Monster Minotaur

Chapter 5 Cultivating Stockholm Syndrome

The rainy season in Hill Continent is far from over. The downpour is still falling, and lightning illuminates the gloomy sky from time to time, making a huge sound, as if it is really frightening some monster. At the foot of the mountain southwest of Salt Village, Salt warriors gathered together to eliminate the monsters in the forest.

The gathering place is a cave at the foot of the mountain. This has always been a place that the Salt people take care of. Because of its excellent geographical location, a large number of monsters gather here every year.

The appearance of all kinds of monsters here is not a good phenomenon. Not only is it easy to produce some monsters that are unlikely to appear at ordinary times, but some not-so-good phenomena can also occur, such as letting someone on the mountain top A powerful being has awakened. The powerful monster that has been sleeping for more than a thousand years should continue to sleep.

Now, more than three hundred Salt warriors have gathered at the gathering place not far from the cave. Although the number of people is not very large, it is indeed a powerful force that cannot be ignored. All the young warriors from the three nearby villages are gathered here. Under the leadership of the warriors in the village, they will complete this year's virginity cleansing.

After witnessing and participating in killing all the monsters in the cave, including all the monsters in the cave, these young warriors can truly become independent warriors. This ritual is called Una by the Salt people, which means blood bath. .

Hey, Thrall. A group of twenty Salt warriors approached the camp with heavy steps. They greeted the soldiers on guard and said, You seem to have a lot of good guys here this year.

Haha... Luke, you guys are late this year. Sal opened his mouth and smiled innocently and said: The other people in your village have been drinking mead in the camp for a long time!

We encountered a six-meter giant monster and some tauren, so it took some effort. Thrall pointed to the heads of several warriors behind their backs and said proudly: However, for us, it only took a little effort. Kung Fu thing.”

Come on, Rook. Thrall looked at the tauren heads strung together and a huge troll head, then looked at Rook's costume and said with a smile: The one you like best Even the breastplate is gone, I have the nerve to say it just took some effort, but you show it off every year.

There's no way, the giant monster is too powerful. Luke didn't have the consciousness to be exposed at all, and said without blushing: At least this really proves that it is a good armor. Okay, I won't bullshit you. Now, I’m going to Aruba.”

Aruba? Sal was stunned, turned to look at the camp and said, Isn't Aruba with you? I heard from others that they left with you.

They haven't come yet? Luke frowned and said uneasily: He and Kulu separated from us halfway and said they were going to the west side of the village to have a look.

The west side of Cabinda? Sal touched his long braided beard and recalled: If it wasn't very deep, there should be only some goblins and low-level hell demons there, at most. They are just some monsters that are not too strong, and most of them are single.”

Yes. Luke nodded and said, So, the two of them should come faster than us.

Well, with their skills there shouldn't be any big problems. Thrall spread his hands and said: Maybe they just got lost. You also know the road idiot in Kulu, and Luke was probably just temporarily trapped. He just fainted, and he should be here when he regains consciousness.

Okay. After Sal's reminder, Luke also remembered that he had a road-crazy friend, and said helplessly: Then wait, I hope they can catch up with this year's crackdown. By the way, who else hasn't? arrive?

There are also those guys from Lobito. You know they were all those disgusting slimes and cave assassins on their way here... Sal and Rook walked into the camp while chatting. …

At this time, Kulu wiped the rain off his face, looked around at the terrain that seemed to be exactly the same, took a dagger and threw it up, then looked at the direction the tip of the dagger was pointing, and ran over...

Try it. Mo Yan held up a roasted gnome leg and persuaded Aruba, who had not eaten for a day, It tastes very good. If you don't believe me, you can ask No. 1!

Yes! No. 1 drooled as he looked at the goblin legs baked by Mo Yan himself and dripping with fresh oil, and nodded vigorously. He didn't even think about whether he cut it off from one of his unlucky fellows.

Look, No. 1 nodded. Mo Yan said with an attentive look on his face: Although I have never tasted it, it shouldn't be that bad.

Humans, not monsters like you. Aruba, who had been seriously injured and hadn't eaten for a day, looked much weaker, without the strong vitality he had when he was just captured.

Really? This is what's wrong with humans. Mo Yan said helplessly: Look, most of our monsters cannibalize humans. So, if humans don't eat monsters, how can this material relationship be balanced?? The more people The less you eat, the more monsters you eat. Sooner or later, there will be no more monsters to eat.

Hmph! Sooner or later we will kill all you monsters. Aruba said viciously, his words seemed a bit lacking in confidence due to lack of strength.

It's not like we haven't been killed yet. Mo Yan shook the goblin leg in his hand and said, Anyway, I only know that if you don't eat, you won't even have the strength to speak.

Even if I die, I will not eat the corpse of a monster that will drive people crazy! Aruba shouted when he saw Mo Yan forcefully stuffing the goblin legs into his mouth.

Oh~~That's it. Mo Yan threw the goblin leg to No. 1 who had been greedy for a long time and said, Then you should have said it earlier! If you didn't tell me, how would I know that eating goblin will make people crazy? I learned it again A little bit of knowledge.”

As he spoke, Mo Yan took out some toasted and hard bread from behind and placed it in front of Aruba. From the beginning, Mo Yan was just teasing Aruba.

Since you prepared the bread, why didn't you take it out just now? Aruba reached for the bread and said angrily. He saw that Mo Yan was just teasing him.

Wait a minute! Mo Yan opened Aruba's hand and said, Did I say I'll give it to you for free?

Hearing Mo Yan's words, Aruba shrank back to the corner where he was, closed his eyes and ignored Mo Yan. The dignity of a soldier meant that he could no longer endure such insults.

Stop being silent. Mo Yan picked up a branch and poked Aruba and said, Look, I stole this food from your village with great difficulty! It contains the souls of more than two hundred goblins. And blood, if you just eat it like this, how can you respect those useless soldiers who died?

The logic of bandits. Aruba glared at Mo Yan and said in a hoarse voice: Those are the grains we grew. You bandits have stolen the fruits of other people's labor, and you actually have the nerve to say it.

Is your throat a little hoarse? Mo Yan took off the sleeping bag from his waist and handed it to Aruba, saying, Drink some water.

Aruba took the water bag and looked at it. The pattern on it was so familiar. Needless to say, this water bag was also stolen from the village by the tauren in front of me.

Bandit. Aruba took a sip of water and then put the water bag into his arms.

The water bag is back! Mo Yan waited for the bull's eye, looked at the prisoner who dared to steal his things and shouted: You are a prisoner! That water bag is mine!

That's the water bag of the Moroccan uncle at the entrance of the village. He has been using it for more than ten years. When did it become yours? Aruba completely ignored Mo Yan's request, closed his eyes and adjusted his sleeping position, just like that I ignored Mo Yan now.

You're cruel! Mo Yan yelled angrily. After saying that, he stood up, grabbed an eye-catching goblin and threw it to the ground, turning it into a pile of meat paste. Ignoring the goblins snatching food behind him, he walked out of the depths of the cave. Whether intentionally or not, the few pieces of bread were not taken away.

Hahahaha... Mo Yan walked to the entrance of the cave and sat back on the stone where he had been sitting for a long time. He stared at the rain curtain for a while, then suddenly laughed happily and said, Stupid humans, never know What is Stockholm Syndrome (see Note 1 for details)!”

Note 1: Stockholm syndrome (Stockholmsyndrome), Stockholm effect, also known as Stockholm syndrome or hostage complex or hostage syndrome, refers to a complex in which the victim of a crime has feelings for the criminal and even helps the criminal in turn. This emotion causes the victim to develop a favorable impression of, dependence on, and even help harm others.

Please recommend and collect it!

There is no one at all, and there is no motivation~

?  ? ? ?Gz ??y people, stolen from the village.

Bandit. Aruba took a sip of water and then put the water bag into his arms.

The water bag is back! Mo Yan waited for the bull's eye, looked at the prisoner who dared to steal his things and shouted: You are a prisoner! That water bag is mine!

That's the water bag of the Moroccan uncle at the entrance of the village. He has been using it for more than ten years. When did it become yours? Aruba completely ignored Mo Yan's request, closed his eyes and adjusted his sleeping position, just like that I ignored Mo Yan now.

You're cruel! Mo Yan yelled angrily. After saying that, he stood up, grabbed an eye-catching goblin and threw it to the ground, turning it into a pile of meat paste. Ignoring the goblins snatching food behind him, he walked out of the depths of the cave. Whether intentionally or not, the few pieces of bread were not taken away.

Hahahaha... Mo Yan walked to the entrance of the cave and sat back on the stone where he had been sitting for a long time. He stared at the rain curtain for a while, then suddenly laughed happily and said, Stupid humans, never know What is Stockholm Syndrome (see Note 1 for details)!” Note 1: Stockholm syndrome (Stockholmsyndrome), Stockholm effect, also known as Stockholm syndrome or hostage complex or hostage syndrome, refers to the feeling that the victim of a crime has towards the perpetrator. Emotions, and even a complex that in turn helps the criminal. This emotion causes the victim to develop a favorable impression of, dependence on, and even help harm others. ———————————Please recommend! Please collect it!

There is no one at all! I have no motivation anymore~

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