Monster Minotaur

Chapter 260 The winner is not necessarily the brave one

The battle in the hall was going on fiercely, with the light of swords and magic flashing constantly. It can be said that there are several people with the top strength in the mainland, plus a demigod who was deprived of his godhead and fell into the sky. The power that burst out was so huge that no matter how solid the building in the world was, it could not stop it.

But obviously this place is no longer a mortal building. As the most important part of the Poseidon Temple Prison, this hall is protected by the power of the strange device. Some of the stone pillars that serve as important supports and the surrounding walls have runes. Strength support. The architectural structure that Poseidon could not destroy for thousands of years, now even with Mo Yan and the adventuring team of the gods, could not cause much damage to the walls of the hall.

Two dragons who had already transformed into their original bodies were flying and fighting on the dome of the hall. The precious dragon blood and dragon scales spilled from the wounds on their bodies, and steam was rising on the ground. The magic power of both sides had been exhausted in the previous confrontation, and they could only rely on such primitive methods to determine the outcome. On the floor of the hall, only Mo Yan and the warrior wearing silver Kai were still fighting.

The original adventure team's goal was to quickly deal with the Tauren who were not too strong, and then join forces to eliminate Poseidon. This idea was just a conjecture from the beginning. The other four people, who were now feeling exhausted, had already guided Poseidon away from here, trying to use kite tactics to gain more time. They also hoped that the other two people could deal with their enemies and come over to help defeat the crazy demigod. But it is a pity that the boy named Sherlock, who is the strongest warrior in the team, is unable to gain any advantage in the battle. It can even be said that he is at a disadvantage.

Between the dome and the pillars of the hall, two dragons were engaged in a flying fight. The silver dragon belonging to their side was about to lose. In the first battle, he was struck by Mo Yan's sword. Although the dragon's scales The transformed clothes of A prevented him from being killed immediately, but the wound on his chest that could not heal seriously affected his actions. Although the Silver Dragon is a male with naturally stronger fighting ability, due to his wounds, he cannot compare with the Black Dragon in terms of physical strength. It is a miracle that he is able to fight so far.

As for why there was a dragon under the control of the gods, Mo Yan understood it after a little thought. Those dragon clan elders who are greedy for life and afraid of death obviously cannot really put all their wealth on the side of the monster goddess. The most correct way is to bet on both sides. Even if all the dragons cannot survive the next war, at least they will not be wiped out like other creatures during the war. This is definitely the best way for a group to survive in troubled times.

The black long sword and the simple silver long sword collided again, causing a large number of sparks and the sound of metal friction. Sherlock, who fought with Mo Yan, was completely unable to compete with Mo Yan in terms of combat experience, but his equipment was undoubtedly the best. Mo Yan's magic sword hit the boy several times, but it failed None of them caused any major damage. The armor with the angel wings pattern was even able to repair itself automatically.

The gods are really willing to sacrifice their lives. Mo Yan, who was separated from Charlotte again, slashed the boy's thigh with his sword. Looking at the shallow wound that only shed a little blood, Mo Yan was a little worried. Said: It's completely unlike the one in our family who didn't get me any decent equipment at all. If I had a choice, I really want to switch to the sect of the gods. At least your welfare will be much better. Her only The thing I made with my own hands is still a deceiving nose ring.”

The panting young man switched the power of his body, and the divine seal on his forehead turned into the sword and shield pattern of the God of War. Green light shone on his wound, and it was completely healed in a matter of seconds. The armor on his legs that was damaged by the magic sword was also melted and repaired in a flash of silver. Mo Yan was really jealous of this boy's equipment. If such things were worn on his body, then this battle would have been over long ago.

Don't you want to talk to me anymore? Mo Yan looked at the young man standing in the distance and no longer took the initiative to attack as before, and said with a smile: In this case, it will become a deadlock again, but I don't mind just waiting. Go down. Your companions may be as well-equipped as you and have good combat skills, but it is still not enough to defeat a demigod. I understand this very well.

I believe in their power. After hearing what the tauren said, the boy holding the sword on guard said after a moment of silence: No matter how powerful the enemy is, we have already faced it, and this is not the first time we have faced it. The fallen gods fought. They will eventually defeat the crazy demigod. Of course, as a monster, you will not understand this kind of trust between companions. Give up your evil thoughts and leave here earlier, and you will be now The most correct choice you can make!

As soon as the young man finished speaking, the dragon clan's screams echoed throughout the hall. The silver dragon fighting Jones finally revealed a fatal flaw due to lack of physical strength. Jones bit it on the throat and pulled it from mid-air. down. Jones, who had some wounds on his body, stepped on the silver dragon with his feet. After confirming that he was unconscious and unable to enter the battle, Jones flew behind Mo Yan and stared at the boy, waiting to cooperate with Mo Yan in attacking.

It seems that trust between companions cannot bring you victory. Mo Yan wanted to know the embarrassment on the young man's face now. This was simply the most direct way to slap him in the face. Life is not a novel or a movie. A few passionate words can lead to victory. Of course there is such a thing as a near-death explosion, but at least Mo Yan has never seen it so far. The person who explodes finally achieves the victory he wants.

Mo Yan waved to Jones behind him and asked her to put her head in front of him. Mo Yan might have found it difficult to defeat him immediately because of the opponent's equipment, but now that Jones has freed up his hands, it is not difficult to win with cooperation. After whispering a few words to Jones, he informed her of the battle plan he had set up. Mo Yan, who was originally chatting, once again assumed a fighting posture and looked at the young man and said, Then, in that Poseidon, kill everything you have. I’ll deal with you first before my companions, I still have things to deal with.”

Following Mo Yan's words, the tall body charged towards the young man. At the same time, Jones flapped his wings vigorously and flew into the air, diving and impacting in the direction of the young man, with rolling flames brewing in his mouth. Faced with the joint attack of the two, Charlotte, who knew she was outmatched, did not choose to confront them head-on. He dodged and hid behind the beads in the hall, avoiding the flames sprayed from the black dragon's mouth.

However, it was precisely because of his avoidance that his sight was obstructed, and he did not see the charging tauren. In fact, he did not use all his strength. His actions had already been planned by Mo Yan. Almost at the same time that the boy hid behind the stone pillar, Mo Yan changed direction and came to the other side of the stone pillar where he was hiding. When he reached the predetermined position, Mo Yan hid his footsteps and groped towards the other side.

Jones turned back in mid-air and rushed towards the boy again as planned. Almost instinctively, the young man moved towards a place he thought was safe. He didn't have time to think about where the charging Mo Yan had gone. He only knew that the direction he was hiding in was where the tauren originally existed. The other side should be safe. And the moment he poked his head out, what greeted him was a sharp black sword.

This sword has caused him enough suffering. Armor, which few weapons can destroy, cannot stop the blade of the black sword. Although the young man spent nearly half a year in a high-intensity fighting life under the arrangements of the gods, and the ever-present adventures and attacks were all carried out under the arrangements, his power has not yet been fully utilized. Discovering, this destined him to be unable to make mature choices and fall into Mo Yan's scheme like ordinary people.

Warriors who do not belong to any one god, but are empowered by all the gods, are set up by the gods to deal with other warriors chosen by the gods. They are the existences called braves in the story.

The Bloodline of the Brave has been designed with the Chosen Warrior since the gods were imprisoned. When the gods don't need them, they are just ordinary mortals, and the only thing they can distinguish is the strange useless mark. And when there are creatures in the world that the divinely chosen warriors cannot fight against, the blood of the brave will be inspired, bursting out with power that no one can ignore. But even so, his combat experience is still too scarce. Although his bloodline determines that he will be a perfect warrior, this fruit is still a little green.

Facing the oncoming sword blade, the young man bent his knees in shock, trying to avoid the piercing magic sword. But his approach was indeed in vain. Wherever he took action, he had already planned all the battles according to the young man's fighting habits and got the desired result. The magic sword pierced the young man's heart without any accident. The slender blood grooves on the sword based on Mo Yan's ideas guided the bright red blood to gain freedom that did not belong to them, taking away the young man's body temperature and fighting spirit. of strength.

I like the equipment for killing monsters and the like. I like it best. Mo Yan kicked the young man's body away, pulled out the magic sword, and quickly leaned over to take off the armor that he couldn't put on no matter what he said. : Go back and let the gray dwarves study it to see if they can melt this thing and change it to my code number. Well... even if it can't be made into full-body armor, it can block the fatal position.

However, Mo Yan's idea was in vain. Just when Mo Yan's hands touched the armor, the seemingly solid weapon disappeared like a dreamy bubble, leaving only the clothes worn by the young man inside. It seems that some kind of power makes this armor set to disappear once the owner dies. Mo Yan was a little annoyed when he didn't get the equipment he wanted after working hard for a while, but he had no choice but to sigh and admit that he was unlucky.

After the armor disappeared, the body of the young man who was originally protected was revealed. Without the armor, he looked a little weaker. His face was pale due to excessive blood loss, and he did not have any look of perseverance. He even had a feminine look that could not be concealed. childish. Such a handsome boy would be very popular with girls no matter what world he was in. But it was a pity that Mo Yan killed him in a place like this, and he might not even have a decent grave.

Let's see if there's anything else we can get. After the armor he was most interested in was gone, Mo Yan put his hand into the boy's clothes, intending to see if he could find some practical gadgets, but after touching for a moment After that, Mo Yan glanced at the boy's face in a strange way, and then like a gay man, he put his hand into his lower body, and then... As expected, as Mo Yan thought, there was something that only females can possess there. organ.

Is this an outdated setting of women disguising themselves as men again? Mo Yan curled his lips and said helplessly: But it doesn't matter anymore, it's already a corpse anyway. Well...seeing that you still look good. For your own sake, don't let those demon souls eat your soul. Based on his principle of cherishing girls, Mo Yan, who planned to prevent the girl's soul from being mutilated in the demon sword, fought with the demon sword in his hand. After some communication, they got an unexpected answer. The magic sword did not extract any souls.

This is interesting. Mo Yan touched his chin, stood up and said without looking at the corpse on the ground: But forget it, let's finish the main task first, while the crazy god is still being tortured When restraining. Mo Yan wiped the blood stained by touching the corpse, and walked deeper into the Poseidon Temple with Jones, who had transformed into a human body.

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