Monster Minotaur

Chapter 39 Confusing

After the martial law, Thunder Bluff became quiet. Everyone gathered at the hotel where they lived and no longer went out to go shopping. They had received news that the Parliament City envoy had been killed in a hotel in the city. Most of these Salt people were talking about who did it and what their intentions were.

Although the scene where the envoy was killed has been protected, word spread in the city that there was a lot of werewolf hair at the scene, and the envoy also showed signs of being bitten by some kind of creature. So the most likely inference is that the envoy from Parliament City was killed by a crazy werewolf.

Of course, there are also many conspiracy theorists who say that there is an extremely important conspiracy here. Parliament City is the most important city in the entire Elam, and now Thunder Bluff is rising day by day, and the fact that it is controlled by monsters. The city councilors in the parliament city were unable to sit still, so they directed and staged this murder.

The reason is to destroy this increasingly powerful monster city. The reason for this argument is that the envoys who came were not important people, and they did not go to see the city lord on the day they arrived. Instead, they found a small hotel to stay in, even though they were envoys. It was only later that the Salters of the First Legion found the appointment letter of the mission when they checked their luggage.

What do you think? Glock asked Greer who was assigned to handle this matter in the blood-stained room. The corpses have been removed from the room and parked in specific areas, leaving only white humanoid marks.

These patterns drawn later did not have much effect because the body had already been moved by people who came to the room. They were only drawn later at Mo Yan's request and based on the image of the hotel employee who discovered the murder. This will probably allow people who came to the scene later to know what the arrangement of the bodies was like at that time.

What do you think? Reger, who was fascinated by the marks on the corpse, suddenly came back to his senses and said to Glock who was asking: Are you talking about this case? I don't know much now. The only thing I can be sure of is The thing is, this is a murder. And you should have done some investigation before I came here, right? What did you find?

It was not done by werewolves. Glock pointed to a mark in front of the door and said: First of all, if werewolves want to kill people, then they will not knock on the door and come in. Their claws allow them to fly over walls and walls, and windows are definitely better than doors. Take it by surprise so the people in the room aren’t defenseless.”

That's right. Regel recalled that they were attacked by the werewolves of the First Legion in various ways in the jungle and said, Those guys are very good at climbing trees.

The murderer who came in instantly killed the person who opened the door. Glock pointed to a slash mark on the corner of the table in front of the bed and the torn quilt and said: The people in the house were panicked about this incident. When I drew my weapon, I accidentally cut it here. And here was a person who was sitting on the bed. He turned around in panic, took out the long sword from his waist and slashed the quilt.

It's a normal reaction. Regel said: Everyone else will react like this when they hear the screams of pain from their companions, but how did five people get killed? Even if it is a relatively powerful monster, even if five people Even if you can't kill it, you can still delay it, right? And where is the employee from? I heard that the body was only found the next morning.

The hotel's employees have just moved from Lobito, and the salary here can be very high, you know. Glock shrugged and said: As for what you mean, I understand. I asked the staff in the store Everyone said they didn’t hear any sound at that time. Unless everyone in the store was a murderer or an accomplice, it would be impossible for the caliber to be so uniform, and there is something strange about it.

Where? Regel asked after hearing Glock's words.

Here. Glock pointed to the broken teacups under the table and said: There are seven used teacups here, but there are only six people from the envoy. Obviously there are people who are not from the envoy who have stayed here and talked with them. Before the murder occurred, perhaps the missing person was the murderer.

This man is unlikely to be the murderer. Reger looked around and said, In this case, the body at the door cannot be explained. You said that he was killed behind the door. And the one in the corner was obviously killed by The murderer threw it over, and the cracks in the wall showed that the murderer had very strong arm strength.

There were obvious signs of fighting on the bed and furniture, indicating that the fighting was fierce at that time. Except for one possibility, the employees downstairs couldn't have missed it.

You mean magic? Glock said: But there are only a handful of people in Thunder Bluff who can use magic. Apart from the two succubi of the tauren, only the black dragon can use it. I don't think these three people are very good at it. It may be the murderer. The succubus has been spending most of his time with the tauren these days, and the black dragon has already gone to the north with the second legion. And they have no motive to take action.

I didn't say that. Reger said with a smile: Maybe it's a magic item. I also saw such a situation when I was in Maro City. Later I found out that it was a mage apprentice who stole his mentor's It took a magic item to do it. He raped and killed the daughter of the victim's parents next door.

The victim's parents didn't hear anything at that time. It wasn't until they saw their daughter didn't get up the next day that they discovered that their daughter was dead. This case was very famous in Maro at the time, and many people were invited to catch the murderer. At that time, almost no one doubted that apprentice who could almost be said to have a bright future.

The situation here is different. Glock began to walk out. The evidence here was only valuable, and the rest had been completely destroyed by the hotel employees who acted erratically.

I know. Reger nodded and followed Glock down the stairs. I've seen all the corpses. Except for the two that were broken into two parts, the other corpses all had obvious bite marks. The body parts The meat is missing and we can assume it was eaten by the killer.”

These details are not important yet. Glock shook his head and said: What is important is, why did the murderer scatter werewolf hair at the scene? This is obviously to make it look like the werewolf of Thunder Bluff did it. And It is true that a patrol of the First Legion is missing. If Parliament City persists in this, we will face a huge war. And I don’t want to fight this war.”

Have you finished reading? Matthew downstairs said after watching the two people walking down: How is the situation? Do you have any clues?

Not yet. Regel shook his head and said, But I think there will be a breakthrough soon. After all, the Lord of the City gave us three days to solve the case.

I will try my best to help you. Glock said: I will follow up on the case in other aspects. If I find anything, I will notify you. If you need support, you can come to the military camp to find me. If I am not there, If you are there, you can also find my adjutant, and I will arrange for him to provide support to you.

Thank you very much. Regel nodded and said, That's it for today. I will go back and sort out the clues I got today to see if there is any breakthrough point.

Goodbye then. Glock said with a military salute to Regel.

What are we going to eat today? Matthew, who had left the hotel where the crime occurred, asked Regel, who was thinking with his head down: I heard that there is a very good barbecue restaurant here. The barbecue method was taught by the city lord himself. Almost Everyone who has eaten there says the barbecue there is the best they have ever had.”

Eating? Regel looked at Matthew who was not nervous at all and said with a smile: Speaking of eating, do you know what the city lord and I promised?

What's going on? Matthew asked without caring after hearing Regel's words.

If the matter cannot be solved within three days. Reger said unhurriedly: Then the entire SS army will have the same level of food as the goblins for one month.

What the hell!! Matthew shouted, and the empty street made his voice sound extra loud: Then why are you still lingering here!! Get to the station quickly, and then I'll get there immediately. Find that damn prisoner! I would rather die if he eats the same pig food as the goblins!

Are you energetic now? Regel looked at the extremely excited Matthew and said with a smile: Aren't you going to go there to eat that barbecue? There is nothing else to say that has nothing to do with you. You can also think of how to catch it. Live with the prisoners!”


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