Monster Minotaur

Chapter 252 Mobilization Speech

There are many problems that Elam has to deal with, but they must be solved one by one according to priority. Before the war breaks out completely, the defense line on the coast can be put aside. The current priority is to deal with the issue of the Salt people in Elam and to reserve sufficient strategic materials.

After Mo Yan figured out Emily's intention, he had nothing to worry about anymore. Having made a detailed plan, he used three Zeppelins within five days to invite all the city lords who had joined the New Elamite Federation to Thunder Bluff in the name of holding talks. Of course, Mo Yan will not do anything to these city lords. Salt, which implements a parliamentary system, can still vote on major issues in parliament even if the city lord dies. Doing so will not only not gain any benefits in Thunder Bluff, but will also make those who may succumb. People are also driven into rebellion.

Because these cities that had joined the New Elamite Federation were no longer wary of Mo Yan and used flying zeppelins, all the city lords were soon gathered at Thunder Bluff, but they did not immediately Just start discussing something. In the first two or three days after arriving, they only met Mo Yan and were taken around the city for entertainment and shopping. No one mentioned the so-called talks at all.

This made these old politicians who had seen many conspiracies feel that something was wrong, but they did not have any solution. The person accompanying them stayed with them almost even when they were sleeping, leaving them unable to contact the person they wanted to contact. Some of the city lords who were invited by Mo Yan to Thunder Bluff last time to discuss joining the New Elam Federation felt that this scene was a bit familiar. They also roughly guessed that the tauren in Thunder Bluff had something particularly influential to announce. .

And their guess was obviously very accurate. Three days later, the square in front of the Thunder Bluff White House and the nearby streets were full of people. They have all heard that today, the city lord of Thunder Bluff has some very important things to announce. The short gray dwarves with gray skin, the tall and sturdy Salters, and the monsters that have become familiar in this city were all noisy and wondering about what happened. This is a rare large-scale gathering in Thunder Bluff. Except for those who are not interested in politics, almost all citizens came to the vicinity of the White House, waiting for the important matters to be announced by the city lord.

While the citizens were talking, bursts of loud dragon roars came from a distance, and the dragons, with their scales shining under the sun, formed a herringbone formation and passed over the entire Thunder Bluff. And when they arrived directly above the White House, they dispersed, using an unknown force to leave traces of their flight. Little red light particles fell from the sky onto everyone, and everyone felt it. When it comes to the Dragon Clan, the pressure is breathless.

Citizens of the New Elamite Federation! Just when all the citizens were looking up to the sky, feeling fear and oppression by the power of the dragon, they didn't know when their city lord had boarded the city that was built just two days ago. Standing up, on the high platform decorated with flowers and colorful curtains, extremely loud words without magic amplification broke into the ears of every citizen who was still stunned. Not to mention that Mo Yan's arrangement was very reasonable. The power of the flying dragon made everyone quiet down, saving a lot of time for the citizens to quiet down.

I know you are all curious about what is going to be announced today. The tauren wearing a set of black armor looked at the sea of ​​people below and said: Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that we have to fight. There is an unprecedented war, and the enemy is all the intelligent creatures in the entire continent, as well as those who are superior but...

Mo Yan's words did not continue. Everyone who heard Mo Yan's words was stunned. After confirming that what Mo Yan said was not a joke, they all became excited and shouted for Mo Yan to explain. Although war is not a particularly big deal for the gray dwarves or the Salt people who live on the edge of the knife. But they have never heard of wanting to be enemies with the entire continent! Just the Maro Empire has brought disaster to the Salt people that almost destroyed them in history, not to mention making the entire continent an enemy! That is simply asking for death.

The dissatisfied people suddenly burst out, no longer caring about the majesty established by Mo Yan before, and threw the debris in their hands onto the high platform one by one. At this time, the identity of Mo Yan's monster became the target of the attack. I don't know who started shouting. Almost all the Salt people were shouting, such as the devil get out of this city, and without monsters, there would be no war. With his words, some Maro spies lurking in Thunder Bluff began to try to encourage citizens to attack the defense line composed of monster soldiers in front of the high platform, hoping to ride on this wave to kill the tauren.

Roar! ! ! The thundering dragon roar drowned out all the noise. The black dragon that had been squatting on the roof of the White House roared, glided down from the White House and landed on the side of the high platform. Some red flames burst from between her teeth. It emerges from the middle, as if it will spit out strong flames at any time. The dragons that had just flown to nowhere in the sky appeared directly above the crowd again, circling as if waiting for a certain opportunity.

The powerful power of the dragon was like the coldest frost and snow, cooling down these excited people instantly. Although the Salt people are barbarians known for their bravery, it does not mean that they are all brainless. They can still distinguish between fighting and one-sided torture. When they needed to face the dragon clan, they remembered that their monster city lord had already received help from the giant dragon.

Haha... Let's continue what I didn't finish just now, but I hope you won't make a fuss like I just did before you finish listening to what I said. Otherwise, my dragon friends won't be as polite as they are now. Waiting until After the crowd calmed down again, Mo Yan continued indifferently: To be honest, I don't want this war to break out, because I am a tauren who yearns for peace. But unfortunately, some things are not my decision. Gods They could not tolerate monsters gaining a foothold in this world, so they launched this unjust war. They were jealous that the humans in Elam could achieve such great success and wealth under the leadership of a mere monster.

Of course... you can think that the gods are here for me, or you can listen to the gods' persuasion and think that I am the devil. But everything I do is obvious to everyone, and I can swear that I have never harmed any innocent person. What I do is just bring you wealth and make your life more comfortable and better. This is not only my city, but also the miraculous city of equality and freedom that you have built with your labor and sweat.

Now the gods, simply jealous of the wealth here and the potential our union represents, are waging an evil war. Those humans and other races from the Central Plains will come here to destroy and plunder everything we have built! They want the Salt people to be called stupid barbarians forever, they want the gray dwarves to go back to the dark and dangerous underground, and they want all the monsters to live like wild beasts and be enemies of others for generations! Such a future...

The speech delivered by the tauren was sonorous and powerful, and his tone kept changing with his speech, sometimes angry and sometimes sad. His arm movements also kept dancing in response to his words, either raising his arms or clenching them in front of his chest. Mo Yan has a knack for arousing the emotions of others. Having learned the speech skills of every mustached head of state, he quickly tied everyone present together with words and vividly described a possible future.

The people who were originally excited remained silent at first because of the dragon clan. Then slowly as Mo Yan's speech continued, everyone began to think about what Mo Yan said. They were driven by Mo Yan's words to actively think about the good deeds Mo Yan had done in the past, and compared the differences between their lives and their previous lives. Finally, they slowly began to recognize the authenticity of Mo Yan's words. However, this does not stop their fear. They have always maintained their loyal beliefs. It is difficult for them to choose to fight against the gods for a monster, let alone the enemy of the entire continent.

Gentlemen! I understand your concerns. After spending nearly an hour explaining his justice in this war, Mo Yan looked at those in the audience who believed the facts but were still worried about the power of the gods. The people said: But I hope you can believe that I will never do anything that I am not sure about. What's more, we don't need to fight against the gods. The enemies we need to face are just a group of flesh and blood like us. Mortals with human bodies. Those vain gods will naturally have someone to deal with them. Even the Dragon Clan, which has a long life and powerful power, is on our side...

The matter is finally settled. After spending some time explaining the advantages of Thunder Bluff, Mo Yan looked at the people leaving with thoughtful expressions, took a bottle of water from Ellie who was standing behind him, and directly Pouring it all into his big mouth, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said: If I perform a miracle or something at night, many people will choose to support me. This matter is finally over. The curtain has been lifted, and the subsequent operations will be left to others. we really have a chance of winning? Emily, who witnessed Mo Yan's exciting speech, said with some worry: After all, even if we don't need to deal with the power of gods, it will be difficult for us to defeat the intelligent creatures on the entire continent. , and there will be many God-chosen warriors participating in the war, it will be very difficult even if we have dragons to help us.

Mrs. Emily, the master's methods are very powerful. Looking at Mo Yan taking Emily and Ellie down from the high platform, Lucy, the former divinely chosen warrior who has been guarding the audience, said: If If the master says he can defeat the enemy, then he must have a way to defeat the enemy!

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