Monster Minotaur

Chapter 202 Time Ring

The matter was completely clear, and Mikarande rushed towards Mo Yan with his sword. As long as Mo Yan got within five steps of his body, he would win, and Mo Yan obviously knew this. He kept dodging in the face of the charging Mikaland, and stayed five steps away from Mikaland. s position.

However, although this can ensure that he will not lose, it cannot defeat Mikarande. Once the demons guarding outside break through his defense, even if he is not caught up by Mikaland, it will be considered a failure. The winner of this battle must be decided in a short time. There is only one chance to kill Mikaland. If you miss it, you must consider escaping.

While Mo Yan was avoiding Mikarande's pursuit, he kept carving cross stars on the ground. Nowadays, the God-killing Demonic Sword has collected enough demonic souls, which makes the power brought by the Demonic Sword to Mo Yan even more powerful. Although the Demonic Sword still lacks one of the most important components, it cannot function as designed. It caused damage to the gods, but it had also reached an extremely powerful level.

While hunting with the demon knights, Mo Yan never used the power brought by these demon swords because he needed to train his mind. He simply used the sharpness and hardness of the demon swords. But now Mo Yan is facing a life and death battle, and he needs to go all out to win.

The power that sealed the door of the room was named Steel Wall by Mo Yan. As a weak alchemist, Solomon planned to use this magic sword to challenge the gods, so it shows that he took this into consideration when forging this magic sword. The problem of the sword wielder's defense. The black aura emanating from the magic sword can play a protective role, completely covering the body of the sword holder and becoming the lightest armor. Mo Yan has made some derivatives of this power.

It is attached to the object in another way. As long as the magic sword is not too far away from the object on which the steel wall is applied, the object can always maintain its solid properties. Judging from the huge banging sound coming from outside the door and the motionless door, the protective ability of the steel wall is still worthy of trust.

Despicable tauren! Do you think you can get my ring if you keep running away! Mikarande fired countless beam spears from his hands, covering the entire space like a barrage, and the luxurious and precious decorations were completely ignored. He smashed it into pieces without hesitation, and the sand in the shattered hourglass, which was half a person's height, spilled all over the ground. Mo Yan, who was always open-minded at all times, had discovered the strong fluctuations in Mikarande's soul as early as the moment he attacked, and was ready to defend himself.

Most of the beam-throwing spears were blocked by the black sword, and the light spears that could not be resisted due to their angles and flexibility were also dodged by Mo Yan. Mo Yan took a look at the wall, which did not have any big cracks even though it was hit by Mikalander's light spear, and said with a smile: The wall is quite strong, so I don't have to worry about them breaking it. Come in.

And you have no way to escape! Mikaland roared and swayed his magic power, and the barrage of light spears kept bombarding him. Such a tidal wave of attacks forced Mo Yan to keep moving his body to avoid the light spears. The long sword in his hand did not stop to mark the cross on the ground while blocking the attacks.

Your magic! Mo Yan, who couldn't dodge, was stabbed by the light spear. The huge explosion blew the tauren's body away and hit the wall hard, covering his whole body with a thin layer of light. Mo Yan, who had a thin black aura, quickly stood up from the ground to avoid the rapidly approaching Mikarande and said, Wait a minute, let's see what you will do if you don't have any magic power!

Hmph! A burst of blue light flashed in Mikarande's chest. In Mo Yan's eyes, Mikarande's soul light, which had dimmed, instantly returned to the state before the battle with the Minotaur. No matter what kind of damage you suffer, or how much power you use, as long as it is not fatal in an instant, as long as you use time to go back to your best state, everything will return to its original state!

It is indeed an artifact... Mo Yan, who had spent a lot of energy avoiding and maintaining the steel wall on his body, had begun to sweat. He gave a thumbs up to Mikarande and said, No wonder you can be independent from other people. Except for the Hell Lord, with such power, even if I can't defeat him, I can at least escape and save my life. I really like that ring more and more.

If you want it! Come and get it! There was another wave of magic power on Mikarande's body, and the normal gravity in the space instantly increased a lot. This is the power Mo Yan encountered when fighting the Fire Lord. It uses magic to change the gravity of the entire space to accelerate the opponent's physical consumption.

Mo Yan's movement in the room became more and more difficult. In order to avoid Mikarande's more and more magic tricks and the pace of him following closely behind him, Mo Yan's physical strength was increasing. Although there were no soldiers around to prevent him from being besieged, he could not obtain the vitality that could restore his physical strength. The power stored in the magic sword became less and less with use. If he doesn't kill Mikalander, he will suffer the same shameful failure as last time.

And this time... without Diack's demon knights around to help, all that awaits Mo Yan is death if he fails! Mikarande's footsteps are getting closer and closer. The distance between the two chasing and attacking people in the room is constantly shortening. They are only one step away from the time control range estimated by Mo Yan. As long as they get closer, they will be expanded into it. .

Which one do you want to use?'s not the time yet. Looking at Mikaland, who had begun to smile with victory on his face, Mo Yan was struggling in his heart whether to use his trump card. But the moment this idea came up, Mo Yan immediately rejected it. There is only one chance to kill Mika Rand. If this opportunity is used to escape, there will be no chance of victory.

The existence of the Gravity Domain accelerated Mo Yan's physical strength. In the end, one of his feet was a step slower and was overtaken by Mikarande's Time Domain. He didn't see what Mikaland did. In just a blink of an eye, Mikaland appeared next to Mo Yan's big foot. The sword in his hand was filled with blood and some shreds of meat. Mo Yan's originally intact left foot was instantly reduced to a pile of white bones, and all the flesh and blood attached to it were stripped off by Mikarande.

Hahaha! It tastes good! It tastes pretty good! Mikarande, who was licking his own blood, looked at the tauren who had jumped far away and fell down and shouted: There is no trace of the devil from hell. The stench on your body! Are you a tauren who just came to hell from the main plane? Such delicious food is so charming!

Then...I will kill a tauren as a sacrifice for you on your death anniversary. The pain that broke out instantly swept through Mo Yan's nerves, although he did not see what Mikarande did. But from the pain that came now, Mo Yan knew that his flesh had been cut off piece by piece. The huge pain caused by Ling Chi made Mo Yan even feel dizzy and wanted to faint.

You can only be harsh now! Minotaur. Mikarande licked the blood from his lips into his mouth, slowly walked towards Mo Yan with a long sword, looked at the pale Minotaur and said: Without your legs, I wonder how you can still run! You must not have seen just now how I cut off your flesh piece by piece, right? Wait a minute...I won't activate the ability, you can do it a little bit Little by little, you can feel the feeling of your flesh and blood being peeled off...

As if Mo Yan had lost his strength, the originally solid door was knocked open by the demon guards outside, and a large group of fully armed demons rushed in. But seeing that their masters had completely gained the upper hand, they all stood at the broken doorways and looked at the minotaurs with cruel smiles, smelling the smell of blood in the air, and their eyes were scarlet with excitement. I prayed in my heart that I could wait a little longer and get even a small piece of meat to satisfy my craving.

Do you think you have won? Mo Yan, whose face was a little pale due to blood loss, looked at Mikarande who was slowly approaching and said with a smile: No, no... Actually, I still have a shocking secret with me. As long as I tell you this secret I will not die. No matter how resentful you are, I will let you go. Do you want to know what that is?

You're just bluffing! Mikarande sped up and walked towards Mo Yan. He didn't see several small crosses under his feet, exuding a faint black aura. Although he said that Mo Yan was bluffing, in fact, his attention was attracted by Mo Yan. Mo Yan smiled when he saw Mikarande stepping on a black cross.

The god-killing demon sword in the hands of the tauren disappeared instantly, and the originally intact Mikarand instantly exploded into a pair of meat pastes. The demon sword that disappeared in his original position was suspended there, and the black breath on the sword was absorbed by After reaching enough vitality and returning to its original richness, a simple silver ring was placed on the hilt of the sword.

Haha... Just like you said, I lied shamelessly again. At the moment of killing Mikaland, the demon guards who were stunned by Mikalande's sudden death had not yet recovered. Suddenly, Mo Yan used his remaining strength to fly forward and grab the magic sword in his hand, as well as the time ring on the sword.

The moment he caught the ring, Mo Yan felt as if his mind was connected to something. Thinking about the time before he fought Mikaland, he activated the time ring in his hand. Mo Yan only felt a distortion and trance in front of his eyes. Not only had everything on his body been restored, but all the energy consumed in the battle had also been restored. got my ring! When Mo Yan used the power of the ring, he was not too far away from Mikarande's body that was exploded into minced meat. With this small range of time rewinding, the killed Mikarande was actually resurrected. He stared at Mo Yan dumbfounded, not knowing what happened. It was as if the battle and conversation just now didn't happen.

For Mikaland, just a moment ago he was discussing the conditions for sending troops with the tauren, and the next moment his ring was already in the hands of the other party. But looking at the destroyed door and a group of demon guards who didn't know what to do, Mikaland knew that he... must have been killed just now...

Please give me a monthly ticket~Please give me a recommendation~~With the time ring, I am working with the God-killing Demonic Sword...Yeah, yeah...

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