Monster Minotaur

Chapter 248 The goddess arrives

Mo Yan was actually not seriously injured. He didn't even use the violent transformation that would greatly increase his strength, not to mention that he actually had a bunch of ways to escape. It was not difficult for Mo Yan to escape from the siege of these five dragons, but he was a little annoyed and really didn't want to get involved in the messy things between the goddess and the gods. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. These words can only deceive those hot-blooded young men. If the goddess wants to take back what she has given, Mo Yan will not do much resistance.

Now Mo Yan was really angry with the goddess who had never missed her face a few times until now. She treated him like a toy. Whether she gave him some kind of trial without his consent, or if she explained it like this now without telling him, leaving him in a weird deadlock, it made Mo Yan heartbroken. Can still be irritating. No matter how good-tempered an employee is, he or she will be bored by a boss who just pushes himself into the hot bed without even saying hello. Now is a good opportunity for Mo Yan. He may be able to give himself a stable life by selling the goddess.

You only need to deal with your own affairs every day, and then enjoy this magical and unknown world. With his considerable talents and knowledge ahead of this so-called main plane, he can live well no matter where he is. Why bother fighting these inexplicable people here? The gods are not a bunch of idle people. If he shows enough sincerity and chips, Mo Yan thinks he still has a good chance of reconciling with the gods, just like those who originally had great opinions on monsters, but now they are Just like the Salt people living in a city, there will never be absolute enemies in any world, only absolute interests that make people's hearts beat.

No matter what tricks you want to play, it's too late now. After hearing what the tauren said, the blue dragon flew in front of the tauren and looked at him solemnly and said: We will restrict your power until The warriors sent by the gods will come to take you away. The dragon clan will not interfere with the matters between you and the gods. You can resolve the matters between you yourself.

Really? Then you shouldn't hand him over to the gods. As soon as the blue dragon finished speaking, a quiet light lit up in the entire dragon clan's meeting hall, and the entire dome was covered by this bright light, like a Toward the entrance of a strange event, a woman with light blue short hair slowly emerged from the half-light, floating down to the ground like a feather, and said: You choose to help the gods and you are my enemy. You are afraid of the gods. You will retaliate for helping me, aren't you afraid that I will take back the power you gained? Believe me, if I can give you power, I will have a way to change you back to the way you were before.

The woman who arrived was wearing clothes that the dragon tribe had seen before, and the dragon tribe had never seen her appearance before, but they knew that this was the goddess of the monster. The power on her body is like a wave, making it impossible for anyone to ignore her existence. No matter how powerful the dragon clan on the ground is, he can never compare with a god, even if that god is seriously injured and loses With a lot of strength, she has the ability to kill all the people or dragons here.

You actually chose to come with this face. Mo Yan looked at the goddess who came with the image he designed himself. The resentment that had accumulated in his heart disappeared instantly. He looked at the goddess who was walking towards him and whispered to himself. : The sailor suit is a perfect match for the goddess Sanmu. By the would be great if you could come and drive the Zero. That would be the perfect form of God...

Has your power been restored? The dragon elders surrounding the tauren said in shock as they looked at the petite girl who fell to the ground and looked at them fearlessly. They never thought that the goddess would come in person. The gods always wanted to find this woman so that they could completely destroy her. The goddess who had been hiding in an unknown dark corner suddenly used so much power to come in this way, simply telling everyone that she was here!

I have recovered a little. Although it is still too little compared to the original, I can still kill you lizards. The goddess walked towards the dragon clan, looking at the behemoths with an expressionless face, and said in a quiet voice There were no emotional fluctuations in it, as if he was stating a very ordinary thing and said: Of course...because my power is not very strong, so maybe you can still escape partially, but I think that's all I can do. It’s single digits.”

The petite girl was like some ancient giant beast, so these powerful and arrogant dragons took the initiative to move out of the way before the girl got close. After their powerful power failed to threaten the other party, the fear in their bones was revealed, making them dare not even make any tests to confirm whether the goddess could really do what she said.

The goddess who walked up to Mo Yan wearing brown leather shoes raised her flawless arms, and the shining light flew out of her hands and merged into Mo Yan's body. In an instant, some miserable and embarrassing injuries were completely healed by this power. Mo Yan stood up and moved his body a few times, and felt that his strength was stronger. After recovering from his injury, Mo Yan actually had the same doubts as the dragons. He was a little confused about the sudden arrival of the goddess. She was even afraid of exposing herself through teleportation. How could she suddenly be so unscrupulous?


The news that I am in Elam has been leaked. Using the goddess designed by Mo Yan, who symbolizes war and a calm body, it seems that even her personality has been affected by her appearance. Mo Yan has not yet spoken out his doubts. , the goddess had already guessed what Mo Yan wanted to ask and said: I somewhat underestimated that mage's methods. The magic statue he made did not automatically die after the death of the body as I knew, allowing him to go. I went to the temple and notified the God's Chosen Warrior. Of course... this is not the main reason. What you just wanted to do made me sad. You actually wanted to betray me in exchange for peace.

Who told you to keep cheating me! I don't know anything about what happened between you and the Dragon Clan. You clearly knew what they would think when they knew I came here, but you didn't tell me anything! I heard the goddess mention what happened just now. , Mo Yan's anger had subsided a little and he shouted again: Even if you tell me a little bit, then I can at least arrange something, instead of being chased and beaten inexplicably like just now!

I just forgot. The goddess looked into Mo Yan's eyes without feeling any shame and said, I have fought against the gods many times in secret. Even I cannot remember every move I have made. Live. Although these lizards can play some role in the battle on the main plane, they can't really help at all against them. In addition... I need you to desire power. I originally thought that when you were in desperate situation, you would think I want to get more powerful power, but I didn’t expect...

Didn't you expect that I would choose to surrender? Mo Yan smiled and said, You didn't even understand what kind of person I am, so you brought me here to work for you. You are really a goddess who likes gambling. No matter what At that time, my own life is always the most important. Those missions and honors are not suitable for me. As long as I can survive, I don’t mind using any means. Just because I can help you do things, it doesn’t mean that I have I sold it all to you.

Maybe my method is wrong, but this does not mean that you are not a loyal person. The goddess looked at the tauren standing in front of her who was twice as tall as herself and said: Otherwise you would not have chosen that way of death. , only the souls of brave warriors will be selected. You have excellent qualities that you may not even know about. I will communicate with you in a different way in the future. What we have to face now is how to solve the current situation. The gods will soon Then they will organize an army to attack Elam, and they will find a way to capture me.

Catch you? Even I have never been able to figure out whether you are a dead soul or something else. Even if they want to catch you, how can they catch you? Mo Yan asked strangely after hearing the goddess's words: You Being able to appear in any body you want, God is more like an abstract concept, and how can a concept be grasped? You don’t have an actual physical existence at all, and you can’t grasp what you don’t have. .”

This is something that your mind can't understand, but they have a way to do it. The goddess shook her head and said, Although things have not developed as I thought, in general we have completed it. More than half of the steps. We have enough chess pieces to fight against those gods. The monsters of Elam will help you defend the entire Elam, but you need to start attacking the entire continent. The horn of war has sounded, and we must be the first to do so. Those gods took action.”

That was agreed in advance. Mo Yan thought about what the goddess said, looked at the goddess in front of him and said: I will not interfere in the battle between gods. I am only responsible for other things. I will bring you What you want, and you have to provide me with protection as a god, don't you keep cheating me like this! Deal?

Okay. The goddess agreed with Mo Yan's words without hesitation. The level of pleasure made Mo Yan have some doubts. Did she really hear what he said? She once again confirmed that the goddess really agreed, and would never let him die without knowing anything, or be forced to participate in any weird things. After the trial, Mo Yan nodded and turned his attention to the current matter. The completely dumbfounded dragons stayed aside quietly until the goddess and the tauren negotiated terms.

Then it's time for you lizards to make a choice. Mo Yan stood behind the goddess and said with a mighty smile: Do you choose to obey the gods who are imprisoned in the divine world, or do you choose to obey this one who can exert power in the mortal world? God? I think you are wise and will not choose the wrong one, right?

Mo Yan's question was almost meaningless. The dragons, who originally thought the goddess was still powerless, had already made their decision after the goddess appeared. Facing the most direct threat, they could no longer control so much about the future. Able to succumb to the threat of the goddess.

After using his own name to sign a powerful magic contract with the elders of the Dragon Clan. Mo Yan went to Dragon Valley under the leadership of the dragon clan elders to find Jones who was performing the coming-of-age ceremony. After taking the goddess off the back of the red dragon elder, Mo Yan, who was wearing a victor's smile all the way, got a piece of news that made his jaw drop when he came to the place where the ceremony was held...

After looking at the colors, I will complete the finishing touches in half a month.

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