Monster Minotaur

Chapter 229 Injured Jones

The scene after the battle in the city shocked Mo Yan, but the shock did not last long, and Mo Yan soon calmed down. He walked quickly towards the castle, he had to figure out what was going on. On the way back to the castle, Mo Yan saw many traces of the battle, but after asking the monster warriors on guard on the roadside, Mo Yan had roughly gotten the damage situation.

Generally speaking, the damage was caused to some residential areas, as well as the places where entertainment facilities in Thunder Bluff are mainly concentrated. The industrial areas in the city that have not been completely relocated were not affected because they were the main areas guarded by monster soldiers. Extremely serious damage. As for the losses in residential areas, the losses are good. Most of them are areas that need to be rebuilt anyway. Although the loss of entertainment facilities will have some impact, it is not unbearable.

Mo Yan didn't want to blame Emily on the road. Although theoretically he had left everything to her, Mo Yan believed that with Emily's smart mind, she would not make such a mistake. So the reason why such a situation occurs here must be due to some reasons that I don't know. There are two powerful people in Thunder Bluff, Ellie and Jones. Why would they allow such a thing to happen? Mo Yan had too many questions in his mind.

After returning to the White House, Mo Yan hurried to the office, but did not find Emily. She should be here at this time. If the city is attacked, there will definitely be a lot of damage reports, which she needs to deal with. But she was not where she should be, and what she saw along the way made the two succubus behind Mo Yan know what they needed to do at this moment, even though they didn't know what was going on.

After saying hello to Mo Yan, they left the office and walked towards their own offices not far away. When they were still in Thunder Bluff, they were able to organize everything in order. Now that they have returned to the main plane, those guys in the secretarial department can get out. Their talents Not even one percent of the succubi. Although Mo Yan was not able to bring back the file processing demon, he at least brought back two succubi.

Ah, so you are here. I heard from the guard that you have returned. Just as Mo Yan was standing in the office, thinking about where Emily might go, Claude, his valet, walked out from outside. He came in and looked at the minotaur and said: I think you already know that something happened in the city, but as a close servant, I don't know much. I followed Mrs. Emily's order and came to invite you to Miss Jones's room. , she seems to have been seriously injured.

Hearing that Jones was actually injured, Mo Yan became even more upset. He tried hard to suppress his urge to vent and ran to Jones' room in the castle. Because black dragons like to rest in their original bodies, Jones's room can be regarded as the largest in the entire White House. I really don't know how those gray dwarf craftsmen managed to keep the appearance unchanged in this castle. To make that room, you can calculate a lot of straw paper just by calculating the load-bearing mechanics.

Mo Yan pushed open Jones' door and walked in. In this rather large room, Emily, Ellie and others were all here. They saw Mo Yan walking in and hurriedly greeted her. Emily had a deep apology on her face. Mo Yan had handed over the entire city to her, but she had not managed the city well.

We'll talk about the city later. How is Jones now? Mo Yan looked at the black dragon on the big bed and said, Did she suffer any injuries? There are not many weapons that can hurt dragons, but If you want to seriously injure a dragon, unless it is five or six divinely chosen warriors, it must be the strength of at least one legion. Although there are four divinely chosen warriors in Thunder Bluff, one of them is still his, and the other three are also controlled by Ellie's power, making it impossible to hurt Jones.

We don't know what happened. Emily shook her head after hearing Mo Yan's words and said, When she was searching for the escaped Ryze outside the city, she suddenly fell from the sky and her body changed. She was extremely weak. We speculate that Ritz might have used some poison to make her look like this. Now the potion master in the city has taken Jones' blood and is looking for what poison caused it.

Ritz escaped? Mo Yan frowned even more when he heard the news. The news of Ritz's defection was hard to believe for Mo Yan, but Emily probably wouldn't lie to him about such a thing. Although he didn't know why Ryze betrayed him, he obviously couldn't let him escape from Elan. He had many ideas of his own in his mind. Ryze knew the design of the airship, the production method of the EMP, and the principle of the electromagnetic gun, which were extremely confidential things. If the Maroons get those technologies, almost all the advantages of Thunder Bluff will be gone now!

After confirming that Jones was okay for the time being, Mo Yan returned to the office with a heavy heart. Regel and Matthew, who are in charge of the SS, are not in the city now. They are tracking the escaped Reitz and others, so Mo Yan can only learn the whole story from Emily's mouth. Soon Mo Yan understood what had happened in the past three months. Mo Yan knew that Ritz would never rebel suddenly because of issues of faith, so he must know something.

I'm still a little too careless. Mo Yan sat in his seat and sighed as he thought. He originally thought that things about the goddess could be regarded as prehistoric legends, and no one on the mainland would know about it except for the chosen warriors who were the agents of the gods. But I didn't expect that Ryze still knew these prehistoric things. It seemed that he should have learned it from some ancient elf ruins.

The battle in the city is another conspiracy. Yesterday, a group of disguised mercenaries attacked Thunder Bluff. They were supposed to be called to Thunder Bluff by Ryze. Although they were expelled by the SS, they finally found a job. The envoys from Maro hired them to sneak into the city to carry out destruction. And this is also related to Emily's constant rejection of him. Although Maro's envoys continue to increase their price, Emily just doesn't agree to betray Carthage.

Emily's toughness left the envoy with nothing to do, so he had no choice but to launch Plan No. 2. When he came here, Caesar told him that if he couldn't win the support of Thunder Bluff, then their industry would be paralyzed for a period of time and they would not be able to provide Carthage with some necessary supplies, especially those that can manufacture large-scale Weapons in the Forbidden Zone. If the Carthaginians had such weapons, the city would be even more difficult to defend.

There were shadowy people among his envoys. They were originally closely monitored by the SS, but Reitz's incident restricted the strength of many SS forces, so they were able to take advantage of the loopholes. They contacted the Shadow spies who were lurking in Thunder Bluff. They learned that there was a group of mercenaries near Thunder Bluff, so they hired these people and secretly helped them sneak in. Finally, last night At that time, riots broke out.

This is not your fault. Mo Yan looked at the apologetic Emily, pulled her into his arms and said, Because even in the situation in front of me, you may not do well. What we have to do now is to close this loophole. Ryze must not be able to escape from Elan, otherwise it will not be that simple to capture him.

After comforting Emily for a while and leaving Joanna to make arrangements, Mo Yan threw himself into the intense work. Although Mo Yan had recovered his power from Allie's hands and swallowed it into his stomach when he was in Jones' room, before he got the news about Ritz, even if Mo Yan had no power, There is no place to use it. Here he needs to handle damage reports from the city and organize repairs and compensation.

While he was working, he complained to the goddess. Even though her temple was in Thunder Bluff, it did not prevent these conspiracies from happening. The goddess seemed a little helpless when it came to Mo Yan's questioning. During this period of time, she was trying to find ways to restore energy so that she could bring Mo Yan back from hell. She had no time to worry about whether those humans had any conspiracy. What's more, even gods are not omnipotent. It takes a lot of energy for the goddess to stop the news about the gods.

Can you stop those people related to gods? After hearing the goddess's words, Mo Yan stopped writing in his hand. He who was just complaining seemed to have noticed something and asked: That is to say, the war temple in Parliament City is So the fact that we didn’t ask for help from the outside world, and that people outside Elan didn’t send messages here, was all because of your interception? Just like it was for those God-chosen warriors?

Those ordinary mortals don't have any powerful power. The goddess confirmed Mo Yan's words and said: Although I can't monitor people in the entire Elam area, I can still search the thoughts of people in the border area. I just need to find whatever they want. If they want to contact the outside temple, I will let them get lost in the mountains until the monsters kill them.

Elam is isolated from the sight of the gods, and the chosen warriors cannot enter Elam, so the easiest way is to let ordinary people explore the news. But the goddess has obviously thought of this, so this is why the outside world still doesn't know about Elan's situation. All the guys who know the inside story are dead. The outside world only knows that there is a city built by monsters in Thunder Bluff, and this city is now very prosperous and powerful.

So! If that's the case, you must know where Ryze is, right? Mo Yan said excitedly: They will definitely want to escape from Elan and tell the temple that you have appeared.

It's a pity that I can't find the location of the mage. The goddess heard Mo Yan's words and denied: He tore his soul into two parts. Even I can't find out his soul for such a creature with an incomplete soul. Thoughts and location. The goddess's words made the excited Mo Yan lie down helplessly. He knew that things would not go so smoothly. It seemed that he had to wait for the report from Regel and the others. I believed they could track down a person whose intelligence was about to be filled up. The mage.

However, although I can't find the location of the mage. The goddess's voice sounded a little happy. Apparently she saw Mo Yan's frustrated look and said, But I was able to find the girl named Bellica. She is now But all I can think about is how to get revenge on you.

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