Monster Minotaur

Chapter 238 The artifact you don’t want

After thinking carefully for a moment, Refola unexpectedly chose another path. As Glock said, Carthage's combat effectiveness was too weak. If the Lightning Legion is led into such a mess, even if the Salt people are very powerful and have the advanced weapons of Thunder Bluff as support, Refola cannot guarantee that they will survive, but what he is afraid of is not Those Maronites, but those cowardly and incompetent Carthaginian army commanders.

As a powerful mercenary force, those in Carthage will not give up using it. Since the money has been paid, it has nothing to do with them even if the entire army is wiped out. After reuniting with the Carthaginian army, the most dangerous tasks assigned to them were still light. What they feared most was that the Carthaginians would betray them and throw them to the Maroons as bait for the rear. In that case, the entire Lightning Legion would be destroyed. The situation becomes dangerous.

Although Refola made his decision based on such considerations, he would not say it outright. Instead, he used another seemingly reasonable reason to explain the reason for his choice. As the commander of the regiment, he has to consider many things and cannot be as outspoken as Glock. After making up his mind, Refola issued an order for each team to prepare to leave the city. However, although Refola's order was like this, in fact, apart from gathering the troops scattered in the city, there was nothing to prepare for. The troops had already rested and recuperated during the three-month rainy season.

In this way, all the forces are ready, and a real winner will be determined in this war between the two countries before the next rainy season. Will the confident Maroons win, or will Carthage, which is already in crisis but has the help of Thunder Bluff, be able to make a comeback in the end? Human affairs are never easy to explain clearly. While they are engaged in a fierce war, maybe there is a third party who has been watching from the sidelines for a long time?

No one can predict these things, and Mo Yan is not particularly concerned about them. Theoretically, he hopes that Carthage can win. It is much better to have a neighbor who concentrates on doing business rather than war, rather than having a neighbor who is always thinking about invading you. However, even if the Maroons succeeded in the end, the impact on Thunder Bluff would not be too great. Mo Yan had many ways to make this guy with sharpened minions know that if he wanted to attack Elan, he would have to pay At what cost.

Now these things are still very far away. What Mo Yan wants to focus on is the things in front of him. After deciding to go to Dragon Island, the first thing Mo Yan did after getting up the next day was to go to the temple to find his BOSS. The goddess once said that the shielding effect is only within the scope of Elan, which means that if Moyan leaves Elan, he will be exposed to the sight of the gods, so he must find a way to cover him.

With his thick arms covered with short brown hair, he pushed open the door of the temple and interrupted the praying monster priests. Mo Yan walked in from the outside with a basket of fresh fruits in his hand. Although the fruits in the whole fruit basket are still beautifully arranged, it can be seen from the juice that has not yet been wiped off the mouth of the tauren that he must have eaten a lot on the way to the temple, but he put the whole The placement of the fruit basket has been adjusted so it looks like it hasn't been moved.

Carrying the fruit basket, Mo Yan strode to the altar, put the fruit basket down, casually crossed himself on his chest as a prayer, looked at the largest statue in the temple in front of him and said, This is what I just did this morning. The picked fruits are in their maturity period after the rainy season. I just tasted a few that are really full of moisture and taste quite good. They should be good as sacrifices, right?

Are you really sure you want to go outside Elan? Ignoring Mo Yan's sacrifices, the goddess's quiet and peaceful voice echoed throughout the temple, perhaps because of the Tai Ruolan's Heart hanging on the statue. , the goddess's power has been greatly improved, which makes the goddess's voice not only appear in Mo Yan's mind as usual, saying: Although I can make a small thing to hide your traces from the sight of the gods. But this will also bring you danger. Hiding an area alone is different from hiding an area. In their eyes, you are like a moving black dot, even if you can't see what is inside. , but it will attract their sufficient attention.”

Well...that's a problem. After hearing what the goddess said, Mo Yan thought about it and said, But Jones' matter can no longer be delayed. He must return to Dragon Island as soon as possible. Now it's already With him so weak, except for me who can send him back, there is no one in Thunder Bluff who can take on such an important task. Although it will attract the attention of the gods, it is not a particularly serious matter. You once said to the gods Gods cannot directly interfere in the mortal world, so I only need to kill all the divinely chosen warriors they sent here to investigate! Then there will be no problem, right?

Mo Yan's words were very firm. Before August returned to the Mage Tower last night, he told Mo Yan that spending the coming-of-age ceremony in the outside world would be a very long and painful stage for the Dragon Clan. Jones would have remained weak and miserable for more than a hundred years without the help of an adult dragon, and this was not a good thing either from the perspective of Mo Yan's personal feelings or his interests. So Mo Yan needs Jones to get well as soon as possible. this case I can only help you. The goddess seemed helpless and said. As the goddess's voice ended, the dome of the entire temple began to light up with a pure white light. The Tairuolan Heart hanging on the statue shone like a reflection of each other, and many bright particles flew out of it and slowly flew into the air. After a while, a silver ornament slowly descended from the air and fell into the hands of Mo Yan who was waiting below.

Are you kidding me? Mo Yan glanced at the thing in his hand, stared at the statue of the god he designed with his eyes half-closed, and said speechlessly: What's going on with this nose ring! You really did it? Think of it as a cow! I definitely don’t want to be stupid and kill Matt! I strongly requested that I change my look. I feel so ugly wearing this thing. Earrings, necklaces, and rings are all good, but why is it my nose? It’s such an unconventional thing.”

The thing has been made, and it is no longer possible to change it. The goddess stated this maddening fact in a calm tone: You must know that it is not very easy to blind the senses of the gods. It’s an easy thing. To make this thing, Tai Ruolan’s heart has already spent a lot of energy. Now, it is impossible to make another one in the short term. Moreover, this nose ring suits you very well. I specially made it for you. The shape you designed.”

Hey...what's the matter with the specially designed appearance? Mo Yan took a breath after hearing the goddess's words and said, Have you been planning to get me a nose ring for a long time? The goddess did not answer Mo Yan's question. , it was a disguised acquiescence. In the following time, no matter how noisy Mo Yan was, he would not reply. It seemed that Mo Yan must bring this thing with him.

When Mo Yan didn't get a response, he looked at the nose ring in his hand feebly again. Generally speaking, the goddess's aesthetics can be considered good. The entire nose ring seems to be made of an unknown silver metal. The overall shape looks like a bull's head. The two thick horns of the bull's head make up the nose ring ring. The eyes of the bull's head are made of two small red gems, which look very sparkling and captivating. But these look very ordinary. The only detail is that the cow head used as a nose ring actually wears a nose ring that is the same as mine!

Let's just have a nose ring. Mo Yan put the jewelry in his hand back into his pocket and walked out of the temple. Although Mo Yan seemed to have compromised, in fact he had already thought of a solution. You only need to carry the shielding thing with you. You don’t have to really bring it to your nose, it’s just as effective as putting it in your pocket.

However, as if she had seen through Mo Yan's thoughts, when the tauren was about to walk out of the temple gate, the silent goddess suddenly said: The nose ring will only take effect if it is worn on your nose. This is what I did for that one. The law of adding things to things. If you don't bring it, you will be found out, but it will be your own mistake.

You're cruel! Mo Yan gritted his teeth and said viciously. They immediately quickened their pace and left the temple without looking back. Only some monster priests were left looking at each other. They had never seen such a situation since they started praying. In the few interactions they had with the goddess, they could only feel that With that endless majesty and tranquility, the goddess had never joked with others like she did today. These monster priests had a new understanding of Mo Yan's position in the goddess's heart.

After getting something that allowed him to travel, Mo Yan went to the Mage Tower to ask August for the promised potion. The Lich said last night that he would prepare some potions to alleviate some of the pain Jones was suffering so that she could transform her body into a human one. After pushing August's door open, Mo Yan didn't see August's voice, and then he thought that maybe August had gone upstairs. After all, the best place to prepare potions is the potion master's room. There is a room, there are a lot of materials and necessary appliances there.

Soon Mo Yan arrived at the room of the potion master Sabria on the top floor. After opening the door, he smelled a strange smell. The lich was standing in front of a small crucible, filling the liquid into small crucibles. In a glass bottle. On the side, Sabria, who is almost middle-aged, looks like a young girl who has just fallen in love, looking at the lich occupying her room with admiration. What happened during the time when the lich was preparing the potion? Perhaps only they themselves know what happened.

These potions should be enough to last him to Dragon Island. The Lich plugged the small bottle in his hand with a cork, sealed the opening with some wax, handed it to Mo Yan and said, Give him these potions starting with the lighter ones. Drink, I considered the possibility that the black dragon reaction will become more and more serious, so the dosage of the medicine was also increased accordingly.

Looking at the potions produced from the same crucible, but with completely different colors like cocktails, Mo Yan finally understood why the potion master was like this. It seems that as long as things related to magic, the lich has good attainments. Mo Yan feels that he has to thank the three guys who captured his castle. This is simply a priceless treasure!

Artifact = an instrument made by God (the effect is misleading or not, it all depends on God’s mood...)

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