Monster Minotaur

Chapter 181 Reaching Hell

This was Mo Yan's first experience with teleportation. After learning that magic could be used to teleport, Mo Yan was worried about the principle of teleportation. What if, like in science fiction movies, people are completely broken up into particles and sent out. Isn't that the same as killing a person and then replicating it perfectly in another location?

This is also a very philosophical question. After all, if you say that he is not such a person, he has all the characteristics of the transported person, whether it is memory or physical details, they are the same. But if you say he is this person, he has actually been cut into the most basic particles by the instrument when he was transported. In the traditional sense, this person is considered dead.

But this is a magical world, and things seem unreasonable to Mo Yan. It seems to be common sense to most people. The wealthy nobles and powerful magicians on the mainland will use the teleportation circle at some special times to move safely between two places.

After all, the soul has been proven to exist in this world. As long as the most basic soul does not change, then no matter how the person is transported, there will be no change. And their bodies are also transmitted through the power of magic. As for the principles and the knowledge required, only those archmages who spend most of their time in the mage tower can spend a long time explaining it clearly.

But at this time, Mo Yan didn't have so many fantasies, and he didn't understand the power of magic. I originally thought that the teleportation was just a blackout before reaching the destination, but in fact the goddess's teleportation was not like that. In a space full of light pillars and seven-color light balls, Mo Yan has been flying at high speed for some time.

At this time, Mo Yan, who was imprisoned by an unknown force, could only watch the light balls flying around like a statue. Being in his arms was his biggest support on this journey to hell. He had already felt that he had traveled through something just now, and now there was nothing on his body except the long black handle.

Gradually, the tunnel composed of light is about to reach the exit. The originally spacious tunnel shrank towards a real-time painting formation, and Mo Yan, who was flying in the tunnel of light, also quickly moved towards the formation. Just when Mo Yan thought he could reach hell smoothly, an abnormal vibration caused the entire tunnel to shake violently.

Mo Yan, who was in the light tunnel, was also violently rotated and shaken by the vibration. The magic sword that was supposed to be held tightly in his hand fell away. Mo Yan, who was imprisoned by the strange power, could not even make a shocked expression. He could only watch the magic sword disappear outside the tunnel of light.

Due to unknown reasons, the magic that transported Mo Yan was slowly failing. The entire light tunnel was slowly crowded into some strange creatures. They were made of black liquid like mucus. In addition to their mouths that opened and grew, No other organs can be seen. These are creatures living in the dimensional rift, and their structures are different from all creatures in the continent.

The tunnel formed by the magical power is to expel these monsters and protect the people being transported from being swallowed. Because in the cracks of the dimension, even gods cannot move at all without using special methods, and can only watch themselves being torn apart by monsters. He didn't know whether Mo Yan's luck was good or bad. The moment the light pillar collapsed, he moved into the magic circle and left the light tunnel that was already crowded with monsters.

It's so exciting! Mo Yan, who slowly rose from the magic circle, knelt down and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead due to fear. Just a short distance away, he was about to be caught by those strange things. The fear of unknown things made Mo Yan's heart still beating violently, and he was half-kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily.

There was a little accident just now. Sure enough, I can't use too much power right now. The goddess' vague voice sounded in Mo Yan's mind: Fortunately, they arrived just when the transmission was about to be completed. Found traces of my power. Otherwise, you will become the delicious food for those dimensional monsters in the cracks in the plane.

Is it the fault of the gods? Mo Yan, who was relieved after hearing the goddess's words, got up from the ground and looked around the environment and said: Then my sword fell into the cracks of the plane? So good It’s probably impossible to find a second weapon in the entire continent.”

The sword was lost near the place of transmission. The goddess explained: And the transmission tunnel had not collapsed at that time, so the sword should have fallen somewhere in hell. I believe that with your ability, even if you lose the magic sword, You should be able to survive here and find everything you want to find. You don't have to worry about the intruders now, they can't see the situation in hell.

From now on, I will start to accumulate strength so that I can send you back to the main world. So I won’t contact you until the end of the rainy season. You can only survive on your own strength here. This can be regarded as a test for you. If you can survive until the end, your combat experience should be even better. Floors.

Hearing the goddess's words, Mo Yan felt a toothache again, so much so that Mo Yan began to wonder if the goddess had taken the initiative to cut off his power, putting him in such a crisis. This is like a mother who is eager for her children to become talented, completely ignoring whether their children want to do it or not, so they come up with piles of test questions for their children to answer.

Regarding this situation, Mo Yan is not a child, so he will not face the test questions like a child and try to refuse by getting angry or crying. The many things he has experienced have taught him to be patient, not to mention the current situation. No matter what the reason was, the first thing Mo Yan had to consider was how to use the resources that still existed to survive in this cruel hell.

Okay, I admit defeat this time. Mo Yan sighed and said, I will carefully consider your proposal next time. It seems that nothing good comes from anything that has anything to do with you. If you still do it next time If there is any so-called trial, can you inform me in advance? I don’t even have a piece of cloth to cover my body now! This doesn’t allow anyone to live!”

However, the goddess seemed to have cut off the connection, and there was no other response in her mind. Just when Mo Yan gave up and went around to see if he could find some plants to make a grass skirt or something, a piece of bright red cloth floated in front of Mo Yan. Mo Yan picked it up and wrapped it around his waist and said, Okay. Well, you have some conscience. Although it’s just a small piece of red cloth, it’s still better than nothing.”

There seems to be no soil in hell. There are dark solid rocks everywhere, and the smell of sulfur in the air is also particularly strong. The place where Mo Yan is now is considered a relatively flat area, and there are several volcanoes that are erupting in the distance. With such a harsh environment, it's no wonder that most demons in hell are willing to use magic to transport themselves to the main plane of material abundance, even if they abandon all their power.

Compared with the environment here, that world where it only rains once a year can be considered a paradise. After wrapping up the cloth, Mo Yan raised his head and looked at the sky of hell. It was exactly what Lilith and the others said. Almost the entire sky was blood red, without any stars. It is probably impossible to distinguish the so-called north and south directions here without special methods.

My name is Mo Yan, and now I have arrived in hell. In the next three months, I will show you how to survive in such a harsh environment and find the items I want to find! Mo Yan found a random direction and walked, muttering to himself: First we have to find a creature that tastes similar to chicken but has five times the protein of beef as a ration. Otherwise, in this world I will It’s hard to survive.”

However, Mo Yan, who was walking between the rocks, didn't know that a figure not too far away from him was quietly following him. Mo Yan, who had lost most of his power, no longer had that keen perception. What's more, the stalker's footsteps were so weak that they were almost non-existent. In this hell where one either eats or is eaten, hunting skills are something every creature must learn.

After walking for a while, Mo Yan encountered a creature he was familiar with. A group of little hell hunters were devouring several hell dogs. It can be seen from the rotting traces of the corpses and the collapsed rubble that these hellhounds were not killed by the little lemures. They were just lucky enough to encounter this unexpected feast.

Generally speaking, the little lemures are the food of any hell creature. These guys are also distributed in the main plane. Even the weak goblins can fight against them. However, most of the time, powerful monsters will not choose to eat these little meatless monsters unless they really have nothing to eat. It's like people won't eat grass unless they are extremely hungry.

As Mo Yan continued to get closer, it was obvious that the little lemures also discovered the tauren. The barely concealed sound of footsteps made the little lemures give up on their half-eaten corpses one by one. They opened their not-so-large mouth, revealing the saw-like teeth, and their two small wings that could not fly stood upright. This was their way of expressing their threat.

However, Mo Yan didn't care about these little lemures. Although he only had the strength of an ordinary tauren, it was enough to deal with a group of little lemures. However, just when Mo Yan moved his arms, he planned to rush forward and take it back as his subordinate as usual. Suddenly, a strong wind hit the back of his head. Mo Yan was shocked and tried his best to avoid the attack, but was still hit in the back of the head.

The moment he fell to the ground and fainted, Mo Yan saw a pair of small blue feet that were not too big...

Start the abuse, start the abuse...

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