Monster Minotaur

Chapter 193 Prelude to the Wild Hunt

In addition to learning some fighting skills of demons, Mo Yan also thought about how to collect demon souls to increase the power of the God-killing Demon Sword in his hand. The easiest way to collect souls is of course to collect soul coins. These hell currencies made from various souls are valuable because they can be used to increase strength. For the creatures in hell, the power of absorbing souls is tantamount to the most direct and fastest way to power.

In addition to saving the necessary expenses, most of the hell creatures have absorbed most of the high-quality soul coins, which ensures the value of the soul coins themselves. But although there are a lot of soul coins in the hell market, there are not many who can actually become a demon sword and demon soul. The demon soul must be composed of the soul of a powerful creature, which means that only golden souls meet the conditions.

There are many upper-level demons in Batar who have golden souls, but they all hold important positions and are not weak in strength. If Mo Yan wants to sneak attack on these powerful people in the city, let alone whether Ariana will find out and punish him, even whether he can kill them without attracting attention is still a question.

Do you need fifty-seven golden souls? Diak asked in surprise after hearing the words of the tauren who suddenly came to his office: This number is not a small amount. Even if there are these high-quality soul coins, They are rarely circulated in the city market. Even if you save enough silver coins to exchange them, it is unlikely to be obtained. Why do you suddenly want so many gold soul coins?

In addition to improving strength, what else can it be used for? Mo Yan sat across from the knight leader's office, playing with a skull lamp artwork on the table and said: You tortured me badly in the last training. , which made me fully realize the importance of improving one's own strength to protect myself in hell, a place where survival depends on strength. After all, even I can't guarantee that Ariana will always maintain interest and protection in me. .”

In the whole of Batar, you are the only one who dares to call the master by his name directly. Diak looked at the tauren and shook his head with a bitter smile: But to be honest, you have far more combat experience than me. If If you can return to your strength level in the main plane, you will indeed be a very powerful existence in hell.

In the last battle, Diak had a very deep understanding of the power of the Minotaur's combat skills. As a Gethlu Demon known for its powerful combat power, it would be extremely difficult to fight the Minotaur if he did not use completely suppressive power. This made Diak, who pursued power, have some affection for the tauren, or hope to learn more combat skills from him.

I have served the master for two hundred years, and I still have a few gold soul coins in my hand. Diak lowered his head and thought for a while and said, Although I will not give you such a precious thing, you can Accumulate enough silver coins to exchange them with me. According to the market price, it will be one thousand to one. You need to accumulate enough silver coins to exchange them with me.

It can be regarded as getting gold soul coins from your hands. The number of four coins is still very different. Mo Yan sighed helplessly and said: What's more, I don't have that many silver coins. Ariana only gave I offer a monthly salary of one hundred silver coins, and even if I don’t eat or drink, it will take me a long time to accumulate four thousand silver coins.”

One hundred Gintama coins a month, isn't that too little for you? Ariana, who arrived for some reason, suddenly opened the door and walked in. She kept a cold expression on her face most of the time. When she saw The tauren also smiled a little later and said: Even if Diak has served me for two hundred years, I only give him fifty silver coins a month.

Regarding Ariana's sudden visit, Diack quickly stood up from his chair and respectfully saluted with the unique etiquette of a knight. But Mo Yan just nodded slightly. Although this was also to show his uniqueness, in fact, Mo Yan really didn't know anything about etiquette. In Thunder Bluff, he was always greeted by others.

It's not that it's too little, but my needs are great. Mo Yan took out his God-killing Demon Sword and said, There are still more than fifty gaps in it, which need to be filled with the souls of powerful demons. This is at least It can give me the power to survive in hell. Now I don’t even dare to leave the castle. There are many guys outside who want to eat me.”

Ariana, who has lived for who knows how many years, certainly knows what the magic sword in Mo Yan's hand is. As for why she returned this powerful weapon to Mo Yan, it was because the God-killing Devil Sword had actually claimed its owner. Even in her hand, it could only be regarded as a sharp fruit knife. It was better to return it as a favor. Mo Yan's good. Mo Yan's battle in the Demon Sword was not just about honing his skills. The demon souls who killed him tens of thousands of times were finally beaten to obedience one by one.

Although I have the gold soul coins you need, I don't like people who get something for nothing. And in fact, your luck is really good. Now there is an opportunity to get a lot of gold soul coins. I am just about to launch A wild hunt. Ariana walked to the seat vacated by Diak and sat down and said: You can obtain a lot of high-quality souls by following my Nightmare Knights, and I specifically allow you not to hand over the gold you obtained. soul.

My master, who is your opponent this time? Diak asked after hearing Arena's words. As the largest expedition of the Demon Knights, the Wild Hunt is generally a precursor to a comprehensive attack on a powerful opponent. The knights who come and go like the wind will attack some important strongholds outside the city, eliminating the opponent's early warning system and preparing for the large forces in the rear.

As the most dominant force of a hell monarch, the Knights of the Guards certainly face the most brutal battles. There are many powerful demon lords in those strongholds outside the city. Most of them are the most trusted demons of their respective monarchs. They are responsible for guarding and producing some important resources to send to the city. The main target of the Wild Hunt is their souls and the resources they guard.

It's Saladus in the north. Do you still remember what I threw away seven months ago? Ariana said as the coldness of Saladus' frost appeared on her face again, and snakes appeared on her face again. Fa Ye was a little turbulent because of his anger and said: Now I have thoroughly investigated and found out that he sent someone to steal my gem. Just to use the power of Tai Ruolan's heart to activate a new magic and escape the two of them. Capture the succubus from the main plane.

Mo Yan pricked up his ears when he heard the two keywords. This was the first time he heard the name of the item he was looking for from someone else's mouth. Tai Ruolan's Heart is the most important goal of his trip. Even if the other two artifacts cannot be found, he must try his best to get this thing. As said before, only when the goddess becomes stronger can she provide him with more protection. If he is exposed to the eyes of the gods now, it will be no different from killing him directly.

From Ariana's words, Mo Yan also found one of the reasons why he came to hell. If there is no coincidence with a probability that is too low to be possible, then this so-called Saladus is the one who caught Lilith and Vivian. Mo Yan must fight against this guy, whether it's to save his bedmate or get the Heart of Tyrilan.

What? Is there anything in what I just said that interests you? Ariana said, looking at Mo Yan who was listening intently.

I'm very interested in both things. Mo Yan, who was asked, shrugged and said, If you guessed correctly, those two succubi should have been taken from me. The purpose of my coming to hell this time is One is to bring them back, and the other thing called Teroran's Heart, I'm also curious about what kind of gem it is, and it can actually activate a magic to capture people from the main plane.

You are a dedicated monster. If you continue to show so many qualities that make me like it, maybe it will be impossible for you to leave in the future. Ariana looked at Mo Yan with a smile and said, In my case After killing Saladus, I will hand over the two succubi to you. And you can also contribute a lot in this war. The magic sword forged by Solomon in your hand, if Being able to collect full demon souls in battle, the power that can be exerted cannot be underestimated.

By the way, although it's great that you and Diack get along well. Ariana, who had finished explaining the important things, stood up and walked towards the door and said: But you must also be careful not to get too close, even if I I don’t really care, there are a lot of people watching you outside. Some people have even come to my place and told me in a subtle way that you have some intentions of rebellion.

After talking about a lot of things, Ariana finally revealed the reason why she came here when she was about to leave. Under normal circumstances, she should have summoned Diak to go to the upper level, instead of going directly to the middle-level knights' garrison without saying hello. She also wanted to see if, as others said, the relationship between Mo Yan and Diack was very good recently.

It wasn't that she was worried about what Diack would do. Even if the entire knights rebelled against her, she was sure to eliminate them all. Ariana was just using this method to remind Mo Yan to pay more attention to the impact of his friendship with others. Xiang Mo Yan has been staying in the castle like this and does not have much interaction with the upper-class nobles of Batar, so it will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of others.

I will pay more attention to this aspect in the future. Mo Yan nodded and said: Now that my problem has been solved, there is no need for me to stay here. I will go back with you. In addition, I have I want to ask you two things, do you know about the Pendant of Abundance and the Ring of Time?

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I originally planned to call him Di Mo Gao Gen, but after thinking about it I decided against it because I couldn’t figure out whether this Di Mo was a race or his name!

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