Monster Minotaur

Chapter 218 Absolute Defense

Mo Yan spent a year under the protection of the time ring, but he himself did not know that a year had passed, because time in the outside world had stopped, the sun would not set, and Mo Yan did not calculate time. Tool, all he knew was that he had spent a rather long time. Like a prisoner imprisoned in this shield, Mo Yan, besides thinking about how to resist the big ball of light outside, also observed the surrounding scene when he was bored.

Because his tent had been destroyed by the impact of the light ball, he could see the scenery outside at this time. Next to his tent was Ariana's residence, but except for the sky blocked by the ball of light, Mo Yan did not see Ariana's figure in his sight. A big hole was opened on the top of the huge black tent. , judging from the direction of the fragmentation of the frozen cloth strip, something must have rushed out from it and flew towards the top of Mo Yan's head.

Arena's negligence allowed Saladus to sneak into the military camp, and by the time she discovered Saladus's existence, she rushed out of the tent to stop it but it was too late. The huge ball of light had already been launched. If Mo Yan couldn't resist this angry attack, so even if Ariana killed Saladus, it would be of no avail.

Shall the whole army attack? In addition to Arena's tent behind Mo Yan, what Mo Yan could still see were some tents of servants serving Arena, as well as the tall walls of the black city led by Saladus. , a large group of demons with weapons on wings were flying out of it, and Mo Yan also believed that the city gate should have been opened at this time. Now that Saladus is already here, it is certainly impossible for the army in the city to do nothing. This may be the fastest war to reach the decisive moment in the history of hell's wars.

Because Mo Yan's plan to anger Saladus was very successful, or rather too successful, so much so that when Saladus managed to avoid Arena's detection, the first thing he did was not to sneak attack Arena. , to gain the upper hand for the upcoming battle, but to first destroy the tauren who had been insulting him for three days. A warrior who can stabilize hatred is certainly excellent, but if the warrior is too fragile, then taunting a powerful enemy is no different than seeking death.

Fortunately, under the protection of the Time Ring, Mo Yan had found a way to deal with the powerful attacks he faced. This was due to the fact that he had been under the shield of time for so long that he felt that no matter how long he stayed here, he would not feel a trace of hunger. Although this is not a feeling that is easy to ignore, in fact it is not that easy to detect, especially when a person is nervous and anxious. It took Mo Yan a long time to notice this.

Why don't you feel hungry? First of all, Mo Yan raised this question. Then he came up with several possible reasons, and after thinking for a while, he finally came to the conclusion that although he could move, the time of his body was actually stopped. The reason why he is able to move while time is still is because he is consuming the power in the time ring. Therefore, he does not consume any energy, so naturally he will not feel hungry.

So... can I maintain the absolute stillness of my own time without activating the time freeze? Mo Yan looked at the ring on his hand and said to himself: If it can be done, then as long as Wouldn't I be able to live forever by wearing a time ring? And if I can stay still, I can keep looking back and stagger my own time with the outside world. Then... unless it is the same time weapon, the next second will Attacks can never hurt me from the previous second, because I was still intact from the previous second! Time will automatically eliminate impossible attacks! Haha... I am such a genius!

After the power of time was released, the burning ball of light finally hit Mo Yan. A large mushroom cloud rose from the military camp. The fiery shock wave destroyed the nearby tents. Many demons who were still resting in them and could not react were thrown into such a huge situation. They turned into ashes in the shock wave. Some of them were powerful and some were not so powerful, but they were all the same in the face of the absolute power of the Lord of Hell.

Not very far from where Mo Yan lives is the most important star gate teleportation array in the military camp. This huge magic energy facility is also within the scope of the shock wave. After the shock wave destroyed those tents, the next thing blocking the road was this teleportation array. However, as the most important teleportation array in the military camp, it may not have any protection. When the orange-red shock wave reaches the teleportation array, a blue magic shield is automatically generated to protect the magic facilities inside.

The protective array attached to the Star Gate Teleportation Array will choose whether to close the connection between the main teleportation array and the twelve Hills crystal pillars based on the level of the impact force when it is impacted. Obviously, the attack power of a hell monarch has far exceeded the limit of the protective array's own power. The star gate teleportation array that had been open was closed, and the huge energy produced by the twelve Hills magic crystals all flowed along. The lines that have been set up have been connected to the protective array to resist the ongoing impact.

You will pay the price for this! Long snakes rushed out from Ariana's head and rushed towards Saladus, who was suspended in the air with a face of revenge and satisfaction. He had already taken it off. Ariana, who was wearing an eye patch, looked at Saladus, golden light shot out from her eyes, temporarily freezing Saladus' movements.

Medusa's sight is the most deadly weapon in Hell, and although the powerful Hell Lord can use his own power to resist the petrified sight, he will still be affected a lot. Some stone chips have condensed on the surface of Saladus. The stiffness of his limbs greatly reduced his flexibility. He could not avoid the incoming snake hair.

Are you angry that I killed your mean-mouthed little lover? Saladus shouted with a blue flame burning all over his body. This blue flame is not an ordinary flame. The cold-toned flame does not bring high temperature. Starting directly below Saladus' position, white frost begins to appear on the ground in a hot place like Hell. As the frost continued to spread, the demons fighting at the edge of the military camp found that white mist unexpectedly began to come out of their mouths. The air that started to become cold made them shiver. They had never felt such low temperatures since they were born.

Although the blue flames ignited on Saladus looked very dangerous, Ariana did not give up her plan to attack. The rapidly attacking snakes entangled Saladus, and the huge force threw the demon's tall body to the ground. toward the ground. Ariana's snake hair was only in contact with the blue flames for a very short time, but some poisonous snakes still dropped their heads and broke apart. The anger contained in her heart made her ignore the blue flames on Saladus, but But it doesn't mean that she won't be hurt by Lan Yan.

Saladus was hit to the ground with a huge force. The sound produced by the impact of his body and the ground was extremely loud, and the billowing smoke and dust was no less than the explosion that had just occurred. After being dizzy for a moment, Saladus climbed up from the huge hole he had made. He vibrated his wings and was about to fly back into the sky, but was interrupted by a cough from beside him. The tone of this voice was very familiar to Saladus. Even if he turned into ashes, he would never forget this voice that insulted him for three days!

Sorry. The tauren came out from behind the thick smoke, looked at the surprised demon and said with a smile: The dust you just jumped up was too big, and I accidentally coughed. It doesn't matter, you just Just continue whatever you want to do, I'm just a passer-by, and a weak tauren like me shouldn't delay the battle of a big shot like you.

Mo Yan! Ariana, who was in mid-air, rushed down from the sky and stood between Mo Yan and Saladus. Without looking back at Mo Yan, she said with a joyful smile in her tone: I thought you were already dead, which almost broke my heart. After I deal with this short demon, you must tell me how you escaped the attack just now. .

I'm not short at all!! Saladus roared angrily after hearing Ariana's words. Mo Yan's mocking for nearly three days had made Saladus extremely sensitive to short words and words with similar meanings. And if Saladus can survive the next battle, he will definitely set the word short as a forbidden word in the city he governs. Any demon who knows the content of those little stories will be executed, although it is estimated that he did not Such an opportunity.

Generally, people who say this don't have long penises. The tauren looked at Saladus and said with a smile on his face: But I won't argue with you anymore. I have already ran away from the city. You can't run away anymore, and you can't come back alive in front of Ariana. Right, Ariana? Although Mo Yan spoke confidently, in the end he revealed his worries. He couldn't tell who was more powerful between Ariana and Saladus, because the power possessed by both was beyond what he could understand now.

Waiting for the news of my victory. Suddenly, from the mouth of each snake in Arena's snake hair, a red beam of light hit Saladus standing in front of her. After knocking it away and disappearing into the horizon, Ah Reina closed her eyes and turned around, blew a kiss to Mo Yan and said, I will end the battle today! After saying this, the beautiful Medusa turned into an afterimage, heading towards the direction where Saladus was shot away. Chase.

Listening to the huge earth-shattering roar that erupted in the distance, and watching the various shining lights flashing in the distant sky, Mo Yan recalled the face of Ariana he had just seen without the eyepatch and said: The eyepatch is missing. Although it lacks a sense of play, the eyes and eyebrows are very beautiful. Speaking of which...such amazing power is cheating, right? The battle between the kings of hell is really not something I can participate in.

I have given up on changing the chapter name...just remember it like this, and hope I won't make the mistake again in the future...

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