Monster Minotaur

Chapter 190 Trial Completed

A few days later, in the cruel hell, Mo Yan, covered in scars, fell into a dark room. The thick steel cage in front of him indicated that this was a prison cell. Two strong demon warriors were staring at him from outside the cage. As long as the tauren in front of them made any abnormal behavior, they would pull down the lever next to them.

The movable floor will cause the tauren trapped in it to fall, and this prison cell is connected to the monster's lair. The fat Basque monster, like a giant earthworm, opened its huge mouth like a steel meat grinder below, biting any creature that fell into it into pieces.

It was already the fifth day as promised by Mo Yan, but it seemed that he had no way of honoring the promise. He was caught in the sudden attack last night. Although he has a golden soul that represents powerful power, he actually does not have the corresponding strength. No matter how hard he tried to escape and resist, it was to no avail. He was sent to arrest him. His demons are not few.

Ever since he came to this hellish city, he had never closed his eyes for even a single rest. After he convinced the first district chief to support him, he used several methods to convince five middle-level nobles. Just yesterday, he found someone to use magic to copy twenty letters and send them to them separately. Given to two opposing aristocratic groups, there are some threats and various promises.

The letter clearly informed them that their opponent had received the same letter and that there were actually six people willing to support him. The signatures of those hell nobles at the end of the letter made the words in the letter even more convincing. Originally, everything was going smoothly, and it was only necessary to summon these nobles for verification, but the accident happened at this critical moment.

Mo Yan, who was still bleeding from the wounds on his body, recalled the fierce battle last night and thought that he had done his best. A whole night has passed since he was caught here. The other party did not choose to kill him immediately, but at the same time, no one came forward to ask him anything, so he was detained here and ignored.

Mo Yan roughly knew some of the reasons for this situation. Judging from the organization the other party attacked last night, they had at least three factions. For something so valuable to themselves, they must still be discussing the distribution of benefits. And some of the small items they carry make them unsure of their identity, right?

Those were all taken by Mo Yan conveniently from Ariana's room. How could Mo Yan let go of such a tiger-skinned opportunity? Even if he couldn't really use it for anything because of the agreed relationship, at least in There is no problem in saving lives.

At this time, Mo Yan was looking for an opportunity to escape. Although he had been seriously injured, there were still some methods he could use. The opponent regarded the black flames he emitted as a magical method, and only used the power of confining magic energy on him. This allowed him to still use the black flames to destroy the prison and escape. Now the only thing he has to wait for is to escape. Opportunity.

Friends outside. Mo Yan looked at the guarding demon outside and said with a smile: What price did your employer give you? If you can let me leave here, no matter what price he gave you, I They can all shoot double. I believe that those of you who participated in the attack should know how luxurious a place I come from and how much power I have.

But the demons had no intention of answering Mo Yan's words. It didn't mean that they were not tempted by the soul coins that Mo Yan had promised. It's because they have other concerns. As the leader's personal guards, they have all signed a magic contract. If there is any betrayal, the power of magic will punish them, and the power of this contract is stronger than that of the ancient Firth. The brand is much more flexible. Once the thoughts of betrayal reach a certain level, their leader will know immediately.

After trying to no avail, Mo Yan could only give up the inducement. Although hell was filled with the most naked cruelty, there were also many restrictive factors that Mo Yan was unaware of. The power of magic and the power represented by the devil itself make the rules here more complex and elusive than in the human world.

However, just as Mo Yan was thinking about how to escape, a silent killing was going on in this building. Except for the room where the three leaders were discussing how to deal with Mo Yan, who couldn't do anything because they had the largest number of people gathered, there were no living creatures anywhere else.

An ugly monster crawls on the ceiling, with six palms with patterns that allow it to cling to them without falling off. It had already searched almost the entire building, and at this time it finally found the cell where Mo Yan was held. The silent crawling and visual blind spots prevented the demon guards from noticing that a silent killer had arrived above their heads.

Be careful! On your heads! But Mo Yan, who was sitting in the cage, saw the monster he was familiar with clearly, and he shouted loudly to remind the two guards. However, it was obvious that the two guys regarded Mo Yan's warning as a trick played by Mo Yan to escape. Just before the mocking expressions appeared on their faces, a slight wind sounded from above their heads.

The monster that had reached the optimal position fell from the ceiling, and six poison blades popped out from the middle of the palm, accurately piercing the gaps in the armor worn by the demon. The effect was so violent that the poison quickly spread throughout their bodies, making them unable to make any screams. They could only stand there and tremble involuntarily, and eventually slowly turned into a pool of blood.

I reminded you... Mo Yan said helplessly as he looked at the monster who put away the poison blade and stood up.

I had a hard time looking for you. The monster said while looking for the key to open the cage in the blood-stained armor: He ran away without making a sound, which made me feel uncomfortable all the time. My family followed you here, and I was almost killed several times.”

Don't be stupid, I would rather die here than go back with you. Mo Yan walked to the cage and looked at the monster and said: Even if I die, I will choose a more dignified way to die. After being treated like this by you The ugly monster was fucked and then eaten. Even if I go to the underworld, I will be laughed to death, well... if I die in hell, I can still go to the underworld. could it be? How could I let my husband be laughed at by others. The monster continued to rummage and said: After the child and I eat you, I will make your soul into a soul coin. Stay by my side every day and listen to me talking to you. What's more, most of the lives of our clan are in the infancy stage. Once the eggs are laid, they will only be alive for a month. After I die, I will be with you forever.

The key is not here. Mo Yan looked at the monster who still couldn't find the key and said: They are just the people responsible for guarding me. The key to the cell should be in the hands of their leader. If you want to rescue me, you must defeat them. . By the way... You already said on the night you caught me that the egg had already begun to gestate in your abdomen, didn't you? Why haven't you given birth to it after so long?

Dear, you are really asking me such a shy question. The monster held his face with six hands, and said coyly like a little woman: How could I lay the eggs before completing the ceremony with you? Come out. They are still in my belly well now. After I rescue you, we will find a safe place to complete the ceremony. Don’t be impatient.

Although Mo Yan wanted to tell the monster loudly that Guicai was impatient, he decided not to irritate it. Watching the monster climb up the ceiling again and leave in the distance, Mo Yan waited for a while to confirm that it had climbed far enough, and then the palms holding the railing ignited black flames, corroding the thick steel railings into iron filings. , walked out of the iron cage in which he was imprisoned, picked up the demon guard's long knife and used the Ghost Step to sneak out.

Soon Mo Yan arrived near the exit. Along the way, he encountered many corpses melted into blood. He got a set of armor on a nearby weapon rack and collected some soul coins from the corpse water. Although they were mostly blue and red, they were almost enough to pay for his teleportation fee. In hell, a place rich in magic, the city's fast movement method is various teleportation arrays.

Just when Mo Yan was about to leave, the building finally became noisy. I don't know if it was the noise that the monster made deliberately to distract the crowd, or if the people discussing it finally discovered something was wrong, but this was no longer the place for Mo Yan to stay. Mo Yan was really surprised by the monster's appearance. He didn't expect it to be so persistent with him. Although the monster didn't mean it, it did him a big favor.

Mo Yan ran towards the teleportation point on the street. The smell of blood on his body attracted the attention of people on the street. There were already many creatures following the tauren. Once he left the main road protected by the guards, he walked to a certain place. If a person is in an inaccessible place, then the opportunity will come for them to take action.

After arriving at the teleportation point, he handed the soul coin in his hand to the soldier guarding the teleportation array, and reported his request to go near the castle. But the soldier did not accept the coins. Instead, he respectfully put the coins back into Mo Yan's hands, which were much more than what he handed over. It seemed that he knew why he wanted to go to the castle, and Ariana had arranged everything.

Basque, please refer to the guy in Men in Black II. Also, assassin jumpscares and stuff... I like it the most...

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