Monster Minotaur

Chapter 265 Similar experiences, different fates

In the city of Saracen, the current royal capital south of Carthage, an important execution was being prepared at the execution ground on the outskirts of the city. The girl who claims to be the messenger of God, who is famous throughout the kingdom, will be executed by the heresy ruling of the temple today, and her crime is something that almost everyone can guess. During the war, this girl brought excitement to the entire Carthage, and also brought rare victories and honors. However, now she was to be executed by her own people, just for nominally offending the gods.

Many honest people regret such a result, while more people have an indifferent attitude. They are the most outstanding businessmen, and all they think about is their own interests. They do not care about other things. care. In fact, the temple's intervention in the war between Carthage and Maro was what most people wanted to see. The prosperity of warriors brought by the initial war had disappeared, and domestic production was in a downturn due to the impression of the war.

The Carthage royal family, which was at a disadvantage, could no longer afford more money to place orders with domestic merchants to purchase supplies and equipment. What's more, the high-level nobles in the country have been planning for a long time how to stop the war by betraying the royal family, but they just didn't have time to implement it. Now that the temple has helped them become the bad guy, this has actually done them a big favor, at least this way they don't need to bear the infamy and resentment.

The proportion of people who came to watch the execution in Sarasin City was not large in the main city, but it still numbered in the thousands. The spacious execution ground has been occupied by a large number of people. Everyone is staring at the tall pile of wood, waiting for the girl who claims to be the angel of God to appear. For most people, this is a scene. Entertainment, after all, since Ragnarok, people have rarely been burned at the stake for religious reasons.

Soon, the hut near the execution site was opened, and a girl in white was taken out by two men wearing black hoods. Their movements were quite rough and forceful. It can be seen from some blood marks on their arms what they wanted to do in that cell, but this time they were not facing ordinary female prisoners, so the activities they had done before the execution in the past did not come true. This made the two brothers who had been punished for their ancestors very angry, and now they vowed to let this bitch be killed in the most painful way.

To this end, the executioner, as the elder brother, carried a small bucket of water in his hand. When the fire was halfway burning, he would pour the bucket of water on the fire. In this way, before the girl is killed, she will suffocate from inhaling the thick black smoke, and her lungs and throat will be burned. This is a death that is more painful than fire. Thinking of waiting for this seemingly steadfast girl, the two people, who were crying and wailing in the thick smoke, tied her to the stone pillar of the fire with ferocious smiles, and waited for the waiting priest to announce the start of the execution.

The originally noisy square fell silent. Everyone looked at the priest on the execution platform, waiting for him to announce the start of the carnival, not caring at all what this girl had done for them. Of course, not everyone has lost their conscience. Some women who are already other people's mothers looked at the young girl's face and unconsciously thought of their children in the military, and couldn't help but look sad. In this city full of smart people, everyone knows what this execution is about.

The Heretic Tribunal, which has not been opened for a long time, just wants to seize this opportunity and show its existence. If the superior gods really cared about someone using their reputation to do something bad, then they would directly let the God-chosen warriors kill that person, instead of using these gods who usually do not only promote doctrines, but also perform magic for some privileged classes. Apart from magic, the priest who does almost nothing takes over.

What's more, what this girl has done is to add glory to the gods. Saving a country is not something that anyone can do. Even if this girl really offended the gods, she should be forgiven. But people are always the most cruel to each other. Just because their sense of existence is not strong, they can deprive a person of his life to show off his existence.

This is truly the best welcome to a hero of your country. On a rooftop in the distance, a man wearing an SS uniform looked at the execution ground in the distance with a telescope in his hand and mocked. Above his head is a large triangular object, with a light wooden frame and a canvas of the same color and pattern as the roof, allowing him to hide here without being easily discovered.

The man who is looking for an opportunity to rescue is Bond, who has been chasing him all the way from the area occupied by Marlow. Although bringing this girl with keen war instincts back was just a subsidiary task assigned to him by Reger, he, who pursues perfection, did not want to have something on his resume not long after he became an official SS soldier. There was a record of mission failure, so he chased all the way to the temporary capital of Carthage and found the contact point here. After contacting the SS headquarters in Elan through the communication slate set up at the contact point, although Reger gave him a severe scolding, he finally agreed to let him rescue the people.

I've obviously told you that the people here already want to kill you. Bond looked at the girl who was tied to the stake and said with some depression: You still come back on your own. Is this country? Do you really want to be so loyal? Bond, who rode away from the Lightning Legion camp, actually didn't take long to catch up with the girl's army, but after he explained the reason, the girl rejected him without hesitation. .

The priest who was standing on a high platform near the execution platform in the distance finally announced the start of the execution after explaining a lot of crimes about the girl and promoting the existence of the Heresy Tribunal. The executioner, who had already been standing aside with a torch, heard the priest's words and his sinister smile under the black mask became more intense. The torch in his hand was stretched towards the pyre that had been poured with kerosene, but a messy sound of breaking through the air made him The movement stopped.

He felt some pain in his chest and looked down at his chest. A short arrow was inserted there, and blood flowed along the tail with feathers. His strength drained away with the wound, and in the end he could only kneel down weakly, letting the darkness take his soul to the underworld. And based on what he had done before him, his life in Hades would definitely not be easy. Those female prisoners who had been insulted by the two brothers were always there waiting for their arrival.

Arrow feathers suddenly shot out from the crowd, frightening the nearest citizens. Their lives were in danger. They panicked and crowded into each other to leave this place of right and wrong. Some people with weak institutions fell to the ground in the crowd, and then countless pairs of feet stepped on them, preventing them from getting up again. The possibility, they never imagined that watching others die, it was indeed themselves who died in the end.

Some people in the crowd who were wearing cloaks opened the cloaks that covered themselves, revealing their bronzed skin and strong muscles that had been tanned by working in the sun all year round. Heavily armed, they fought together with the guards at the execution ground. They had an excellent tacit understanding with the Maro soldiers. The crossbowmen holding crossbows from a distance and the charging warriors covered each other and rushed towards the stone pillar tied to the stone pillar. The young girls were not afraid of even the powerful Maro soldiers, and they were even more powerful against the weak Carthaginian soldiers.

My father will definitely drive me out of the house. A male knight among the slave soldiers complained to the female knight beside him while leading the soldiers to kill: The wife I just met is probably also I want to say goodbye to her, she is such a lovely noble lady.

Stop your complaints, no matter how hard you pretend to be pitiful, I will never marry you! The female knight cleverly stabbed a soldier in the chest with her sword, and kicked him away with blood on his face. She looked at the knight who had no regrets on his face and said, I don't like a man who can't even beat me! If you want me to marry you, wait until you can defeat me!

The priest on the high platform looked at the slave soldiers who suddenly came out, and began to recite the incantation with a cold expression. Unlike magicians who control magic elves through incantations, priests can invoke the power of gods to use some auxiliary or offensive magic. Although these priests are not responsible for fighting, they actually have combat effectiveness. Wherever the priests are established, the gods will train them as assistants for the gods' chosen warriors. Although most priests cannot communicate with the gods, they can Learn magic from high-ranking priests.

White rays of light burst out from the priest's body, healing the soldiers who were resisting the slave soldiers in front of the execution platform, making them forget the fear in their hearts, as if they had taken some kind of stimulant, and began to fight back regardless of their own safety, temporarily The organization made it possible for the slave soldiers to break through the defense line.

At this time, the other executioner, who was holding his brother's body in distress, finally came to his senses, picked up the fire that had not been extinguished on the ground, and threw it hard on the firewood filled with kerosene, shouting loudly He roared at the slave warriors who wanted to save the girl: You will never be able to save her! Never! I will execute all of you!

Damn it! The female knight who saw this scene cursed secretly, and threw herself into the battle even harder, trying to save the girl before she was burned. The flames of the fire burned more and more intensely, and were about to burn the girl in the center. A man wearing a weird hooded costume used a weird triangular object to fly from a distance, and jumped over the girl who was fighting. The battle line jumped and collided with the frightened priest standing on the high platform.

But the next moment, only the man stood up. A blood-red flower was slowly blooming on the white robe of the priest who had fallen to the ground. After putting away the self-ejecting sharp blade on his forearm, Bond leapt into the burning fire. Regardless of the burning flames, he pulled out the dagger from his waist, cut the rope that bound the girl and took her with him. He jumped out and spread the fire-extinguishing cloth that had been prepared on the girl's body to extinguish the remaining flames.

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