Monster Minotaur

Chapter 73 Industrial Adjustment

Mo Yan miscalculated. After he returned to Thunder Bluff and learned that the price of food in Ellan had increased five or six times, he felt that it was a wrong decision to focus on developing industry. The civil war in Elamite had sharply increased the demand for food, and now all the towns were purchasing heavily to supply the front lines.

Although Thunder Bluff also has some fields outside the city, due to the rapid growth of Thunder Bluff's population, these grains cannot meet the needs of the city. In normal times, Thunder Bluff has always relied on acquisitions to solve the food problem in Thunder Bluff. Now, food prices in Elam have increased due to the civil war.

All the gold coins that Mo Yan earned through business flowed back to the Salt village. Although Mo Yan confirmed from the beginning that hoarding too many gold coins was not conducive to the development of Thunder Bluff, he did not want the gold coins to flow away like this. Purchasing high-priced food is not only detrimental to Thunder Bluff's reputation, but is also a waste of money.

Originally, Mo Yan planned to take advantage of this war to make a fortune from the war. The current situation means that although Thunder Bluff's income will not fall into a loss, it will become much less. The manufacturing of the gray dwarf's gun, the construction of the Fish Scale Bay Harbor, and the second city that is still being planned are all very expensive.

If Mo Yan does not earn enough funds during this Elamite civil war, many things in the original plan will be postponed. Moreover, food shortage is also a huge problem. If the Salt people of Elam react, find that the food supply problem is Thunder Bluff's weakness, and unite to raise food prices.

Then even for a long time after the war stops, the development of Thunder Bluff will be stagnant. But the good thing is that Mo Yan discovered this problem as soon as he returned to Thunder Bluff. This gave him a lot of time to make remedial measures.

Except for the three-month rainy season in Hill Continent, the sky is clear most of the time. This allows the planting industry in Hill Continent to produce almost all year round, and farmers do not do such crazy planting regardless of soil fertility mainly because they consider the problem of land recuperation.

Among the seventeen months of the year in Hill Continent, except for the rainy season from April to July, farming is not possible. The period from June to April is divided into days for farmers to rest and let the land rest. In July, which is the end of each year, almost all farmers on Hill Continent will go to temples or at home to worship the gods they believe in and pray for good luck in the coming year.

Therefore, crops can be grown for almost nine months every year. If it weren't for the constant harassment of monsters that destroyed the fields outside the city from time to time, the number of people on the mainland would be even greater. The yield brought by nine months is enough to feed more people, and the wheat seeds used in Hill Continent are not the same as those on Earth.

The wheat seed called golden wheat has a shorter growth cycle than the earth's wheat. Although the yield is not very high, this is also due to cultivation problems. If there are more suitable planting methods, the production of golden wheat should be higher.

There are currently 20,000 goblin coolies in Thunder Bluff. These cockroach-like creatures are spread throughout the forest, doing the most menial jobs in Thunder Bluff. These goblins are responsible for the cleaning of the city and the collection of supplies. Among the 20,000 goblin coolies, only 1,500 are responsible for farming.

With the stupid minds of goblins, it is not easy to learn how to farm. Without any special training, they just rely on self-study. It is already a very good achievement to develop the original few hundred farming goblins into a thousand and five. . After Mo Yan created the Quyuan pear, he never managed the goblins who cultivated it.

Because of the failure of the internal combustion engine he made, Mo Yan gave up the idea of ​​using alcohol to drive it. In Mo Yan's mind, since the internal combustion engine has failed, so much food is useless. Grain for brewing could be purchased, and grain prices in Elam were relatively low at that time.

We can only make up for it. In the farmland outside Thunder Bluff, Mo Yan looked at the large number of goblins that had been mobilized to reclaim the land and said: Temporarily mobilize the logging goblins to reclaim the land, and try to increase the food production in two months. Bring it up.

But this will reduce the production of wood a lot. Lilith, who accompanied Mo Yan outside the city, said: Now the production of weapons requires a lot of wood, and the castle is almost completed. Wood is needed to make furniture, and Various necessary items, and the city also needs wood as fuel.”

The castle can be temporarily suspended. Mo Yan thought for a while and said: The fuel needed in the city will be replaced by coal. Although this will affect the forging, there is no other way. The food problem must be solved immediately. No Food guarantee Thunder Bluff can only be a paper tiger. Once the food supply is cut off, it will fall into an extremely passive situation.

Once the development of the industry falls into imbalance, you will have to pay the price for adjustments later. Thunder Bluff has not yet developed into a big city like Ancud or Council City. All you need to do to adjust is bite the bullet, but once the population reaches tens of thousands, the cost of adjusting will not only be the cost of reduced production capacity.

While arranging for many goblins to reclaim and plant fields, Mo Yan also temporarily mobilized some goblins from the legion to participate in logging. These goblins, who were specially trained to fight, were used as coolies during this special period to minimize the impact of industrial adjustments.

As for the Suifa gun team of more than 200 people formed by the gray dwarves, due to production restrictions and the impact of food prices, only 100 people received the expected weapons. At present, they can only rely on these one hundred Suifa guns and train in specially designated military camps outside the city.

As Thunder Bluff's newest unit, the existence of the Gray Dwarf Musketeers will be kept strictly confidential. Most of these gray dwarves, who are members of the Brotherhood of Steel, signed confidentiality contracts when they joined the Musketeers, and swore to the gods they believed in not to reveal this secret.

Although the simple confidentiality contract made by Ruiz cannot have special power to bind the signer like other contracts, it can still have special words on the signed contract when the secret is leaked, allowing Mo Yan to share Find out who leaked the secret. Moreover, the gray dwarves did not know that the contract they signed was not a common magical contract.

The two hundred confidentiality contracts were made by Ryze by dismantling some of his own magic items. When Ryze handed the two hundred contracts to Mo Yan, he once said with a smile that if he stayed here for a while, he might have to dismantle his staff.

Although Mo Yan paid Ritz, such words still made Mo Yan a little embarrassed, and he hated the pirates who stole his materials even more. Once the situation in Ellan stabilizes, Mo Yan will definitely go and rip off the heads of those pirates himself! If it weren't for these pirates, Mo Yan wouldn't be raising a great mage in vain.

Although Mo Yan found a lot of troublesome things after returning from the dungeon, it didn't mean that nothing good had happened recently. Because Santa Fe has begun a war with the Elan coupers, Thunder Bluff's weapons sales have increased a lot. This allowed Thunder Bluff to still have a large amount of gold coins in its account after going out to buy food.

The first large steam engine built by the gray dwarves has also been put into the mine. Using the power of steam engines to transport minerals has greatly increased the output of the mine. The laid tracks and the use of mine carts eliminate the need for cave goblins to slowly carry the collected ore from underground to the surface in backpacks.

The third and fourth monster legions being trained in Thunder Bluff are gradually coming to an end. Training monsters as basic officers is a bold attempt. It can be seen from Refola's report that these monsters can currently act as required, distinguish the most basic tactics, and coordinate with command.

The success of this attempt will make the construction of the monster army more convenient. In the future, you only need to configure a high-intelligence monster, or use a human as the legion leader, and you will be able to form considerable combat effectiveness. It no longer requires people with high intelligence to take on the role of even the lowest-ranking officers.

If necessary, Mo Yan can even deploy officers from the first or second army to other newly formed monster armies to serve as commanders. Then the command problem that troubled Mo Yan the most was solved very well.

But Mo Yan is not in a hurry to do so now. After all, Elan's current situation is not harmful to him. And after the training of the third and fourth legions is completed, Mo Yan plans to dispatch them to the expected second city to make preliminary preparations for the engineering team that will go next to clean up nearby monsters and cut down wood.


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