Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 838: .Mummy is a strange person


After officially accepting the job as an assistant, a problem that caused Li Yunxiu's headache came.

She went to work as an assistant for Jin Nanfeng, and she was also a dual assistant for life and work. There must be no time to go to the company.

, She just promised her brother to work well in the company, but within a few days, she suddenly changed her mind, she wanted

How to explain to Li Yunjin.

With Li Yunjin’s temperament, it is estimated that the heart of strangling oneself is all there, if you casually find a reason to fool Li

Yun Jin, maybe her good brother will be checked by himself, and there is no way to hide it.

After thinking about it, Li Yun ran to the Li Group during the filming of Jin Nanfeng in the afternoon.

"Can't come to the company for now?"

Li Yunjin put down the pen in his hand, and he looked a little dissatisfied as expected.

"Yes, although Chenchen has an assistant over there, he can't do without me at all. He is only four years old."

Li Yunxiu told Li Yunxiu about half-truths and half-truths, saying that only half-truths and half-hypotheses would make people more convinced.


Sure enough, after saying this, Li Yunjin really didn't doubt anything anymore, "Then you can go busy first, waiting for you.

Time is free, come back again. "

"Well, there is one more thing. Chenchen runs between the crew and the presidential palace every day. It's very tiring. The company attached us to the crew.

I rented a house recently and said it was more convenient to go to the crew, so I wanted to move in with Chenchen for a while. "

"You can figure it out by yourself. Just remember to go home for dinner when you have time."

"Don't worry, brother."

After leaving the Li Group, Li Yunxiu went back to the Presidential Palace to pack his luggage, unavoidably having to reconcile the remarks he just made with Shi Qing.

To say it again, the trouble is trouble, but after finally hiding it smoothly, Li Yunxiu can be said to be relieved.

Now, there is one last thing left.


"Mr. Jin, did Chen Chen move to that apartment with me?"

"You want to take him?"

Jin Nanfeng's brows tightened instantly, and his face was full of displeas. "Yang Yun didn't tell you how busy I am usually?"

"I will not delay your work because of Chenchen, and Chenchen's company also has arrangements..."

"You figure it out by yourself, in short, I don't want anyone to affect my normal life and work."

Jin Nanfeng interrupted Li Yunxiu impatiently.

Li Yunxiu's face turned pale, he came to give herself money, she thought they were already friends

Well... I didn't expect that she was amorous again. Jin Nanfeng didn't take this matter to heart at all.

This man, turning his face is really faster than turning a book.

Li Yunxiu sighed in tears.

After finishing work in the evening, when Li Yunxiu was still standing on the spot talking and laughing with a few staff members, he suddenly heard Jin Nanfeng calling

He said his name.

Looking back, Jin Nan had a calm expression on the face, only a pair of eyes, but a little angry.

Li Yunxiu said "Ah" and knocked on her head. Oops, how could she forget? Now she is Jin

Nanfeng’s assistant is gone, why didn’t Jin Nanfeng have a chat here...

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiu quickly hugged Chenchen and walked to Jin Nanfeng's face.

"Li Yunxiu, please remember who you are now."


Li Yunxiu could only accept the plant.

"Mr. Jin, are you going to have a massage today?" Yang Yun wrote in her notebook every weekend night.

Jin Nanfeng always goes for massage.

Jin Nanfeng glanced lightly at Li Yunxiu and Chen Chen, who was still dozing crookedly in Li Yunxiu's arms, with sleepy eyes.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I'm not in the mood to see you dragging the house, let's go back."


Li Yunxiu turned and followed Jin Nanfeng to the outside.

"Aunt, where are we going?" Chenchen rubbed his eyes.

"We will live in a new house."

"Aren't we living with Uncle and them?"

"No, we have to live outside for a while."

Jin Nanfeng heard the conversation between the two clearly, "Is this kid and uncle?"

Shocked by Jin Nanfeng's words, Li Yunxiu's palms could not help but sweat.


"You used to live with this kid's uncle?"


"Uncle and aunt live together..." Jin Nanfeng didn't know what he was thinking of, and the corners of his mouth raised a faint smile.

Rong, then teased, "The relationship between your family is really complicated enough."


Li Yunxiu's cold sweat was "fluttering" with his gaze, and he couldn't help lowering his head to avoid Jin Nanfeng's sight.

Seeing that she was a little unnatural, Jin Nanfeng turned his gaze back lightly, "Can you drive?"


Li Yunxiu nodded.

"Then drive. Yang Yun should have given you the address. I'm going to sleep for a while, so this kid don't bother me, or I

May throw you out of the car. "

Jin Nanfeng got into the car and closed his eyes directly.

Li Yunxiu felt helpless, and sat down with Chenchen in his arms.

About half an hour later, Jin Nanfeng's apartment arrived.

Jin Nanfeng has been filming all over the world all year round, and he has almost countless many real estate under his name.

Often where the crew is, he will choose a convenient location and rent it for a few months, or buy it directly.

The apartment is on the fourteenth floor, and Yang Yun's is opposite Jin Nanfeng. It doesn't even take a minute to walk over.

Li Yunxiu watched Jin Nanfeng open the door, and the long figure was in the deep black light behind the entrance.

"If you are fine at night, don't disturb me to rest."

Jin Nan threw a word without looking back, and then shut Li Yunxiu outside the door.

Really cold enough, is it your assistant anyway? Even if it's temporary, wouldn't it work to say good night?


Chenchen whispered.


Li Yunxiu hurriedly covered Chenchen's mouth, hugged Chenchen and returned to his apartment.

"Mommy, why did we move to the opposite side of Uncle Nanfeng's house?"

"This one……"

Li Yunxiu frowned, thought for a moment, and then smiled, "Do you want to live across from Uncle Nanfeng?"

"Yes!" Chen Chen has bright blue eyes. Not only does he want to live opposite to Uncle Nan Feng, he also wants Uncle Nan Feng to be

Where's my father.

"Chenchen, then mother tells you something." Li Yunxiu put Chenchen on the sofa and sat down, then in front of him

He squatted down and looked serious, "If grandpa, grandma and uncle ask you, why did Mommy move out?

Just because it is convenient to leave the crew, you must not mention Uncle Nanfeng, do you know? "

"Why?" Chenchen blinked innocently, "Mummy, didn't you say that lying is a bad boy?"

"Mommy didn't lie, it's really close to the crew, right?"

"Then why can't you mention Uncle Nanfeng?"

Li Yunxiu discovered that he could no longer fool his precious son.

Just make a stern face, the hard one is hard.

"Anyway, it just doesn't work, remember?"

"Mummy is such a strange person."

Especially after I met Uncle Nanfeng, it really became more and more strange.

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