Monster Minotaur

Chapter 44 Port Plan

Elan is a place without magic resources. Even the most necessary magic crystal mine, Elan has not discovered even a little bit. The Salt people have never produced any magicians because of their talent. They worship physical power and disdain magic. Therefore, it is reasonable that the Salt people's cities do not have protective magic circles.

The long-term threat of monsters has kept the Salt people united, and there are almost no disputes between cities. This makes them very vague about fighting between humans, and they only know some basic tactics. If any powerful country on the mainland attacks the unprepared Elam at this time, it can cause huge damage to the Salt people.

But obviously no one would be interested in a place with so many hills, few fertile lands, and a large number of monsters. This was the Elamites' good fortune and their misfortune. The Salt people are called barbarians by the people of the Central Plains, and no Central Plains country looks down upon the Salt people.

They have been fighting many monsters in Elam for a long time, and can only maintain a relatively stable life. There is no mind or energy to think about those luxurious things. Being able to grow up in Elan and have a stable job is already the best idea for everyone.

But now there are changes in the area near Cabinda, and monsters no longer pose a threat to the Salt people. They were all restrained by a tauren, and the tauren also built a city belonging to the monster. That city can produce excellent weapons and equipment, the spider silk cloth it sells is gorgeous and durable, and the buildings in the city are clean and beautifully laid out.

The Salt people near this city have benefited a lot from the loss of monster harassment and trade. People continued to move to villages such as Cabinda, allowing them to reach the size of cities. Some people even moved directly into Thunder Bluff, a city controlled by monsters, because it could provide higher wages and was safer. The city lord also promised a guarantee.

As a city lord, you have done a good job. While resting at Mo Yan's home, the mage looked at the passers-by outside the window and said to Mo Yan, who had just met his subordinates: Although there are still some traces on the faces of these relocated Salt people, Concerns, but they have begun to accept your identity as the city lord, and your credibility has been recognized nearby.

Of course, trust is the foundation of a person, and I can be said to be harmless to humans. Mo Yan seemed to have forgotten who killed a thousand Hammer warriors, and faced Rui who was idle at his house. Zi asked: Don't you need to do your experiments or something? You seem to have been very free since yesterday.

Yesterday morning, I had handed over the drawings of the mage tower to the gray dwarves responsible for the construction. Ryze turned around and said: There are no key points in the recent project, so you don't need me to look at it. .What about the case that happened the night before yesterday? I didn’t expect that something like that would happen on the first day I came here.”

My SS commander just came to report on the progress. Mo Yan found a seat and sat down and said: Those who were killed were not messengers, but spies who came to steal information. Fortunately, I haven't Write an apology letter to Parliament City. This information will give me some advantages. At least Parliament City will not fall out because of this.

When people want war, war will come. Ruiz said noncommittally: I came here today to tell you something. If you want to start building a city protection array, then materials are a big problem. . There are no magic crystals in Elam, nor are there sub-pus rhizomes, which are the basic materials of the magic circle. Not to mention the need for powerful magic items as the main body of the magic circle.

This is indeed a troublesome thing. Mo Yan frowned when he heard what Ruiz said: If Elan doesn't have these things, then they can only get them from the countries in the Central Plains. I can recruit one from the Salt people. Caravan, go to nearby Carthage to buy necessary materials. But what exactly are the main magic items?

If I have the materials, I can make something useful. Ryze thought for a moment and said, If I can get the heart of the Titan or the eyeball of the sea dragon. With some mithril and magic crystals, I can It can make a good main body.

As for the Titans, there are some gatherings in the Alps in the northwest of the continent, but that is a little too far, and they have to pass through three countries on the way. Sea dragons are found in the sea near Elam, but it seems that you don't have a ship that can sail them.

There is no rush to build the magic circle. Let's collect the materials slowly first. After all, there is no demand for this yet. Mo Yan said: As for the main materials, I will find a way to get them. I have also done it recently. The idea of ​​a port. There are only dirt roads directly between Carthage and Elam, and if you want to build a stone road to Carthage and there are not so many materials, a port is a good choice.

The source of the river near Cabinda is located on the mountain northwest of Cabinda. This mountain with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters has snow all year round. The water source of the river is produced by the melting of ice and snow on the mountain. This river, named the Mississippi by the Sartes, leads to a bay at the junction of Elam and Carthage.

According to the Salt people, there is good terrain there and a port can be built. However, due to the presence of many sea monsters there, no Salt people settled there. Because the Salt people have no way to deal with these monsters that will run into the sea once they cannot be defeated.

But the problem of monsters is not a big problem for Mo Yan. Being able to communicate with monsters, he only needs to catch some monsters nearby, then ask who the powerful monster nearby is, and then lure him to the shore. After defeating him, he solves the problem of monsters.

As for why the monster was lured to the shore, it was because Mo Yan couldn't swim. If he fought in the sea, Mo Yan, who was full of strength, would probably be tortured to death by monsters familiar with sea battles. Just drag Mo Yan to the deep sea and watch him slowly drown.

Building a port? Ruiz stroked his beard and said: This is a good idea, so that Carthage's merchant ships can also trade through there, and supplies can be transported from the Mississippi River in small boats. But Carthage People are very taboo about monsters, so the people at the port must arrange for Salters to garrison them.”

Yes. Mo Yan said helplessly: Obviously there can be one less procedure, but those Carthaginians still only go to the Salt people to buy weapons, and not even a Carthage businessman from Thunder Bluff came. I I thought all businessmen were the kind of people who were willing to take risks as long as the benefits were big enough.

The risk of coming here is too great. Ruiz smiled and said: Once the Saibia Temple in Carthage knows about this matter, they will have no control over Elan's affairs, but they will definitely burn those who trade with monsters. businessman, and although Thunder Bluff is not very famous now, at least Carthage should already know about it.

Master, those drow elves have arrived. At this time, Lilith knocked on the door of the lounge and said to Mo Yan and Ritz who were talking: Do I need to meet them now?

Then that's it. Ruiz picked up the staff leaning against the wall and said to Mo Yan: As for the weapon enchanting you mentioned yesterday, once you buy the magic crystal and Koth crystal from Carthage, I can immediately start.

Well, I will send a caravan to Carthage as soon as possible to purchase. Mo Yan nodded and watched Ritz leave the lounge, and then said to Lilith who was waiting: Let them all come here.

Okay. Lilith nodded and left the lounge, and soon brought thirty people who were tightly covered by cloaks.

Elves can extract magic power from sunlight, as well as the necessary life force, which is a gift from the forest goddess. But since the rebellion three thousand years ago, the drow elves who abandoned their gods have been abandoned by the forest goddess. Not only are they unable to gain strength from the sun, they even suffer from the sun's irradiation and become extremely weak.

If the drow wanted to leave the underground and come to the surface, they would definitely wrap themselves up tightly so that not a single ray of sunlight could reach them. And even if they leave the underground like this, they will still become much weaker than usual. The Dungeon family, currently unable to disobey Ashe's orders, handed over their heirs without any choice.

Welcome to Thunder Bluff. Mo Yan pulled up the thick curtains and asked Lilith to close the door. The reason why Mo Yan set the meeting place here was because this lounge was the only one with thick curtains that could block the sunlight.

Nice to meet you, my master. The thick cloaks were opened one by one, revealing the scantily clad bodies inside. Their dark skin exuded smooth reflections under the light of the lit candles, making them look alluring.

I think you who are proficient in conspiracy must know the reason why I did this. Mo Yan looked at the drow elves in front of him and said with a smile: Then I have something to say directly. It can be said that you have lost everything. I It will be your only reliance when you return to your family. So do your best to please me! The people I am satisfied with will return to your family in the future and get what you deserve!


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