Monster Factory

Chapter 698

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“how much is it?”

“A unit price of 200 million Renminbi.”

“This is faxed by Ukraine Airlines Company, the detailed information of Ilyushin IL-76.” Qiu Yi handed the translated material into Chinese to Ye Qing.

200 million A really inexpensive, improved Ilyushin IL-76 with a maximum load of 65 tons, much stronger than the last Boeing 767 leased by Monster Industrial. But the price of a 767 is 6 100000000 million Renminbi.

Although these two aircraft were produced on 2, but according to the photos and flight hours, they have not yet reached the aging period of the fuselage.

It is important to know that an airplane is different from a car, and the engine cannot affect the lifespan of the airplane. When an aircraft is in service, it will need to be replaced with multiple flights. According to the lifespan of an average 60000 flight hours, these two Ilyushin IL-2 only flew the data of one third.

At the same time Ilyushin IL-76, and Boeing series unmatched versatility.

This type of military aircraft was developed specifically for military strategic transportation, and subsequently developed due to its excellent performance. Even on inferior field hard soil tracks, you can grind your teeth and land.

Of course, behind the outstanding performance, there is also a place behind the Boeing series of transport aircraft.

Otherwise, Ukraine will not be able to sell 200 million for another war.

The most obvious lagging technology behind Boeing is economics. Ilyushin IL-76 has a strong load capacity, but its engine technology is lagging. Under the same fuel conditions, it is naturally Boeing cargo aircraft fuel saving, and the engine lifespan is one less than Boeing. third.

Another gap lies in electronic devices.

As everyone knows, Russian mechanical products, regardless of military and civilian use, are hard to say, but the electronic technology is far behind.

To give some simple examples, the Boeing aircraft standard automatic flight system and automatic navigation system can be achieved. From take-off to landing, no human intervention is required. The pilot’s biggest task is to monitor them without making mistakes.

Even if something goes wrong, there are multiple sets of electronic auxiliary devices to guarantee and protect.

Ilyushin IL-76 does not work, its electronic information technology is a mess, and there are mechanical instrument panels all over the cockpit.

At the same time, Boeing’s flight control system completely eliminates physical connections, all controlled by computers, and the weight of the aircraft is reduced by 30% compared to the previous century. Ilyushin IL-76 has a large number of mechanical connections, which is good if it can achieve 15%.

There is no doubt that these shortcomings of Ilyushin IL-76 are not a problem here at Monster Industrial. The more backward it is, the greater the potential for improvement.

After reading the information transmitted by Ukraine Airlines Company, Ye Qing immediately produced many ideas for improvement in mind. For example, the replacement titanium is lighter, but its titanium alloy landing gear is a bit 5 times stronger to meet the harsher airport runway requirements.

Ye Qing made a decision here, Ukraine Airlines Company said that after 3 days, Ilyushin IL-76 could be flown to China.

In this way, after the two transport aircraft have completed the settlement procedures, the transformation will be completed. The company’s overseas personnel can just complete the training. When the time comes, employees can fly to Nigeria on Company’s own plane, and it will be more convenient to return to China in the future.

After the morning meeting, Ye Qing contacted the five monsters stationed in Nigeria again through the satellite network.

Now in the Sotu Rainforest mountain range, there is a Raging Miner who will not show up. Two mini-processing factories are also refining Monazite raw ore into rare metal elemental ore powder with an ore content of 2, day and night.

Now they have a new mission.

Monster Industrial will rent two more Boeing 2s and send the necessary mechanical devices to help monsters, direct local construction workers, and build a simple field airport.

At the same time, Ye Qing also contacted the monsters on the [The Colossus] engineering ship.

20 days by sea.

[The Colossus] To cross the South China Sea, go to Strait of Malacca. Cross the Indian Ocean again, cross the Mozambique Strait, and reach the final destination, Gulf of Guinea. This way, [The Colossus] travels 10000 to 7000 kilometers.

“Boss, we have arrived at Sea of ​​Malaysia. According to the electronic charts of satellite positioning, we still have 2 days to go to the Strait of Malacca.”

“Is it smooth all the way?” [The Colossus] engineering ship is a marine Hegemon that is comparable in size to an aircraft carrier and has a huge boom over 50 meters high. The passing ship compares to it, like the physical difference between a hound and a tiger. If you stand on the side of the pier to watch, you can’t even use your eyes at all, and the [The Colossus] engineering ship is fully included in the eyes, only the vastness of the pavement.

Because of its huge size, Ye Qing is worried about the busy Sea Area and will ask [The Colossus] engineering ship to bypass.

“Unblocked, there are many USA nationality vessels around us, and we headed to Malacca together. They kept paying respectful greetings to us on the public Wireless Electronics channel. They said that we [The Colossus] are Heroes, and they have fierce whisky there. , And the mellow Cuban cigars, we are always welcome to board the ship as a guest.”

Malacca and Sea of ​​Malaysia are one of the busiest routes in international shipping.

When sailing here, the consideration is not how to find other ships, but how not to collide with other ships. Sailing is not like driving. The larger the ship, the more obvious the effect of delayed operation. Therefore, the AIS automatic identification system is installed on the ship. When it is turned on, it can send the ship’s speed, position, and ship information. Like broadcasting, it is used to remind the surrounding ships to avoid evasion.

This is also the reason why the nearby USA ships pay tribute to [The Colossus] frequently.

“This group of USA mariners is also interesting enough, and we have not forgotten our [The Colossus] great rescue operation.” Ye Qing thought that if he was on the boat, he could say hello in a small boat, after all, Endless Sea Ocean, such interactive energy Greatly reduce the boring journey.

“Okay, I wish you all the best, and report to me again after passing the Strait of Malacca.”

“Understanding, Boss.”


In ten or six days, the [The Colossus] engineering ship will be able to reach Nigeria by the wind and waves. At that time, it happened that the field airport in the mining area could be completed, and 6 Company employees rushed around the Sotu Rainforest to start the vigorous construction.

Whenever thinking of this, Ye Qing will be in a rush.

If you now name the domestic private Industrial Company, Monster Industrial is definitely not the largest one. But it must be the one with the most cash flow and the strongest industrial strength.

Which Company can build a field airport in a poor 5 white Africa continent within 2 days?

Even if it is simple.

At the same time, the second batch of two cargo planes that transport materials can also carry 2 tons of rare elemental ore powder from Nigeria.

Unfortunately, the Metal Dysprosium inventory in the Factory has been used up, and the sales of Swift Thunder cars have to fall into a half a month of tension.

“Just taking advantage of this half a month, we will focus on the approval of the Remote Driving project and strive to win the project in one fell swoop!”

Thinking of this, Ye Qing transferred to the background and checked the official Website file a complaint as of now.

The function of Remote Driving does not know whose interests have been touched, from release publicity to now. Ye Qing clearly noticed that there is an invisible hand on the Internet that is guiding public opinion and public opinion in a very negative direction.

Taking the Remote Driving function as a negative target, he pointed directly at Monster Industrial. At the morning meeting, several Managers reported to Ye Qing.

Official Website file a complaint The number has dropped a bit, and Ye Qing is planning to go online again to see today’s mainstream media news. Did you mention it? Public Relations Department Manager Yang Baihe suddenly knocked on the door.

Yang Baihe raised her eyebrows tightly, handing over the tablet, “Boss, look at this.”

There is a magazine shooting picture on the tablet. Ye Qing looked down and was shocked.

This is Time Magazine’s magazine shooting picture, which has been talked about by countless people, and is regarded as a Glory Time Magazine cover, with a mysterious and majestic monster logo printed on it.

This is the Monster Industrial logo.

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