Monster Minotaur

Chapter 89 The Enchanted Girl

Gorgeous dresses, beautiful music, and crystal magic lights worth thousands of dollars turned the entire dance floor into a dream. The ladies and gentlemen with mask-like smiles danced gracefully among them. Years of social training made their every move very precise without losing their style.

While the soldiers on the front line were fighting for the country, these nobles went to enjoy the peace they had exchanged for their lives, drink high-quality wine to their heart's content, and live in the name of socializing. Maro's army is approaching here, and the front line is not far away. This is already the southern hinterland of Carthage, and Luxembourg on the front line fell a month ago.

The royal family commanding there retreated to the deep south, to the city of Sarasin, which had obvious geographical advantages and tall and strong walls. Compared with the difficult front line, the environment here is really great, because as the largest city in the south, the industry here is developed, and the city is surrounded by large plantations, which can provide the city with everything it needs.

Soldiers who originally fought on the front line can be fully cultivated here, or it can be said that they are corrupted by materials. Anyone who stays here will not think of going anywhere else. After all, this is the former royal capital of Carthage. The prosperity here is rare in other places on the continent. The rich Carthage possesses the wealth. , built this place into an enchanted city.

Have you heard? A girl came from a village in the occupied area. On the gorgeous wine table next to the dance floor, two nobles were talking about the anecdotes they heard: She actually said that she heard the gods The voice came to save Carthage in distress, and let Grand Duke Obas sponsor her to go to the front line to recover the lost territory.

Haha... is he another commoner who was scared crazy by the Maro people? The noble with a mustache smiled when he heard his companion's words and said: Let's not talk about what a woman can do, but she actually said that she can hear God's voice, does she think she is a warrior chosen by God? Those warriors are picked up by the temple after birth and grow up under the guidance of God.

Yes. The noble with thick eyebrows also laughed and said: She doesn't have any divine marks on her forehead. Although the girl is a little stronger, most girls in the countryside are so rude, so there is nothing strange about it. place. Although I don’t know how she convinced the two guards to take her to see Grand Duke Obas, but in the end they were all kicked out.

Did that girl come to Saracin alone? The mustachioed noble asked strangely after hearing his companion's words: All the way from the front line to here, there were countless monsters on the way. How did she, a girl, get there safely? From here?

Who knows. The thick-browed noble raised his eyebrows and took a sip of red wine. Maybe they came with the defeated troops. There are not many places on the front line that have not been defeated. Although most of them have retreated to nearby areas, there are still some unimportant places. People from small places are just coming here now.”

Boy, I think I've seen you there. Serbo, who was listening to the two nobles talking, was suddenly grabbed by a man on the shoulder and said: It seems that you were the one who rescued the blond man on horseback last time. . Serpo knew the reason why he was stopped when he heard this. It seems that he didn't know that it was the noble who was hated by Drizzt, and happened to remember his appearance and participated in the dance here.

Sorry, you got the wrong person. Serbo turned around and looked at the four people behind him and said with a smile: I have never seen you, and I don't know where you have seen me. As for you I saved a man, I'm really sorry, I didn't do that. Those are the tricks you, the born nobles, only like to play, and I only like women.

When Serbo saw the clothes of these four people, he already knew the identities of the four people in front of him. Only those hereditary nobles would dress themselves up in such colorful ways. The exaggerated colors and styles of clothing would be different to normal people. Wouldn't dress like that. What happens is that the four people in front of them each have a main color. If there is a blue color, they will have five colors.

Don't take things too far! I won't remember wrongly. That person is you. The leader of the red-clothed nobles stared at Serpo's face carefully and said, I don't know your face. Forgot! Tell me where the man is, I’m going to break his third leg! He dared to cheat on me, I’ll make him regret that he can’t control his lower body!”

Okay, even if you recognize me. Serpo looked at a man in blue clothes, walked over from a distance and said with a smile: But I don't know where he is now, and in order to keep him I don’t know whether it’s the left leg or the right leg, and I won’t tell you where it is.”

Then I can only let you taste the power first. The man in red clicked his fingers, looked at the four people around him and said: Although I admire your loyalty, but a little If you dare to oppose me as a knight, I can only let you know what it means to be powerful!

Then you still need to call someone. Serpo took off the knight's coat of arms from his chest, threw it to the bartender behind the bar for safekeeping, and loosened his collar and said: Otherwise, if I fight against the five of you by myself, you will suffer some losses.


While Serpo was fighting for his friend's leg, his friend Drizzt was walking on the street in disheveled clothes. Just now, he jumped out of the window of the kitten he had just hooked up with his clothes in his arms. come out. After coming to Saracin, he didn't know why he had some bad luck recently. Every time he was about to enter the final step, the little cat man would come back, forcing him to hide or jump out of the window to escape. .

Ah...hasn't the goddess of fortune stopped paying attention to me recently? Drizzt sighed as he slowly walked back to the castle: Would you like to donate some money to the goddess of wealth and let the goddess help me and luck? Can you please communicate with the goddess? seems that I don’t have any money anymore. After rummaging through his money bag, Drizzt put it away helplessly. Recently, in order to pretend to be a rich noble, He has spent almost all his salary.

Are you a knight? Drizzt was stopped by a girl at an intersection. Two soldiers dressed as guards followed her, but they did not seem to be escorting her. And she looks like just a village girl, not a girl from a noble family. This made Drizzt a little interested in how the situation in front of him came to be.

I am a knight. Drizzt adjusted his clothes, pointed to the knight's coat of arms on his chest and said: And I am also a gentle and handsome knight. May I ask, beautiful lady, what can I do for you? ?”

I want to form an army and go to the front line to take back the lost land. The auburn-haired girl is very tall. Perhaps because she often does farm work, her skin is not very smooth but is very firm. The look in her eyes when she looked at Drizzt was very calm, as if she was talking to an ordinary person. She had no scruples like other civilians because of Drizzt's identity as a knight.

Hehehe...Then you should look for warriors who can join the battle. Drizzt did not laugh at the girl, but he did not take the girl's words as truth. He looked at the girl and said with a smile: And I am A knight who commands one knight at a time. If there are no soldiers to command me, I will be of little use. Even if I am brave and good at fighting, I am only the strength of one person.

Then if I find soldiers, can you lead the army for me? I need knights to help me manage the army. The girl looked into Drizzt's eyes and said seriously: As for the soldiers, I can find them soon. I plan to raise funds from merchants in the city, and then buy some slaves to form an army, and then I will need someone to help me train them.

Okay, if you recruit five hundred warriors. Drizzt put away his smile, and he felt the girl's recognition and persistence from the girl's eyes. It would be unreasonable to treat it as a joke, so Drizzt corrected his attitude and thought for a while and said: Although I don't think your plan is very feasible, I can promise you that when you have five hundred people, After that, I can help you train them. As for the leader, I have to think about it, because I am serving others, and it is not my decision to leave.

Then please convey my request to your master. The girl nodded and said, If that doesn't work, please introduce some knights who are willing. Then when I gather the soldiers, where should I find you?

I'm in the castle. Drizzt thought for a moment and said, When the time comes, go tell the guards and ask for Knight Drizzt, and I will notify them of your arrival.

Goodbye then, kind knight. The girl nodded to Drizzt with a smile, and walked to other places with the two guards. Drizzt watched this strange girl slowly leave, feeling that everything just happened was like a dream, but the girl's firm and calm eyes left a deep impression on Drizzt's heart.

Okay. Drizzt shrugged and continued walking his way and said: Maybe the princess will feel a little strange, but since she agreed, there is nothing she can do, and maybe she won't be able to get five hundred people at all.


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