Monster Minotaur

Chapter 101 The sea monster that hurts to death

Pirates are mostly unscrupulous people. No matter what reason they became pirates, they are now a group of evil people. They were extremely ferocious when faced with merchant ships that had become prey and were outnumbered. But when their side is at a disadvantage, they will flee in panic or kneel down to beg for mercy. They will do anything to survive.

Mo Yan would not want such an unscrupulous group of people, even though these pirates of the Blackbeard pirate group were already nobler than their counterparts, they only knelt down and surrendered after Blackbeard escaped. But this was essentially a betrayal. Some pirates had sworn to him that they would take Mo Yan to where Blackbeard might be hiding.

Once betrayal is regarded as a means of survival, then today they can betray Blackbeard, but tomorrow they will choose to betray themselves. This is not what Mo Yan wants to see. If his subordinates are all such a group of people, then Thunder Bluff is not far from destruction.

Well, although Mo Yan came up with a bunch of righteous reasons to kill them, in the final analysis it was because he hated pirates. Therefore, all the pirates who surrendered could not escape their bad luck. After they sailed the black sailboat to Fish Scale Bay, the pirates thought they had saved their lives. All he got was a Sorry, I didn't say I accepted your surrender. Then he was forced by Mo Yan to jump to the deck with a sharp knife, and in the sea below the deck was a group of monsters that had been waiting for a long time.

After Mo Yan cut off the hand of the last pirate who was holding the board and was unwilling to jump off, and watched him being eaten alive by the monsters below like the other pirates, he walked back to the middle of the deck and looked at Bellica and said: Everything has been done, let's talk about how to deal with you next.

How to deal with it, do I have any choice? Bellica stared at the monster that destroyed the pirate group established by his father, and said with a somewhat nonchalant expression. As a pirate, she has seen too many such things. What good ending can there be for the defeated party to fall into the hands of the other party? She has personally killed several pirate leaders.

The fate of the women is even more tragic. The prettier ones may be fine, but they will only become the playthings of the pirate leader. The unsightly ones will be killed by sailors who haven't bathed for several years. Bellica still remembers the screams, like shouting in her ears.

This was how Belika's mother was kidnapped by Blackbeard. She was once the daughter of an overseas lord and was hijacked by Blackbeard's pirates on the ship returning to the kingdom, and then fell in love with the middle-aged Blackbeard. And a few years after becoming Blackbeard's plaything, the beautiful woman gave birth to Belika. Belica, who inherited her mother's red hair color, understands and understands how she came into this world.

Her mother never gave her the maternal love she deserved until she died of illness. Because she had a child with Blackbeard, Belika's mother vented her hatred for Blackbeard on her. So Bellica resented her origins and resented Blackbeard who brought her into this world. Ever since she understood the reason why her mother hated her, she had not wanted to kill Blackbeard all the time.

She had tried to kill her father countless times since she was a child, but she always failed. In order to have the strength to kill her father, she continued to hone herself and learned sword skills from old pirates who had experienced many battles. As a result, she continued to grow and finally developed martial arts skills. After becoming a pirate, Bellica never thought that she would have a good ending. She knew that the best outcome for herself would be to die in battle.

You are very aware. Mo Yan smiled and said, Then from today on, you belong to me. I am... very easygoing to monsters, and I generally won't kill them unless I have to. Woman, as long as you are obedient, I will not do anything to you. From now on, you are no longer a pirate, but the first naval instructor in Thunder Bluff. I will arrange for someone to train you in the future.

The reason why Mo Yan kept Bellica was not only because she fit his own aesthetics and he wanted to stay and appreciate her. In order to prepare for the future Thunder Bluff caravan, there are not many sailors in the Salt Sea, and most of them are concentrated in coastal cities on the west coast. It is really difficult to gather a fleet of sailors.

And if ocean monsters are used as a caravan, it will have no use except frightening the targets of the trade. Therefore, Mo Yan needs to recruit a group of people as sailors with high salary and give them to Bellica for training to make them familiar with the ship so that they can prepare for the future. Laying the foundation for merchant shipping.

Bellica was not surprised when she saw that Mo Yan did not make any other requests. After all, some things would not be stated explicitly. Even though Mo Yan didn't make such a request, she was already prepared to be ravaged by monsters. After all, as long as people were alive, they had a chance to make a comeback. She would not be stupid enough to commit suicide because of such a thing.

Mo Yan, who had already arranged the whereabouts of Bellica, walked to the two meat balls that he had put aside at first, picked them up with a smile and said: The cores of these two sea monsters are really strange. I thought it should be something more like a stone, but I didn’t expect it to be a meat ball. How can such a meat-like thing serve as the main body of the core of the formation?

Does the core of the sea monster look like this? Jones looked at the two balls in Mo Yan's hand strangely and said, My impression seems to be that the core is a kind of luminous ball. Could it be that the core of the sea monster looks like this? Isn’t it different from ordinary cores?”

I've never seen the so-called core. Claude, who had already bandaged the wounds on his body, came to Mo Yan's side and looked at the meat ball in his hand and said, After all, such things are usually found in powerful monsters. body, so I don’t know what the core looks like.”

Mo Yan looked at the meat ball in his hand and felt something strange, as if he had seen something like this before but forgot where he saw it. Just when Mo Yan was about to stop caring about this thing and take it directly back to Thunder Bluff and hand it over to Ryze, Bellica's words made him immediately throw away the two meat balls in his hands.

That's Okula's **. Bellica said calmly: Although I don't know where you got it from, I think you must not have got into its head, otherwise you would not We will treat these two things as its core.”

I'll go! I just said I thought I saw it there. Mo Yan threw the two meat balls in his hand and shouted loudly. Bellica's words reminded Mo Yan that no matter how he looked at the two meat balls in his hands, they looked like a** that had been magnified many times. He had seen it from a book on the analysis of the human body when he was training in the training camp. The ** are almost identical.

And this also explains why the sea monster rolled violently in pain after Mo Yan removed these two things. At first, Mo Yan thought he had removed the inner core and killed the sea monster, but he didn't expect that it was actually because of the painful pain in his balls! After Mo Yan washed his hands, he rode Jones and took Bellica to the sea area where he had just fought. He found the Okura sea monster that was being eaten by other monsters and took out the real core.

After confirming that the spherical object made of unknown material and emitting a faint sea-blue light in his hand was the core, Mo Yan put it away and returned to Fish Scale Bay. In the administrative hall of the small town of Yulin Bay, Mo Yan made a summary of this operation.

Many rewards were given to Claude, who had contributed a lot in this operation, and to Garr, who had worked hard to manage the monster army. As the supreme commander of Fish Scale Bay, Cordelia did not get any benefits, which made Cordelia a little dissatisfied. However, after Mo Yan hinted at her ineffective behavior several times, Cordelia finally expressed her dissatisfaction. I put it away and really began to determine to make some achievements.

As for Jones, Mo Yan didn't know how to reward her. Since she became his mount, she had exerted a lot of strength, and she even suffered serious injuries on the wall of the Parliament City. But he was not interested in money, and fame and wealth could not motivate him at all. This made Mo Yan always find it difficult to do what Jones said, and just praising her would be enough.

In the end, the reward Mo Yan gave Jones was rejected by her, so Mo Yan had no choice but to remember it for him and give it to her when she needed it in the future. After dealing with the pirates, Fish Scale Bay is now complete, and the safety of the route has been guaranteed in the near future. Arrangements can be made to purchase a ship in Carthage.

After Mo Yan took Bellica and Cloud back to Thunder Bluff, the port town that was about to be completed fell into silence again. At this time, deep in the cave where the three villages of Cabinda held the Una, an ancient and abnormal passage could be seen through the thick rock wall, and a strange sound came from the depths of the passage.


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