Monster Minotaur

Chapter 49 Peace of the Bay

When Cordelia woke up, she was in the water on the beach. This scene made everything last night really feel like a dream. Cordelia just fell asleep at the beach.

Is it really a dream? Cordelia opened her eyes and looked at the already slightly bright sky and said.

A dream? Do you really think so? A huge bull's head appeared in Cordelia's sight, occupying most of the sky in her eyes and said: If I have spent so much effort, it is just a dream. If so, wouldn’t I be at a great loss?”

Ah... Cordelia stood up quickly when she saw the bull head and retreated into the sea, but was immediately pulled back by an iron chain. A leather collar was placed on her snow-white neck, and the iron chain on the collar was in the hands of the tauren. This is also the reason why she was placed in the sea water. Mo Yan is not afraid of her escaping at all.

This thing is a magic item. Mo Yan looked at Cordelia who was touching the collar around her neck and said: Normal strength cannot break it, and huge strength might break your neck. This When I came here, my chief mage dismantled one of his old things and made it for me. And...

Mo Yan took out a twistable gray stone instrument, twisted it slightly and looked at Cordelia who felt the current, and said, If I want to, just twist this thing, the collar will send out an electric shock. The maximum current can turn you into coke!

Originally, Mo Yan planned to use the brand, but the goblins as sacrifices had already died due to the attack of monsters when they came, so Mo Yan could only use the prepared backup method. But in general, the effect is still the same. As long as the mermaid can be controlled, it doesn't make any difference which method is used.

Why didn't you eat me? Cordelia said after regaining her composure. Cordelia knew very well that most of the defeated mermaids were eaten. Many of her cousins ​​died in this way. Although mermaids are not considered weak in the vast ocean, there are many monsters stronger than them. Once defeated in the battle, the fate of the mermaid is determined.

Why should I eat you? Mo Yan asked with a smile: I spent a lot of effort to catch you, and to be honest, I still have a big psychological barrier to eating humanoid creatures. By the way ...Is mermaid meat delicious? Why don't you eat me? It seems that other monsters like to eat mermaids.

It is said that the flesh of mermaids can prolong life. Aruba came over at this time, looked at Cordelia in the water and said: It is said that six or seven hundred years ago, there were still a lot of mermaids at that time. Later, the Central Plains relied on The empires of the sea began to hunt mermaids, hoping for the power of immortality. So much so that mermaids are now considered rare monsters.”

Can you speak the language of monsters? After hearing Aruba's words, Cordelia finally expressed the confusion she had last night: When will humans also speak the language of monsters?

I work in a city of monsters, so of course I have to learn the language of monsters. Aruba knelt down and said, Although it is indeed disgusting to let the goblins bleed all over, there is nothing I can do about it in order to work. The magic of hell is like this Bloody. By the way, what are you going to do with this mermaid? Just put it back into the sea?

There's no rush yet. Mo Yan heard Aruba's words, thought for a moment, looked at Cordelia and said, There is still a fish head that we haven't dealt with yet. We'll wait until that guy is dealt with. Let Cordelia conquer those Monster. In this case, we need to be safer. Otherwise, if Cordelia goes back alone now, what if she encounters that fish monster?

After hearing the conversation between Aruba and Mo Yan, Cordelia remembered. Last night, the tauren in front of me did say that he had a city. The reason he came here was to build a port here, and the monsters entrenched here were a big problem.

I know where the fish head is. Cordelia pointed to a forest in the southeast and said: There is a small shallow lake there, and the nest of those fish monsters is there. I can take you there, as long as Please let me go, I will go back to the deep sea immediately.

Having seen Mo Yan's power, Cordelia has no intention of becoming his enemy. As for whether or not to come back here for revenge after the strength is reassembled in the future, that is another matter. For now, it is more important to protect yourself first.

The bay needs to be guarded. Mo Yan shook his head and said, If you are gone, other monsters will come here, and it will still be a trouble. I need you to stay here and help me manage the monsters in the ocean here. , to maintain order in the bay. This is why I want to capture you.

If that's the case, I can do it. Cordelia thought for a moment and said, But please remove this collar, I won't run away.

If it were you, would you do this? Mo Yan smiled and patted Cordelia's head and said, Once you return to the sea, where should I go to find you? With this collar, I can I can find you at any time and punish you when you disobey. And you look very beautiful with the collar on. I don’t want to take it off no matter what the reason is.

Cordelia opened her mouth, but finally said nothing, even she thought it was unlikely. Will someone who is finally caught be released without restraint? Someone may do such a thing, but generally speaking, such a person is either a great wise man or an extremely stupid idiot.

Having explained the function of the collar to Cordelia, the chain attached to the collar is no longer needed. After all, if she didn't want to be shocked by Mo Yan, it was best for her to be obedient. In the morning, after Mo Yan and Aruba had breakfast, they arrived at the place where the Karna fish monster called Gal was guided by Cordelia.

Mo Yan was very lucky. When he was about to approach the fish monster cave by the lake, he encountered a group of fish monsters returning from a long night swim. An unusually tall fish monster stood out in the middle of the group. There were quite a few of these fish monsters, but they were not a big deal to Mo Yan.

A killing that happened just last night was repeated on this sunny morning. Mo Yan, wielding a huge ax, turned a large number of fish monsters into piles of corpses like mowing grass. And the strong fish monster named Gal only resisted for a moment before his right leg and left hand were cut off.

Why don't you kill him? Seeing that Mo Yan did not kill the fish monster, Cordelia couldn't help but asked a little strangely: Didn't you say that the monsters here are very troublesome? After killing him, I can more Ok run this place for you.”

Who among you is the most powerful? Mo Yan turned around and asked Cordelia who was put aside: I have always been curious, his power is not very strong. Why can't you, who can use magic? Rule this place?

I came here from the sea more than ten years ago. Cordelia said: At that time, he ruled here, and I have defeated or won his men into my hands bit by bit. If not Some fish monsters prefer to follow him, and I killed him a few years ago.”

Then I'm relieved. Mo Yan put away his axe, took out a bandage from the backpack on his waist and began to bandage Gal. I won't kill him. He will become your adjutant, since his He is not as strong as you, so I think you should be able to suppress him. Your name is Gal, right? I have defeated you, and you are now my subordinate.

I'm already disabled. Gal's mouth was bubbling as he looked at Mo Yan, who was bandaging him, and said, Even if I am cured, I no longer have the strength I had before. Am I still useful to you? It is an ordinary monster. The fish monster did not have the colorful intestines of the mermaid. After being defeated, he simply recognized Mo Yan's power. Sometimes it's easier to deal with monsters, they just value their strength.

Sometimes power is not just strength. Mo Yan smiled and tied the last knot and said: That mermaid is not as easy to manage as a monster. I need someone to help me watch her, and you and your men It's a good choice. I won't stay here in the bay forever, although there is a collar to dispose of her, but I like the double insurance.

I will...hiss...I will do it well. Gal wanted to stand up, but the wound on his body hurt and he fell to the ground again. After all, he was missing an arm and a leg and wouldn't be able to stand up for a while.

Let your men carry you back. Mo Yan looked at some of the shivering fish monsters around and said, After a while, I will ask someone to send you a hook hand and a prosthetic leg made of oak. In this short time, Here, you can rest and recover first. And you, Cordelia, when you return to the sea, you can gather your men to start tidying up the bay.

I hope that when my people get here, they will see all the monsters in one place. Instead of running around on the beach. I will have people build special barracks for you, and you will be my naval force.

Okay. Cordelia nodded and said. Although he looked a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything. The fish monster Gar was left behind, which obviously made Cordelia a little uncomfortable. As long as Gal is alive for one day, she will not be able to truly manage all the monsters in this bay.


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