Monster Minotaur

Chapter 25 Dragon

More than two months have passed, and the construction of Thunder Bluff has come to an end. The cave where Mo Yan was originally located has been shoveled to the ground, and the prototype of a small but exquisite castle has begun to appear. Goblins who had completed construction elsewhere were sent here to work under a group of gray dwarves.

These gray dwarves were transferred from Santos. They were originally slaves but were pardoned by Mo Yan and became citizens of Thunder Bluff. Mainly in Thunder Bluff, using the iron transported from the mining area to make weapons, and commanding the goblins to build Mo Yan's castle. There are not many things to do, and there is also monthly salary and vacation, which is much better than many monsters.

Originally, when Mo Yan proposed the need for these gray dwarves, Ashe and Gil were opposed to this. Because most of these gray dwarves work as slaves in the dungeon, the drow are worried that these gray dwarves will immediately riot after coming into contact with weapons, causing losses to Thunder Bluff. Of course, these are just the words of the drow. In fact, they are worried that the gray dwarves will gain Mo Yan's support.

Thunder Bluff now has complete infrastructure. Not only does it have a not-so-small park, but there are also some pubs and hotels. There are also many shops selling various luxury goods on the commercial street. Let the Salters who came to Thunder Bluff and the gray dwarves after work have fun and consume. Now the existence of Thunder Bluff is almost universally known to all of Elam.

After all, Thunder Bluff has a large number of weapons and various products every day, which are sold to villages and even towns throughout Elam. The spider silk cloth of the drow elves in the dungeon is extremely popular no matter where it is. Although I don’t know how Thunder Bluff obtained these things in large quantities, it does not hinder the enthusiasm of the Salt people.

During this period, Santa Fe City once protested against the Congress City, saying that it had confirmed the existence of the monster city in the first place. Ask the Council City to summon representatives and summon an army to attack Thunder Bluff, which killed a thousand Salt warriors. If Santa Fe had made such a request two months ago, there might have been hope of it being approved.

But Thunder Bluff has already established trade relations with most of the villages in Elam. The various villages that have a lot of trade exchanges every day obviously do not want Thunder Bluff to be destroyed. What's more, the town established by this monster did not attack the village, and the peaceful will shown was obvious to all.

Santa Fe, which had already used up the convening order for the congress, could not even get the representatives to go to the congress city to convene the congress. We can only suppress the indignation in the city while trying to find ways to unite some relatively close towns to see if we can form a coalition.

After the fall of the Hammer, Santa Fe no longer had the strength to form a decent army.

Hey Luke. Aruba, who walked into the tavern, looked at Luke sitting on the bar and took the initiative to say hello: What are you here to buy again?

I haven't seen you for a while, Aruba. I'm here to buy some weapons this time. Luke looked at Aruba who was sitting next to him and said, Another caravan from Carthage came here some time ago. , all the weapons in the village have been sold out. The village chief asked me to buy some and see if there are any other things to bring some to the village.

That's right. Aruba sighed and said, I haven't been back for a while, and I don't know what's going on in the village.

The village has changed a lot now. Luke took a sip of the mead in the wine glass in front of him and said: Because there are no more monsters to harass, the fields outside the village have expanded a lot. Now they are all planted with wheat. When it is time to harvest, It will definitely be a bumper harvest. But it’s a pity that the newly expanded blacksmith shops in the village are closed.”

|There is nothing we can do about it. Aruba shook his head and said: The weapons produced every day in Thunder Bluff are probably not even comparable to those in the entire Elan, not to mention that the technology of the dwarves is much better than ours. .Mo Yan has made all the money for the weapons, we can’t take them away from him.”

Well, although the blacksmith shop is closed. Luke said with a smile: But in general we are still making money. After all, those Carthage businessmen will only buy weapons from us, and they dare not do the same here. It won't come. Although the price difference in the middle is not much, it is enough for the village.

Nowadays, many people in the village are wearing spider silk clothes, and they don't know where they got them. Many people in the textile industry in Lobito have lost their jobs, and like our blacksmiths, they began to look for work here. Although the monsters here are very worrying, there is nothing that can be done.

There is no need to worry about safety. Aruba said: Most of the monsters in the city are in the military camp in the north of the city. There are only some goblins on the streets.

I can't believe that what was a small cave half a year ago is now a town. Luke said with emotion: And the village seems to be inseparable from the Monster City, which has provided the village with so many things. .”

Yes. Aruba sighed and said: But we have nothing to do. After all, the things produced by others are much better than ours. But if we can also enslave those monsters and let them work for us if……

Dragon! A black dragon! Just when Aruba was talking vigorously, many people suddenly broke into the bar and screamed loudly.


Nearly 3,000 gold coins have been credited to our account this month. Excluding the maintenance of the city and the wages that need to be paid, we will have a surplus of more than 2,300. Lilith reported to Mo Yan and said: The spider silk cloth of the underground city The supply has reached its limit. Although mechanical production methods are used, the production of spider silk has reached a bottleneck due to the number of cave assassins.

Then let Ai Xi increase the number of spiders. Mo Yan looked at the castle under construction outside the window and said, Currently we don't need too much spider silk cloth, but in order to expand production in the future, we still need to expand the production of spider silk. . The mines will remain as they are, mainly collecting stones and building the castle.

Okay. Lilith recorded Mo Yan's words and said: In addition, regarding diplomacy, there are several more distant villages that hope to establish direct trade relations with Thunder Bluff. Their envoys will arrive in a few days.

Yes, I understand. Mo Yan nodded and said, How are the roads under construction now? How far have they been built?

At present, the roads to Cabinda and Balchik have been completely replaced by stone. The road to Lobito is currently being built, and nearly half of it has been completed. However, the werewolf responsible for the construction and protection reported back and discovered Santa Fe's peep.

Then withdraw the construction goblins. Mo Yan thought for a moment and said, Then write a letter to Lobito and tell them why we stopped building the road.

Yes. Lilith nodded and said, Then this is the current situation. Vivian and I will pass on your order.

After Lilith left Mo Yan's room, Mo Yan walked to the balcony, sat in a beach chair, and stared at the blue sky and white clouds in a daze. That's right, after finishing what needed to be done for the day, Mo Yan spent most of the time in a daze. In this world without the Internet and movies, Mo Yan can only pass the time in a daze in his free time.

Originally, a gladiatorial arena was built in the city, but after watching a few gladiatorial games, Mo Yan lost interest. Once it comes to combat matters, all the actions seem to be in slow motion in Mo Yan's eyes. Apart from giving Mo Yan time to comment on the unprofessionalism of these monsters fighting, it does not play any entertainment role.

There are many Salters who work in Thunder Bluff or come to Thunder Bluff to purchase. They like to spend time there. The Salt people who have never seen a gladiatorial game are so fond of this very new form of entertainment that they would even fight it themselves. I heard from Aruba that many Salt cities have begun to build their own arenas.

Mo Yan also thought about writing some plays and setting up a theater troupe to pass the time. However, it was discovered that the Salt people had no artistic ability at all, and that the Salt people had no other hobbies except fighting. It was really difficult for them to know anything about entertainment.

Just when Mo Yan was thinking about whether to go fishing or something, there was a call in the sky that Mo Yan had never heard before. In Mo Yan's ears, the general meaning was: Wow! You can really see with your eyes. When I arrived, it felt even more fun!!”

That's...a dragon? Squinting at the black figure that slowly grew larger in the sky, and the crisp roars from time to time, Mo Yan felt that he finally had something to occupy his time when he was bored.


Please collect and recommend. Sure enough, it’s time for magical things like dragons to appear.

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