Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 845: .New Year


The Chinese New Year will begin next week. Li Yunxiu has not spent the New Year with his family for more than five years, so he is full of New Year’s

look forward to.

It's just that Jin Nanfeng didn't say anything about her holiday. Seeing that the new year was getting closer and closer, Li Yunxiu finally couldn't help it.

"Mr. Jin, where are you going to celebrate the New Year this year?"

"Go home." Jin Nanfeng glanced at Li Yunxiu lightly, "You don't have a holiday."


Li Yunxiu was dumbfounded, "Mr. Jin, I also have family members, I..."

"I remember you said that your brother is missing, and there is no one else in the family, except for the kid Chenchen, what do you have?

Relatives here? "

Li Yunxiu stuck instantly, and couldn't say a word that Jin Nanfeng bet on.

"I will be very busy during the New Year. You have to send blessing messages and red envelopes to my friends.

There are holidays. "

Li Yunxiu panicked. Jin Nanfeng wouldn't give him a holiday. How did she explain to her parents?

"Mr. Jin just one day."

Li Yunxiu pleaded, "I promise that I will be back on the first day of the new year."

Jin Nanfeng glanced at Li Yunxiu deeply, then smiled, "Do you want to do this assistant job?"

Li Yunxiu went back to the room anxiously, and never mentioned the holiday with Jin Nanfeng again.

On the day before the New Year, Li Yunxiu could only call Shi Qing.

"Mom, I'm sorry, Chenchen and I may not be able to go back to celebrate the New Year tomorrow."

Shi Qing’s voice was a little sad, "Little Hydrangea, our family has not been together for more than five years for the New Year.

Now, Xiaoxiao will be back tomorrow..."

"Sorry, Mom. I really have something to go back."

Li Yunxiu felt extremely uncomfortable, even if she couldn’t see Shi Qing’s expression at the moment, she also understood that Shi Qing was thinking about it now.

How disappointed.

"Is there something Chenchen's father is here?"

Shi Qing said unnaturally, "Did Chenchen's father ask you to spend the New Year with him?"

Otherwise, apart from this reason, she really couldn't think of anything else that would make Li Yunxiu not go home on this day.

Li Yunxiu's breath froze slightly, and after a while, she nodded indiscriminately, "Well... it's like this."

Now that Shi Qing had helped her find a reason, she simply followed her words.

"Actually, it’s not impossible for you to bring him back to celebrate the New Year, Little Hydrangea, although your father and I may not

I would like him, but he is Chenchen's father after all, we will not embarrass him. "

"Mom, I haven't decided yet." Li Yunxiu gently shook his head, unaware that Shi Qing couldn't see it.

Her actions, "He also... didn't decide whether to see you or not, so, mom, would you give me some time?"

Even though Shi Qing wanted Li Yunxiu to come back, she could only nod her head to agree when she heard her daughter persist.

The relationship between Little Hydrangea and that man will probably never be broken. A woman is like this. Once she has a child

There are too many things that cannot be given up.

Wasn't it the same for her and Li Beixun back then?

After Li Yunjin came back from the company, Shi Qing told Li Yunjin about the incident.

"Yunjin, find time to have a good chat with your sister, and tell her if she really wants to be with that man

Together, we will not object. "

Now, what can their parents do? I can’t force Li Yun to embroider like I did five years ago.

Will you not go home for this year?

Li Yunjin agreed on the surface, but a chill arose in his heart.

He had long wanted to clean up that man, and abducted his innocent sister to him, not knowing what was going on.

Just get a child, forget it if you are irresponsible, the Li family has a big family, a child can afford it, but now he

How dare you come to the Imperial Capital to find a little hydrangea? Don't give Little Hydrangea home for the New Year.

Who does he think he is.

Don't give him a good lesson, he is really no one in the Li family, right?

Li Yunjin comforted Shi Qing a few words, and when he returned to the room, he called his assistant Amin and asked him to secretly send someone to watch Li.

Yun Xiu, see who he is with these days.


On New Year's Day, Jin Nanfeng really went home early in the morning.

Of course, before leaving, he gave Li Yunxiu a long list and asked Li Yunxiu to give red envelopes to the people on it.

Li Yunxiu sat on the table all morning, and the cell phone ran out of power. It was not until after 1 o’clock in the afternoon that the last one

The red envelope is sent out.

"Mummy, Chen Chen is so hungry."

Chenchen looked at Li Yunxiu aggrievedly, "When can we eat?"

"Sorry, Mommy just worked for Jin Nanfeng, can I take you out to eat now?"

"Chen Chen wants to eat hot pot!"

"Okay, then hot pot."

Li Yunxiu took Chenchen out.

It’s a pity that she obviously forgot what day it is today. On the annual New Year’s Eve, every household has closed their shops and the whole horse

The road is quiet, no hot pot restaurant is open.

Li Yunxiu could only discuss with Chen Chen, "Would you like to change to another store? Let's eat French food."

"No, Chenchen wants to eat hot pot. Today is the Chinese New Year, so I don't want to eat French food for fun."

Chen Chen pulled Li Yunxiu's hands, reluctantly.

Li Yunxiu was helpless.

"Then we have hot pot at home, OK?"

"Okay! Will Uncle Nanfeng come here too?"

Li Yunxiu paused, "He?"

"Uncle Nanfeng will definitely be very lively when he comes over, otherwise only Mommy and me, which is too pitiful."

Li Yunxiu smiled faintly, and touched Chenchen's head, "Uncle Nanfeng is going home for the New Year, he has a family."

"Then why can't Mommy and I go home for the New Year?"

"This" Li Yunxiu was stunned for a long time before speaking, "Does Chenchen not want to spend the New Year with Mommy? If you don't want to, Mom

Mi send you back to grandma, OK? "

"No, Chenchen wants to be with Mommy." Chenchen's head shook like a rattle.

Li Yunxiu smiled, took Chenchen to a large supermarket, bought vegetables and various meats, and planned to make some at home.

A simple hot pot.

Wash the vegetables, put the mutton and mutton sorted, a pile of ingredients filled the entire table, although Jane

Single, but it still looks alike.

"Eating hot pot!" Chenchen sat on the chair excitedly, with his little feet dangling.

"Come on, Chenchen, take a picture with Mommy."

Li Yunxiu raised his phone, and the two of them took a selfie every time. Li Yunxiu changed hands and sent it to the circle of friends.

It is accompanied by a line-eat hot pot with baby son.


The Jin family.

Jin Nanfeng was sitting on the sofa, looking down at the magazine on his knees.

Oppositely, Jin’s mother was chatting with a woman in her fifties.

A pair of beautiful eyes glanced at Jin Nanfeng from time to time, and every time he glanced at it, the roots of his ears turned slightly red.

"This year is the first time for our two families to celebrate the New Year together, Lan Lan, don't be too restrictive and treat this as your home."

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