Monster Minotaur

Chapter 15 Harvesting a Legion Commander

Thunder Bluff, which had just been established and had not yet developed, was burned in the fire. While the fire destroyed Thunder Bluff, it also took away nearly a thousand Hammer Legion soldiers. Only a few soldiers rushed out of the fire scene, and were extremely lucky to use their axes to split a gap in the wall and escape.

These warriors were in a state of disarray, and the burning wood smoked them black. The weapons in their hands had long gone, and their armor had long been thrown into the fire. The Hammer Legion, in an unknown corner, ushered in its most painful defeat since its establishment.

Despicable monster! Ugh... Glock knelt on the ground, beating the somewhat hot ground, tears uncontrollably falling from his eyes. Following Glock at the forefront, no one in the scout team escaped from the fire. Glock, who was young and had not seen much life and death, cried bitterly.

Stand up, Glock! Refola tore off the burnt clothes on his body and cursed at the crying Glock: The God of War spurns the crying warrior!

But Captain, I'm not willing to give in! Glock wiped away the tears on his face and said sadly: That monster didn't even show up, and we have already failed. I'm not willing to give in, Flo, Kiel...theirs Death is completely worthless...

This is fighting. Refola said helplessly: I am also unwilling, but I have to say it. We failed. No matter what method the other party uses, failure is failure. The enemy will not give up because of your unwillingness. Will give you a fair fighting chance.”

I'll give it to you. Mo Yan, who didn't know when he appeared not far away, looked at the frustrated Salt warriors and said with a smile: If you are willing to pay the bet, I might give you a fair fight. Chance.

Countless monsters continued to emerge from the forest and stood behind Mo Yan. They held sophisticated weapons and surrounded a dozen Salt warriors who had escaped from the fire, roaring excitedly. The monsters in Thunder Bluff are just bait thrown by Mo Yan. The Salt warrior, who didn't know how many monsters there were, didn't understand why most of the monsters in the wall had such poor weapons until now.

What an excellent strategy. You must be the tauren who can speak human language. Refola looked at the swords in the hands of the goblins and the sharp battle ax in the hands of the tauren behind Mo Yan and said, Then, if I agree Your bet, will you fight me personally?

Each of you has a chance. Mo Yan smiled and said, Or you can go together, I don't mind at all.

I can tear you into pieces by myself! Glock shouted angrily: If you hadn't relied on that despicable method to win, your head would have been made into a specimen by me now.

Calm down, Glock. Refola pushed Glock back, turned to Mo Yan and said, What's your bet?

It depends on what you want. Mo Yan replied: In order to avenge those thousand soldiers, my life is a good choice. Or if you are greedy, you can choose both my life and safe departure.

Then what do you want? Refola's burnt beard and tattered clothes made him look like a tragic hero. In order to let the remaining Hammer warriors behind him leave safely, he endured the anger in his heart and was forced to talk to Mo Yan. Discussing. Such dramas exist no matter where they are. The final outcome is often that the hero kills the evil enemy at the last moment, leads his men on a bloody path, and leaves safely.

I want you. Mo Yan's evil smile made him fit the role of an evil villain.

You... like men? Refola looked at Mo Yan's smile, feeling a chill in his heart, and a look of disgust appeared on his face.

You are the one who likes men, you faggot! Mo Yan was stunned when he heard what Refola said. He didn't know why the other party said that, and then shouted angrily: I just want one who is familiar with the legion organization. And the commander of the training regiment! Oh my god, what is going on in your mind! In one sentence, you would actually think of going in that direction!

Okay. Refola said with relief, I accept your bet, but I ask that even if I fail, you must let the others go.

No problem. Mo Yan said easily: I am not a murderous monster. If you hadn't come to my place and wanted to kill me, I think this tragedy could have been completely avoided.

Soldiers must obey orders. Refola sighed and said, Give me a sword. I'm used to using swords.

Yes, sometimes soldiers are very helpless. Mo Yan took a long sword from the hand of a horned demon, threw it to Refola and said, Are you sure you don't want everyone to come together?

I am still very confident in my skills. Refola caught the long sword, swung it a few times to test the weight and said: The craftsmanship of the Salt people, Cabinda has indeed provided you with weapons.

We are trading partners. Mo Yan shrugged without denying it, and stood two steps away from Refola and said, It is also common sense to buy some weapons from them.

The God of War witnesses our oath. Refola used his long sword to draw a blood mark on his chest and said in a fighting posture.

That's right. Mo Yan also took out a dagger and slashed his chest hard. Then looking at the chest without any wounds and the somewhat deformed dagger, he said helplessly: Okay, I didn't do this on purpose.

Looking at Mo Yan like this, Refola didn't feel any burden in his heart. He has been killing monsters for a long time. It's not like he has never seen monsters that ordinary weapons can't hurt, although they are all rock giants or lava monsters. . Such monsters are not invincible in Refola's eyes.

Start. Mo Yan shouted and rushed towards Refola, punching Refola in the abdomen.

So fast! Refola secretly screamed, barely twisting her body to avoid Mo Yan's fist, and quickly retreated to the side, putting some distance between herself and Mo Yan.

Not a bad reaction! Mo Yan looked at Refola who had dodged the attack, jumped up and swung his left fist at Refola, and said with a smile: He is indeed a battle-hardened captain.

Damn it. Refola rolled back and dodged Mo Yan's fist again. Mo Yan's attack failed, and his fist hit the ground, making a violent sound. The gravel flew in all directions and hit Refola's left arm while he was dodging.

Captain! Looking at Refola who fell to the ground, holding his arms twisted in an impossible direction, Glock shouted worriedly.

Your hand is broken. Mo Yan walked up to Refola, looked at the painful and sweaty Refola and said, Can you still fight?

I'll fight you! Glock rushed forward, picked up Refola's fallen sword, looked at Mo Yan and yelled angrily: I want to bet with you too!

I'm coming! I'll fight you! Nadal and the surviving Salt warriors all rushed in front of Mo Yan and blocked him and Refola.

Go away! Refola reluctantly stood up and cursed at Glock in front of him: This is a duel between me and his Holy God! You are not qualified to stop it, I... I can still fight!

But Captain, your hand is broken. Glock looked at Refola who fell again, and said with some choking, No matter what, we will never leave you.

Yes, leader. Nadal also dissuaded: Let us do it!

I am a warrior! Refola pushed away Nadal who was blocking him in front of him and shouted loudly: The duel will only end if you fight until I fall! You all...get out of my way!

Vivian. Looking at the bloody drama in front of him, Mo Yan shouted loudly.

What's the matter? Master? Vivian came to Mo Yan's side and asked sweetly.

Remember it for me. Mo Yan said, When you go back, you must remind me to find something called corn.

Okay, Master Vivian replied with a smile.

In the final outcome, Mo Yan stepped forward and effortlessly knocked out the injured Refola, declaring the end of the duel. After Mo Yan announced that the remaining Salt warriors could leave, no one chose to leave. So this five-day battle was finally over.

One thousand Iron Hammer Legion soldiers were almost completely wiped out. And Mo Yan paid the price of more than 3,000 goblins, 50 horned demons, a dozen tauren, and more than 30 werewolves. Although it cannot be said to be a complete victory, it was a good deal. As for the destroyed Thunder Bluff?

I'm in that place, and that place is Thunder Bluff! Mo Yan said that he didn't mind the destroyed Thunder Bluff: When the time comes, let the goblins repair it.


Why didn't Nadal, who said forbidden words, die? ?

Okay... I just forgot about him and will find an opportunity to give him a bento later.

Please recommend and collect! !

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