Monster Minotaur

Chapter 197 Omen of Betrayal

The rainy season is still going on, but the bustling Thunder Bluff has not stopped because of the rain, since the last rainy season affected Thunder Bluff's trade. In order to allow Thunder Bluff to maintain the vitality that a prosperous city should have during the continuous rainy season. At the end of the last rainy season, Thunder Bluff's main road began a fairly large project, and some slender cement pillars were built on every bustling street.

Because the production of steel is not yet rich enough to be used as a building material, the centers of these columns are still made of specially treated bamboo-like slender plants. Although their toughness and sturdiness are not as good as steel. Comparable, but it is enough to support a cement column that is not too high. With three plants as the main body and a small amount of iron wire as an aid, a perfect frame for pouring cement can be made.

Now that the rainy season has arrived, large green awnings that have been in the warehouse for several months have been added to these unique cement pillars that have been repaired. Almost the entire Thunder Bluff is connected by these rain corridors, and some smart vendors have occupied some spacious enough locations, selling various snacks or odds and ends used in daily life there as usual.

These vendors, who did not have much money to open stores, had all obtained their certificates from specialized institutions in Thunder Bluff. Not only did the carts used have a unified design, but even professional clothing was distributed free of charge by the institution. There is no profession in Thunder Bluff that has become like a street rat. Vendors here are professions that provide convenient services.

Of course, occasionally the agency will deploy manpower to conduct random inspections to see if the vendors who have obtained the certificates are acting in accordance with what they have learned. If there are some violations, points will be deducted from the license just like a driver's license. If all the points are deducted, the license will be cancelled. Vendors whose business licenses are canceled will need to go to the institution for assessment again.

With the construction and use of the rain corridor, people no longer need to hold an umbrella or wear a greasy raincoat to walk in the rain in Thunder Bluff. All the shops on the main road are operating as usual, and this is exactly what Mo Yan wants to see when he builds the rain corridor. Only by constantly stimulating consumption can he make more money.

In the White House, Emily is still reviewing documents. Now the corruption situation in some institutions in Thunder Bluff has become serious enough that it cannot be ignored. Emily is having a headache on how to deal with these people. Corruption emerged when Mo Yan began using humans and gray dwarves as officials in his administration.

Mo Yan also knew that all this was happening, but he was powerless to stop the corruption. After all, although Mo Yan is very smart and right, he cannot completely eliminate the problem of the bad nature of intelligent creatures. As long as there are human beings, there will be corruption. No matter how holy a person is before he becomes a high official, he will gradually be corrupted after he gains power, just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Existing like the laws of nature.

The corruption that occurs in Thunder Bluff is hundreds of times faster than in other places, because it is hundreds of times more prosperous than other cities. The development of a country's commerce brings not only prosperity, but also a huge test for the overall quality of the people. The impact of material desire can easily make people lose themselves for money, and businessmen want to obtain greater benefits. The last thing to do is to seek political asylum.

They are accustomed to using money to measure everything. The most basic method is of course bribery, and this is one of the root causes of corruption among officials. , there is no need to discuss the question of who comes first, the briber or the bribe taker, because it is as boring as the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Mo Yan knew that with the development of Thunder Bluff's business, the officials he appointed would inevitably become corrupt, so he also established some laws and necessary anti-corruption agencies at the beginning. But those only pushed the corruption back a little bit, and did not completely solve the problem fundamentally. In fact, Mo Yan was unable to fundamentally solve the problem.

He once wanted to appoint big businessmen as necessary officials like neighboring Carthage. But after thinking about it carefully, Mo Yan gave up this unrealistic idea. The Carthaginians had very sound laws that stipulated what merchants and nobles could and could not do, and almost all officials were If any one of the businessmen breaks the law, others will immediately be able to tell by his performance in business.

But Thunder Bluff does not have such conditions, because except for Mo Yan himself, almost no one can be regarded as a big businessman. Everyone is picking up what Mo Yan left to eat. They can only develop what Mo Yan cannot see. industry. Although those businesses have developed a lot, they are not really able to make a lot of money. If they can eat more than one bite, they will become corrupt immediately after being appointed to high-ranking officials.

After rubbing her painful temples, Emily decided to let these people go first and give them a warning or something to make them restrain themselves. The specific situation still has to wait until Mo Yan comes back before a real decision can be made. After all, they were all personally appointed by Mo Yan, and he should be aware of such a situation. And thinking of the minotaur that had gone to hell, Emily suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling of panic in her heart.

She stood up and walked to the window, looking at the rain curtain sliding on the glass. Looking at the cross on the high spire that could only be vaguely visible outside the window, she prayed to the goddess whose name she didn't even know to protect her husband from hell. Protect yourself from harm. At this moment, there was a knock on the office door. Emily packed up her clothes and sat back at the desk before calling the people outside the door to come in.

Mrs. Emily. The person who entered was Reger, who was in charge of the SS. He bowed slightly to Emily and handed over a document and said, This is some work of the SS last month. progress, and some necessary budget approvals. Of course... this is not the main purpose of my visit this time. I want to report to you an abnormal situation in the castle. Archmage Ryze has been acting strangely in the past month or so. , he seems to be very concerned about the goddess temple in the city.

Ryze also went to check out the temple when it was being built, but after seeing a lot of things that Mo Yan had messed up, he also thought that this was just a special hobby of the tauren, or to be able to stand out in religion in the future. Something to keep a firm footing. But that transmission broke his mind. It seemed that the goddess was not something fabricated by the minotaur, which meant that this god either existed in real life or was impersonated by a powerful demon in hell.

After Ruiz's observation for more than a month, the possibility of the latter is very small, because there is no trace of blood sacrifice in the temple. In most cases where demons pretend to be new gods to defraud souls, the simple temples built by ignorant farmers all reveal some kind of evil exuded by blood sacrifices, but the one in Thunder Bluff is not only sacred but also has a sacred aura.

Ruiz has been to many historical sites and has heard about some things that happened in ancient times. In the legend, there is also an evil goddess among monsters. She invaded the world with a large number of monsters and killed a large number of gods. Although the gods defeated her with a fierce battle, they did not completely eliminate her. In most temples, there are warnings and ways to deal with the appearance of the evil goddess. The evil goddess is like the Doomsday Judgment.

If the evil goddess is resurrected one day, the whole world will fall into endless suffering. Ryze wanted to confirm whether the goddess who could send the tauren to hell was the evil goddess recorded in the ruins and temples. If so, everything would be too bad. He had to find a way to send this news out. , otherwise it will be too late.

Are you paying attention to the temple? Emily said with some surprise after hearing Regel's words: Does he also want to believe in that god? So far, no one other than monsters has believed in that god, but if he If we can make such a start, it may encourage other people to choose to believe in it, which is a good thing.

If that's really the case, I don't need to worry. Reger shook his head and said, He seemed to have discovered something terrible, but he didn't reveal any information about my insinuations. And he But his eyes are very familiar to me, those eyes are wandering between betrayal and non-betrayal, he may want to do something detrimental to the Lord of the City.

Is that so? This sudden news caught Emily off guard. She thought for a moment, drafted an order and gave it to Regel, saying: Then send more people to monitor him. Of course, you must ensure that he Your surveillance will not be discovered, otherwise I would rather you not do it.

I understand, madam. Regeer looked at the order book with a signature and a formal bull-head seal. After confirming the contents, he nodded and said, I will arrange this operation. If anything happens, I will Special treatment. In the past, we might not have been able to do anything about a mage, but now that we have the EMP he invented and produced, then I can guarantee that he will not really do any major damage.

The magic-forbidden bullet EMP created by Ryze may be used on himself. This may be some kind of irony. But Emily couldn't control these things. She thought about it and added with some worry: Wait a minute and you go notify Ellie and Jones to come here. I will arrange for them to assist you. A great mage can do it. There are just too many things going on.”

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