Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 868: .Superficially happy

On the morning of his birthday, Li Yunxiu took Chenchen back to the presidential palace.

As soon as I entered the gate, a girl blew over like a whirlwind, hugging Chenchen, kiss and kiss

Hug, Chenchen was so scared that he only threw on Li Yunxiu's body, and kept calling "Mummy" in his mouth.

Li Yunxiu helplessly said, "Chen Chen, this is my aunt, not a bad person. You are really a smile, I haven't seen him for so many years.

You don't even hug me, hug Chenchen. "

"Sister, you played and ran away from home. I was very angry. I haven't forgiven you yet, so I won't hold you."

Li Yunxiao made a grimace at Li Yunxiu, and then hugged Chenchen again, with a frown, "Chenchen, I am auntie.

Do you know me? "

"Why are you and Mommy different?"


"You are Mommy's younger sister, why are you different from Mommy? Uncle and Mommy look the same."

Li Yun smiled with a stomachache, "Who told you that I must be like your mommy? I'm not a twin."

This kid, what is in his mind.

"Auntie knew about you a long time ago, and prepared a lot of gifts for you in advance. Would you like to watch it with me?"

"Is there a remote control plane? Chen Chen wants it!"

"There are, there are everything, there are airplanes, cars." Li Yun looked at Chen Chen with a smile, "Furthermore,

What is the toy airplane? When you grow up, let your uncle give you a real airplane. "

"Don't do it." Chen Chen's face became stern, thinking of the way Li Yunjin treated him harshly last time in the hospital.

Angrily, "Uncle doesn't like me, he was murderous last time, so I don't want uncle's gift."

"Ha, how can it be?" Li Yun smiled and squeezed Chenchen's face, "Chenchen is so cute, who doesn't like Chenchen?"

"Uncle and grandpa." The little guy was very wronged.

"Men don't like it." Li Yun smiled and clapped his hands. "Don't mind, we must be too handsome. They both

I am jealous of you. "

"Auntie, I want toys."

"Well, I'll take you up. If you don't have anything on my side, I will buy it for you."

Li Yun smiled and left with Chenchen in his arms.

Li Yunxiu was helpless, "Smile, don't get used to him too much."

"I haven't heard Chenchen say that my father and brother don't like him. If my aunt doesn't hurt Chenchen any more,

Isn't he too pitiful? "

After speaking, he went upstairs with Chen "Cengceng".

Li Yunxiu smiled helplessly, and walked to Shi Qing's side, "Sooner or later this child will be spoiled. The one I taught him abroad

These good habits have been forgotten after six months of coming back. "

"The children nowadays are different from before, so they can't use that kind of education." Shi Qing smiled, actually just spoiled

Be pampered, look at how strict your brother has been controlled by your dad since he was a child. "

"Brother is excellent."

She has been to the company several times, and seeing how Li Yunjin works, her father's education method is correct.

"I want my father to help me educate Chenchen."

"If you want to, of course you can. But after all, it's a grandson, Bei Xun must be reluctant to be too harsh."

"Where is it."

Li Yunxiu smiled lightly. He hasn't completely accepted Chenchen until now.

In the evening, Li Beixun and Li Yunjin came back very early, and the entire presidential palace was extremely lively.

For many years, their family has not been reunited properly. Shi Qing looked at her three children and still

There is a lively little grandson whose eyes are always red.

"Why didn't Qian Li and Ji Xiao come here?"

The guy said two days ago that he would bring Ji Xiao and his son, so now he can't even see a shadow.

Shi Qing said "Oh" and said, "Qianli recently worked overtime, and her stomach hurts again. Ji Xiao was so distressed that she detained her to the hospital.

Here, it is said that it is not coming. "

"Well, Yunjin, go to the hospital tomorrow."

Li Beixun said to Li Yunjin.

"I know."

"I want to go too." Li Yun smiled and raised his hand, "I haven't seen San Shu for a long time, so I want to go too. Sister, you take Chenchen

Bring it there too, Chenchen is about the same size as the little iceberg at San Shu's house, so you can play together. "

"It's okay." Li Yunxiu thought that there was nothing in the past few days, and nodded in agreement.

The Li family don’t really like sweets, especially Li Yunxiu, who likes to eat cakes since he was a child. It tastes like when he grows up.

A lot has changed, but today is Li Beixun's birthday, Shi Qing still ordered a big cake.

Shi Qing divided a bit for the children, and deliberately left the best piece of the cake to Chenchen.

Who knows that Chenchen just took a sip and ran to eat longevity noodles.

Shi Qing smiled, "Shenchen's taste is very similar to our Li family."

Li Yunxiu smiled in agreement, and how did he know that Chenchen was not like Li's family, but Chenchen's father didn't like it.


After dinner, it's time to give gifts.

The Li family's fashion dismantled the present on the spot. Li Yunjin is the most stable of the three children. It is very good to give Li Beixun a set.

Li Yunxiao gave Li Beixun a pair of diamond rings for collecting valuable ancient paintings.

"What do you buy this for?"

Li Beixun looked at her.

"I want to stay at school for my mother's birthday and work on my graduation project, so I sent it along."

Shi Qing frowned, "Can it still be like this? Smile, you are very perfunctory."

"I must come back on my birthday." Li Beixun gave a death order.

"Ah? Why is this?" Li Yun smiled and made a bitter face on the spot. "Dad, you know how difficult it is for me to take a leave of absence.

? My sister hasn't come back in four or five years. You didn't come back last Chinese New Year. You didn't say anything. You are obviously partial! "

Li Yunxiu was a little embarrassed and lowered his head uneasy.

Gently put the prepared gift on the table, while smiling and talking to Shi Qing, no one noticed the gap.

Ran out.

She doesn’t know what’s wrong with herself. Five or six years ago, she was just like smiling, and she could be very affectionate.

Qing's hand can play coquettishly with Li Beixun, but now, she can't do it.

It’s not the reason that she grew up, nor that the Li family treats her differently. This reason seems to come from herself, she

There is a long, long invisible distance between her and everyone in her heart. So that this

In the days, she actually had the illusion that she was an outsider.


In the living room.

"Why is the little hydrangea missing?"

Chenchen took a sip of Coke, "Grandma, Mommy went out just now, as if she was in a bad mood."


"Your mommy is in a bad mood, why don't you stay with me, what kind of Coke are you still drinking here?" Li Yunjin glanced dissatisfiedly


"When Mommy is in a bad mood, she doesn't like others to accompany her." Chenchen "hum", "We used to be abroad.

In this way, Mommy often ran out alone in the middle of the night. I ran out to follow her to see if she was with my dad.

Dad met secretly, but she was just sitting in a chair and watching the moon. "

Chenchen continued to drink Coke, "Mummy rarely ran out when she saw me, but she would shut herself in the room

Li cried secretly, I don't want Mommy to cry, I would rather she go out to see the moon. "

Chenchen's crisp remarks made everyone present laugh.

Little Hydrangea has something on his mind, this is something they all know.

But what can they do for the little hydrangea?

She is happy on the surface, but her heart has sealed herself up a long time ago.

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