Monster Minotaur

Chapter 11 Attacking Legion

Tch, I chopped down something boring again. Mo Yan threw the broken tomahawk aside, looked at the forest full of stumps and said with disgust: How many times has this been a riot? Is this a monster with some brains? , do you like to cause trouble that much?

When the fifty Salt warriors were still there, Mo Yan led them to conquer a lot of monsters. In addition to goblins and some low-level demons, these monsters were minotaurs, horned demons, centaurs and so on. . Although these monsters are much smarter and more powerful than goblins, they are also much more difficult to manage.

At that time, due to the presence of fifty Salt warriors, these monsters were very honest and followed Mo Yan's orders to do some cutting, patrolling and exploring the surrounding areas.

But after the fifty Salt warriors left, these monsters that had been suppressed for a long time began to refuse to carry out Mo Yan's orders, and even gathered other monsters and goblins to attack the cave where Mo Yan was.

Yes, when subduing these monsters, Mo Yan always asked the Salt warriors to take action. Mo Yan just watched the battle from the sidelines. Only after the Salt warriors knocked down all the monsters in the end, did he step forward to explain that they had been captured. Conquered. This phenomenon gave the defeated monsters the idea that maybe this guy was weak.

Now that the Salt warriors have left, Mo Yan, who acted like a fox and pretended to be a tiger, should be punished. This was the thought of all the rioting monsters. Most of the rioting monsters were horned demons and ogres sent out by Mo Yan to patrol. Although these monsters had some brains, they were not very smart. Once they felt that the leader was weaker than them, they would immediately rebel.

They didn't think about why those powerful Salt warriors had to obey the orders of a monster. Not to mention whose bones they saw all over the ground on the way to Mo Yan's Cave belonged to them. Mo Yan here also made a small mistake. He chopped all the rioting monsters into pieces instead of leaving those alive to warn those who intended to riot.

I really overestimated the intelligence of those monsters. Mo Yan stood outside the cave, being served by two succubi, washing away the blood on his body and saying, In hell, how do those lords control these monsters? They have no brains. They have absolutely no concept of warning and deterrence!”

We use magic to control the leading monsters. Lilith took off a piece of intestine from Mo Yan's horn, wiped the blood stains with a cloth soaked in rainwater, and said, In every group of monsters, there is one strongest monster. Lead them. As long as you defeat this monster and brand it with your Firth brand, you will have actual control over this group of monsters. The leader monster obeys your orders, and the group of monsters obeys your orders. To the monster you control.

Firth's brand? Looking at Mo Yan who had no blood stains on his body, he carried the two of them into the cave, sat on the stone bed next to the fire and asked, Is it a magical brand?

Yes. Vivian took the dry cloth handed over by No. 1, wiped the water off Mo Yan's body and said, It is said that the magic was invented by a demon king named Foss in ancient times. He used this brand to He successfully unified the entire hell. But later, after he attacked the heaven and was killed by the gods, the hell monsters controlled by him also fell apart.

Oh, then why didn't you tell me earlier? Don't tell me that you don't know this magic. Mo Yan looked at the two of them and said with a smile, I don't need to hold you responsible for inciting the riot.

You are so wise. Lilith lay on Mo Yan's back, rubbing her breasts against Mo Yan's furry back, and said coquettishly: I only incited a small part of it, the rest has nothing to do with me.

Yeah... Vivian echoed from the side: I just want to see your majestic figure, Master. Master holds a battle ax and chops those weak rebels into pieces of meat. It's really impressive. I'm so excited. Now, my heart is still beating wildly. If you don't believe me, can you touch it?

Really? Mo Yan pinched Vivian's breasts politely, pulled Lilith into his arms from behind and said, So, do you want to tell me frankly how to use the Firth brand?

It's so annoying~ Lilith smiled coquettishly and patted Mo Yan's strong chest and said, We are all yours, what else can't we tell you? The conditions for establishing the Firth brand are...

After learning how to use the Foss Brand from Lilith, Mo Yan summoned all the peaceful monsters back and used the Foss Brand to truly control the leader of each monster group. The patterns used by Mo Yan, a symbol of the Shankou Mountain Tribe, appeared on the arms of these controlled monsters.

After solving the loyalty problem of his subordinates, Mo Yan began to plan how to develop. First of all, it is certain that the cave is not a place where Mo Yan wants to live. It was dark and damp, which made Mo Yan feel uncomfortable. Then a comfortable castle where Mo Yan can live is the first thing Mo Yan has to accomplish his goal. To build a castle, a large number of tools and materials are necessary.

Tools can be obtained by trading with Cabinda Village outside the forest, and materials can be collected by goblins who have little combat power but are good coolies. Mo Yan, who had received a batch of mining tools for free, had already started working on an iron mine he had discovered. A large number of cave goblins were dispatched to the mine.

Working 24 hours a day has allowed Mo Yan to have some reserves of iron ore and stone. Although the cave where the iron ore was stored was once occupied by rioting monsters, it was quickly recaptured by a team of tauren sent by Mo Yan. All the plans have been completed well, and the rest will be solved by time.

Three months have passed.

The rainy season, which had made Mo Yan a little irritable, had ended for a while. Within three months, Mo Yan opened a road directly connecting Cabinda Village. Although hundreds of goblins spent their lives on this road, it was not very wide, and even the uneven road was not very easy to use.

However, the goods arrived from Cabinda Village, and the cave now named Thunder Bluff by Mo Yan, was more than three times faster. After all, without the obstruction of the forest, it is much more convenient to use the trolley.

The name Thunder Bluff was indeed chosen out of Mo Yan's nostalgia. But in fact, this area where only some simple warehouses and monster resting caves were built cannot be called a town. However, the good thing is that the wall was built but collapsed during the rainy season. Because the dug pit is now nearing completion thanks to the work of three thousand goblins.

After all, I'm not a professional in architecture. Mo Yan sat in the cave that was expanded into a hall. In fact, the passage was just reorganized, a wooden door was added, and the corners of the enlarged cave were smoothed, holding his head. She sighed and said, It's good to be able to do this, right? By the way, Lilith, how is our recent deal with Cabinda Village going?

We are still in a state of profit growth. Lilith looked at the parchment report in her hand and said: The sales volume of logs and stones has been increasing, and Cabinda Village seems to be expanding. But the income from the iron mine has trended. Due to saturation, the iron ore demand of the blacksmith shop in Cabinda Village has been confirmed to be saturated.

Really? Mo Yan looked at the iron cup in his hand and said, So, how is the construction of our own mine furnace? It's time for us to refining the ore ourselves. The iron smelting speed in Cabinda is really too slow.

With the iron ore mined by Mo Yan, the number of iron products in Cabinda Village has increased rapidly, and it has become enough to be sold to other villages in exchange for some luxuries. However, in Mo Yan's opinion, Cabinda's iron-making technology is still extremely backward. However, it is not a good strategy to keep selling resources.

Building your own iron ore refining furnace and selling iron directly will make much more money than iron ore. However, Mo Yan, who doesn't know whether the goblins are qualified for this job, currently only plans to build a mining furnace and let the goblins try it. If it really doesn't work, Mo Yan will have to search for the gray dwarves. From the information in Cabinda Village, Mo Yan learned that gray dwarves had appeared nearby.

At this moment, the door made by the Salt people was seen. It was pushed open by the tauren guards guarding the door. A human figure appeared outside the hall. It was Aruba who had been captured by Mo Yan.

Oh, my brother. Mo Yan stood up, greeted Arubasheng and said, What wind brought you here? I remember that you just left with a batch of ore some time ago.

Something comes up. Aruba shook hands with Mo Yan and said to Mo Yan in a serious tone: A legion from Santa Fe is coming to attack you.


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