Monster Minotaur

Chapter 21 In the Forest

In the forest, a group of monsters are camping. This group of monsters can be considered numerous in terms of both quantity and type. There were even more than a dozen Salt people among them, speaking strange languages ​​and commanding the monsters to station themselves in the camp. Judging from the skilled movements of the monsters and the fact that they only immersed themselves in their work without making any dissatisfied sounds, these monsters were well-trained.

Logs were cut down on the ground by the tauren with sharp battle axes. One by one, the werewolves stepped forward and quickly cut off the branches of the tall trees that fell to the ground, cutting them into sharp wooden thorns. Then it was fixed with ropes, and a defensive wall was built around the camp.

A large number of goblins set up tents one by one, with a rigorous and beautiful layout. It can be seen from the layout that this is the way a Saltean camp is set up, and the tent is also made of linen, a specialty of the Saltean people, but it is covered with light black, grass green, and gray-yellow stripes.

Such a tent is difficult to spot whether viewed from a distance or from the air. The Salt people are not that smart, and the Salt people do not have the ability to control monsters. This is a strange army of unknown power.

Is this the result of your investigation? The girl emerged from the camp, tied up her golden hair with the long rope in her hand, and put it on her head. She asked her subordinates who had gone out to investigate early in the morning: They are far away from each other. How far apart are we?”

The camp is about two kilometers away. Putting down the water bottle in his hand, wiping the water stains on his chin, the scout replied: It is at the mouth of a valley, with mountains on both sides. If you want to pass There, we have to pass through the place controlled by that legion.”

They arrived here overnight. The girl picked up the armor piled next to the tent and began to put it on. It seems that the people in Elam have also learned about the defeat of Carthage. And this legion looks like, It is to prevent broken troops from escaping into Elam and harming the targets they want to protect.

From the current intelligence, it is like this. The scout nodded and said, But I am more curious about what kind of force would establish such a disciplined monster army. As far as I know, Elan There are no such people among the Sartes.

You just said that there are Salt people among those monsters? The girl lowered her head and thought for a moment and asked: Are you sure that those monsters are not humanoid monsters and are disguised with makeup?

I'm sure. The scout nodded and said, I have been dealing with the Salt people for a long time. I can tell what they look like at a glance.

Then, the problem will be much smaller. The girl turned back into the tent, took out a map from her travel bag, called another attendant, pointed to a place on the map and said: Our current location Here, the front is where we must pass if we are to cross Elam and reach the still rebellious south.

Although we don't know now what kind of force the other party is. But since the Salt people are here, at least we can still communicate, and this task will be left to you, Serpo.

I will live up to your expectations. Scout Serpo nodded and said firmly.

Because we don't rule out the possibility that the other party is Caesar. The girl continued: We will observe from a not far away place. If the other party is Caesar, or a subordinate of some powerful monster, you raise your right hand. I and Drizzt will try to sneak past the camp.

Then we will stay in this small canyon for a day. If you escape the pursuers, come here and join us. Remember we are only there for one day and if you don't catch up we will leave.

I understand. He knew that this was a very risky task, but Serbo still did not change his mind and said: Only I can do this task. I am sure that I can escape safely if something goes wrong.

Haha, you are the best at these things. I really don't know how you got into the Knight Academy. Drizzt, who had been listening, patted Serpo on the shoulder and said with a smile: I see the Legion's scouts The team is where you can perform your best.

If I really joined the scout team, wouldn't you have been caught and beaten to death for that affair? Serbo said with a smile and hammered Drizzt.

Ahem... The girl pretended to cough a few times, and said with a slight blush on her serious face: It's better not to talk about your things here. Drizzt, an upright knight would not do it. Doing, stealing... having an affair... something like that!

Sorry. Drizzt touched his nose and apologized: That was an accident, and Serpo! Don't mention these things in front of the princess!

I'll pay attention next time. Serpo suddenly remembered that this was not their knight dormitory, and the princess was still beside him, scratching his head.

Is breakfast ready? Charlie is about to get up. The girl looked at the awkward two people and changed the subject.

Ahhh! Drizzt yelled, hurriedly ran to the fire, picked up an already burnt rabbit and shouted: I finally caught the rabbit!

Is it morning already? After hearing the noise outside the tent, Charlie, who woke up, got out of the tent and looked at Drizzt, who was yelling. He had the roasted rabbit in his hand and said, I want to eat that in the morning. Did you just burn the rabbit?”

I'm sorry for waking you up. Drizzt and Selt knelt on the ground, saluted and apologized to Charlie.

It doesn't matter. Charlie shook his head and said, This is no longer the royal capital. There is no need to apologize for these little things.

Charlie, who had no experience in traveling in the forest, looked a little tired and haggard. Although he also exercised in the royal capital, it was obvious that the intensity of the prince's training did not give him the physical strength to walk more than 20 kilometers a day in the forest. He was only twelve years old, and after nearly several days of traveling, he was already a little exhausted.

After breakfast, you are going to take a rest. The girl saw her brother and said, We will not leave here until tonight.

I'm going to collect some wild fruits. Serpo looked at the half-roasted rabbit, sighed and said to Drizzt: If you peel off the burnt meat on the skin of this rabbit, it should still be edible. .”

Then let it be like this. Drizzt reluctantly took out his dagger and began to peel the burnt meat from the rabbit. He said to Charlie: Your Majesty the King, please wait a moment. I will peel the meat for you. Delivered to the tent.”

Yeah. Charlie nodded, a smile appeared on his pale face and said, I'm going to sleep... Before Charlie could finish his words, he fell to the ground. Upon seeing this, the girl rushed over and caught her brother before he hit the ground.

What's wrong, Your Majesty the King? Drizzt threw away the belly in his hand and ran over in a hurry and asked.

I have a fever. The girl touched the unconscious Charlie's forehead and said.

Is it because you are too tired recently? Drizzt said, Maybe we are rushing a little too hastily. How about we stay here for a while?

The plan remains unchanged. The girl hugged Charlie tightly to the tent and said, Let Serpo find some herbs later and give Charlie to drink it. We don't have much time to delay here.

Drizzt looked at the girl helplessly. After following the girl for so many years, Drizzt understood the temperament of the princess in front of him. She was strict with everyone, but she was already tolerant of her younger brother. Although even so, she is still a bit too harsh in the eyes of others.

At this time, the camp has been built. Refola looked at the map in his hand, guessing the direction in which the enemy would appear, and thinking about how to use the maximum power of the legion in his hand to defend this small valley.

I'm back. Glock, whose body was covered with branches like a moving shrub, walked into Refola's tent and said, I lost track of that guy. He is also a good anti-tracker. I We can only roughly know that they are stationed two kilometers away, and there shouldn’t be too many of them.”

That doesn't need to be taken care of for the time being. Refola said after listening to Glock: Now, we need to build some defense facilities here. You can leave the security work to those werewolves. I want you to confirm the nearby water source. , and where it is easy to be stationed.”

Okay, I'll do it right away. Glock nodded and walked out of the tent.


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