soon as possible. I miss the barbecue in Thunder Bluff. I have been eating things from those iron cans these past few days and I feel like vomiting.

You eat it every day, sooner or later you will fall into trouble! Although Regeer said this, he took out a piece of roasted sweet potato from his pocket and handed it to Matthew and said, I sold it when I passed by the village last time. I haven't eaten the roasted sweet potatoes yet, so I'll give them to you so you don't complain in my ears.

Hehe! I've been thinking about this piece of sweet potato for a long time! Matthew, who had succeeded in his conspiracy, took the sweet potato and gnawed it and said, Sometimes, I am still very smart. I know that if I complain, you will Will hand things over, this is called mastering the habit!

Eat yours! Regel pulled up Matthew's hood and covered his head with force.

Monsters in Elam are widely distributed. This is a well-known fact in the Hill Continent. Almost all monsters on the continent can be found in Elam. The soldiers of Thunder Bluff have always relied on the monsters in the nearby forest. Although there are many in number, the types are sparse.

This time Mo Yan returned to Thunder Bluff with the monster army, and made a big half circle. Not only did he enrich the types of monsters in the army, he also recorded the locations where the monsters spawned, laying a foundation for future gatherings. This mighty and huge army of monsters set out from the vicinity of the Parliament City with piles of loot and 20,000 gold coins robbed by fire, and returned to Thunder Bluff in a month.

After returning to Thunder Bluff, Lilith, who stayed in the city, held a welcoming ceremony. And Mo Yan also took this opportunity to reward a lot of things, so that everyone who participated in the battle received the rewards they deserved. A list of meritorious deeds was also listed and engraved on the stone tablet to encourage each commander to continue to fight bravely in future battles.

Nowadays, monsters are stationed outside Thunder Bluff, and various creatures are roaming everywhere in the deep forest. The occasional roar can be heard even in Thunder Bluff. Along the way, the monster army could have gathered a lot of good things, if it weren't for the fact that Thunder Bluff's food was not enough to supply so many monsters. This time alone, Thunder Bluff can directly possess 20,000 powerful monsters.

Even so, Thunder Bluff has summoned four thousand new monsters. More than a hundred rare monsters such as mountain giants have been found, and monsters such as lizardmen, jackals, twisted tree demons, three-headed basilisks, giant-tusked demon dogs, etc. The number of other monsters is huge and countless.

After equipping these monsters with corresponding weapons and equipment, there will be no pressure at all even if they fight against the already damaged Salt people. However, Mo Yan is obviously not a murderous person. He will try his best to avoid the possibility of war if the matter can be solved without using force. Moreover, things taken by force will take a long time to stabilize, and they will also have to face attacks from a large number of opponents (the hard-pressed Mei army).

Maybe if Mo Yan said that he was a peace-loving person, he would be sprayed with blood by everyone who had seen him fight. Now, the bodies on that section of the wall in the Parliament City have not yet been cleaned up, and the stick he brought back to Thunder Bluff and the spine with the head are both physical evidence of a slap in the face. But in fact, these were not made by Mo Yan's hands. After he came to this strange world and became a tauren, he was always affected by his body.

Maybe it's okay when he's calm, but once he gets into a fight, his bloodthirsty desire emerges from deep inside, causing him to do those cruel things. But he doesn't care much about these things. His bloodthirsty performance in battle will make his enemies fearful, and fear will make his victory easier. Just like the last god-chosen warrior he killed, if he hadn't been so scared that he lost his mind, he wouldn't have been killed so easily.


Did you get the magic materials? The day after Mo Yan returned to Thunder Bluff, Ryze heard that Mo Yan was going to talk about something by himself. Thinking that he had got the magic materials, he immediately rushed to the SS from his residence. At the military station, Mo Yan looked at Mo Yan who was in a good mood and asked, If that's the case, I can't wait to start doing experiments. There are a lot of things that I think you will be very interested in.

The matter of magic materials will have to wait. Mo Yan shook his head and said: Although I have dispatched the caravan, it will take some time to bring it back. I came to you this time because I have more important things. For God What do you think about choosing warriors? Can you tell me your thoughts?

The chosen warriors. Ruiz touched his gray beard and smiled and said: This is really a simple question. They are well known on the mainland. As the darlings of their respective gods, most of them have extraordinary abilities. And growing up under the guidance of gods, they have strong fighting power, and depending on the gods, some also have profound knowledge. Why do you suddenly want to ask about this?

As a wandering archmage wandering around the continent, it is impossible to say that he has never come into contact with the Chosen Warriors. Ryze has even cooperated with them. If he wanted to go deep into some ancient ruins in the wild, it was obviously impossible for him to do it alone. Ryze liked the knowledge and magic contained therein, while the chosen warriors could get what they wanted.

So have you studied the God's Chosen Warrior? Mo Yan stared into Ruiz's eyes and said with a smile, I mean a very direct kind of research.

That's not true, but if possible, I would like to find out. Ruiz shook his head and said. Following Mo Yan's words, he seemed to have understood something. He had already heard the news that the black dragon in Thunder Bluff had killed five God's Chosen Warriors. Perhaps such a reason could deceive the barbarians, but it could not deceive the well-informed Ryze.

After seeing Jones's dragon body, he could tell that it was a black dragon that was still underage. Without going through special rituals, he does not have all the combat power of an adult black dragon. Even if an adult black dragon fights five divinely chosen warriors, it is a very dangerous thing, let alone killing those people.

Now an opportunity is in front of you. Mo Yan smiled and clapped his hands, and the two SS soldiers who were waiting for orders outside the door immediately opened the door and walked in. In their hands they carried a human stick that was tied to a cross, its eyes covered, and a strange sphere was stuffed in its mouth. There was a faint mark of light on its forehead, indicating the identity of this human stick, a powerful god. Choose a warrior.


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